"NJ2018-2 Cultivating Rice (Data Compilation)"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
55번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
**hasProcess 三耕 (3rd plowing)
**hasProcess 三耕 (3rd plowing)
**一耕 (1st plowing) isPreviousInSequence 二耕 (2nd plowing)
*一耕 (1st plowing) isPreviousInSequence 二耕 (2nd plowing)
**二耕 (2nd plowing) isPreviousInSequence 三耕 (3rd plowing)
*二耕 (2nd plowing) isPreviousInSequence 三耕 (3rd plowing)
**一耕 (1st plowing)
*一耕 (1st plowing)
***when 秋收後 (after the autumn harvest)
**when 秋收後 (after the autumn harvest)
***where 水田 (paddy field)
**where 水田 (paddy field)
***水田 (paddy field)
**水田 (paddy field)
****hasBestGrade    上可以引水下可以決去者  
***hasBestGrade    上可以引水下可以決去者  
****hasSecondGrade 洿下渟水處*
***hasSecondGrade 洿下渟水處*
***hasWorstGrade  高處須雨而耕者。
***hasWorstGrade  高處須雨而耕者。
**二耕 (2nd plowing)
***when 正月氷解 (spring thaw in 01LM)
*二耕 (2nd plowing)
***method 耕之入糞 (plow and apply manure)
**when 正月氷解 (spring thaw in 01LM)
***method 入新土 (bring in new soil)
**method 耕之入糞 (plow and apply manure)
****耕之入糞 (plow and apply manure)
**method 入新土 (bring in new soil)
*****or 入新土 (bring in new soil)
***耕之入糞 (plow and apply manure)
**三耕 (3rd plowing)
****or 入新土 (bring in new soil)
***when  二月上旬 (01TW/02LM)
***method 治土縱橫摩平 (harrow the soil lengthwise and breadthwise)
*三耕 (3rd plowing)
***method 打破土塊令熟 (break up the clods of soil to make it ready for planting)
**when  二月上旬 (01TW/02LM)
****治土縱橫摩平 and 打破土塊令熟  
**method 治土縱橫摩平 (harrow the soil lengthwise and breadthwise)
****治土縱橫摩平 uses 木斫
**method 打破土塊令熟 (break up the clods of soil to make it ready for planting)
****打破土塊令熟 uses 鐵齒擺
***治土縱橫摩平 and 打破土塊令熟  
***治土縱橫摩平 uses 木斫
***打破土塊令熟 uses 鐵齒擺
*木斫 hasCommonName 所訖羅
*木斫 hasCommonName 所訖羅
*鐵齒擺 hasCommonName 手愁音
*鐵齒擺 hasCommonName 手愁音

2018년 9월 12일 (수) 10:06 판

1. 種稻 附 旱稻

  • 五章 (chapter 5)
    • isAbout 種稻 (cultivating rice)
    • includes 旱稻 (cultivating upland rice)

2. 稻種有早有晩。

  • 種稻 (cultivating rice)
    • appliesTo 稻 (rice)
  • 稻 (rice)
    • hasVariety 早稻 (early-sowing rice)
    • hasVariety 晩稻 (late-sowing rice)

3. 耕種法有水耕【鄕名: 水沙彌】, 有乾耕【鄕名: 乾沙彌】, 又有揷種【鄕名: 苗種】。除草之法, 則大抵皆同。

  • 種稻 (cultivating rice)
    • hasMethod 耕種法(稻) (plowing and sowing methods for rice)
    • hasMethod 除草法(稻) (weeding methods for rice)
  • 耕種法(稻) (plowing and sowing methods for rice)
    • includes 水耕 (wet farming)
    • includes 乾耕 (dry farming)
    • includes 揷種 (transplanting seedlings)
  • 除草法(稻) (weeding methods for rice )
    • generallyAppliesTo 諸稻 (all varieties of rice)
  • 水耕 hasCommonName 水沙彌
  • 乾耕 hasCommonName 乾沙彌
  • 揷種 hasCommonName 苗種

4. ○ 早稻: 秋收後, 擇連水源肥膏水田, 耕之。【凡水田, 上可以引水, 下可以決去, 旱則灌之, 雨則洩之者, 爲上。 洿下渟水處, 次之, 然久雨泥渾, 則苗腐。 高處須雨而耕者, 斯爲下矣。】 冬月入糞。【正月氷解, 耕之入糞。或入新土亦得。】 二月上旬又耕之。 以木斫【鄕名: 所訖羅】縱橫摩平, 復以鐵齒擺【鄕名: 手愁音】打破土塊令熟。

  • 早稻水耕 (wet farming for the early-sowing rice)
    • belongsTo 水耕 (wet farming)
    • appliesTo 早稻 (early-sowing rice)
    • hasProcess 耕 (plowing)
    • hasProcess 種 (sowing)
    • hasProcess 耘 (weeding)
    • hasProcess 刈 (harvest)
  • 耕 (plowing) isPreviousInSequence 種 (sowing)
  • 種 (sowing) isPreviousInSequence 耘 (weeding)
  • 耘 (weeding) isPreviousInSequence 刈 (harvest)
  • 耕 (plowing)
    • hasProcess 一耕 (1st plowing)
    • hasProcess 二耕 (2nd plowing)
    • hasProcess 三耕 (3rd plowing)
  • 一耕 (1st plowing) isPreviousInSequence 二耕 (2nd plowing)
  • 二耕 (2nd plowing) isPreviousInSequence 三耕 (3rd plowing)
  • 一耕 (1st plowing)
    • when 秋收後 (after the autumn harvest)
    • where 水田 (paddy field)
    • 水田 (paddy field)
      • hasBestGrade 上可以引水下可以決去者
      • hasSecondGrade 洿下渟水處*
      • hasWorstGrade 高處須雨而耕者。
  • 二耕 (2nd plowing)
    • when 正月氷解 (spring thaw in 01LM)
    • method 耕之入糞 (plow and apply manure)
    • method 入新土 (bring in new soil)
      • 耕之入糞 (plow and apply manure)
        • or 入新土 (bring in new soil)
  • 三耕 (3rd plowing)
    • when 二月上旬 (01TW/02LM)
    • method 治土縱橫摩平 (harrow the soil lengthwise and breadthwise)
    • method 打破土塊令熟 (break up the clods of soil to make it ready for planting)
      • 治土縱橫摩平 and 打破土塊令熟
      • 治土縱橫摩平 uses 木斫
      • 打破土塊令熟 uses 鐵齒擺
  • 木斫 hasCommonName 所訖羅
  • 鐵齒擺 hasCommonName 手愁音