"치체오 안카 발렌티나"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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47번째 줄: 47번째 줄:
Books I am currently reading:
<gallery mode=packed heights=220px>
File:KakaoTalk 20180319 143840978.jpg|[https://www.bookdepository.com/How-Not-Die-Michael-Greger/9781447282440 How Not To Die, Michael Greger]
File:KakaoTalk 20180319 143840786.jpg|[https://www.bookdepository.com/Einstein-Never-Used-Flashcards-Roberta-Michnick-Golinkoff/9781594860683?ref=grid-view&qid=1521438196258&sr=1-1 Einstein Never Used Flashcards, Roberta Golinkoff]
File:KakaoTalk 20180319 143840602.jpg|[https://www.bookdepository.com/Capitalism-John-Plender/9781785900204?ref=grid-view&qid=1521438306012&sr=1-2 Capitalism: Money, Morals, And Markets, John Plender]
File:KakaoTalk 20180319 143840397.jpg|[https://www.bookdepository.com/Homo-Deus-Yuval-Noah-Harari/9781784703936?ref=grid-view&qid=1521438369312&sr=1-1 Homo Deus, Yuval Noah Harari]

2018년 3월 19일 (월) 14:18 판

About Me


Year University Major
2010-2013 Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Korean and Chinese Language and Literature
2015-2017 한국학중앙연구원 한국 문화와역사
2017-present 한국학중앙연구원 고전번역학


I was born in the city of Cluj-Napoca, in Romania. Cluj-Napoca has a long and rich history, being recorded for the first time by the Greek geographer Claudius Ptolemy (AD c.100 - c.170) some two thousands of years ago. At that time the city was the capital of Roman province Dacia Porolissensis. It was elevated to municipality during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian (AD 117 – 138) under the name of Municipium Aelium Hadrianum Napoca and later to colony, around AD 180 under Marcus Aurelius or under Commodus. The Colony Aurelia Napoca had institutions, a local senate, magistrates, a people’s assembly, in other words, the status of any other city in the Roman Empire. The first documentary record of the city goes back to 1173 and refers to the settlement as Clus (in Latin “surrounded by hills”). Other names it had were Kolozsvar (in Hungarian) and Klausenburg (in German); the latter was given after the Saxon colonists who settled in the City of Cluj in the time of Stephen V of Hungary, subsequent to the Tatar attacks which decimated the autochthonous population. Klausenburg was one of the seven medieval Saxon cities (Siebenburgen) in Transylvania. Its first Romanian name was Clus, often written Klus, and in 1974 it was changed to Cluj-Napoca.[1]




Books I am currently reading:


I am a pescatarian trying to go vegetarian. People believe it is hard for me to find food to eat in Korea, but they are wrong.


  1. A brief history of Cluj-Napoca!
  2. Romania Europe Map!
  3. Romania Map!
  4. Image!