"Nongsajikseol - Plowing the soil"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 2: 에벨린)
(Plowing Cow(耕牛,農牛) 耕耘機)
(사용자 7명의 중간 판 35개는 보이지 않습니다)
124번째 줄: 124번째 줄:
* Line 5
* Line 5
**春耕, 則隨耕[[隨治]], 秋耕, 則待[[土色乾白]], 乃治.
**春耕, 則隨耕'''隨治''', 秋耕, 則待'''土色乾白''', 乃治.
** 隨治:
** 隨治:
***수: to follow, to comply with  
***수: to follow, to comply with. <ref>Mandarin-English Dictionary & Thesaurus [https://www.yellowbridge.com Yellow Bridge]</ref>
***치: set things in their proper channels, put in good order, set or bring to order, set right.
***치: set things in their proper channels, put in good order, set or bring to order, set right.<ref>Kroll, Paul W. ''A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese'', 2017, p. 608]</ref>
** "땅 갈이를 하면서 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 병행하여야 하지만 " (ver. 1)
** "땅 갈이를 하면서 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 병행하여야 하지만" (ver. 2)
** "따라 갈고 다스릴 수 있으나" (RDK)
** "밭을 갈면서 뒤를 따라 땅을 다루어야 하며" (NKV)
** [...] rake the soil right after it is plowed. (Ver. 1&2)
*** Where is the 병행하다 word or sense in the English translation? Is it a misinterpretation of the original version?
** 土色乾白:
***白- "wait for the soil to dry out and turn '''white'''"
** Can we use a different expression to denote this "white" meaning? Is it possible to use "whitish"? <ref>Examples of translations by James Legge as reference for these two characters together.[https://ctext.org/pre-qin-and-han?searchu=%E5%9C%9F%E7%99%BD Chinese Text Project]</ref>
==='''Student 3: 권지은'''===
==='''Student 3: 권지은'''===
133번째 줄: 142번째 줄:
7. 薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
*Line 7
**薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
**거친 밭은 녹두를 경작하여 무성해지기를 기다렸다가 갈아엎으면 잡초가 자라지 않고 벌레가 없어 척박한 토양이 변하여 좋아진다.
-Korean Translation
-Is there any difference between these words? plowing, sowing, planting, farming...
척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
-What word could be the best translation of 耕?
-English Translation Ver.1
For poor fields, wait until the mung bean plants are lush after plowing, cover [the field with the leaves] and plow[3]. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.
-English Translation Ver.2
For poor fields, plow, plant mung beans, wait them to be lush and then turn over the soil. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.
*薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
거친 밭은 녹두를 경작하여 무성해지기를 기다렸다가 갈아엎으면 잡초가 자라지 않고 벌레가 없어 척박한 토양이 변하여 좋아진다.
-My understanding is there is a difference between '심다' and '경작하다'. '심어' means planting and '경작하여' means farming
*Line 10
**軟熟 : soft and fermented/ripen
157번째 줄: 158번째 줄:
Top soil is a mistranslation of 生地. How about virgin soil?
Top soil is a mistranslation of 生地. How about virgin soil?
* Between Line 7 and 8, '''○荒地七八月間耕地 掩草''' is missing.
* Between Line 7 and 8, '''○荒地七八月間耕地掩草'''<ref>세종실록 77권, 세종 19년 6월 13일 辛未 1번째기사 1437년 명 정통(正統) 2년[http://sillok.history.go.kr/id/WDA_11906013_001]</ref> is missing.
** 황지는 7,8월 사이에 땅을 갈고 풀을 덮어~
** 황지는 7,8월 사이에 땅을 갈고 풀을 덮어~
164번째 줄: 165번째 줄:
==='''Student 4: 안카'''===
==='''Student 4: 안카'''===
'''宜''' translated as 'should be', lines 2, 4, 9 (proper, appropriate, right, should)
'''Line 7''', last part : 變塉爲良 - no 'fertile soil';
*○ 薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕[2], 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
*○ 척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
*○ 척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
*토박한 밭에 녹두를 심어 무성하기를 기다렸다가 갈아 엎으면 잡초도 나지 않고 벌레도 나지 않으며 메마른 토양이 기름진 밭으로 변하게 된다.
*박전에는 록두를 심고 그것이 무성하여진 다음 그대로 갈아 번지(掩耕)고 거기에 곡물을 심으면 가라지(莠)도 생기지 않으며 충해도 입지 않을 뿐더러 척박하던 땅이 좋은 밭으로 변하여진다.
*○For poor fields, wait until the mung bean plants are lush after plowing, cover [the field with the leaves] and plow[3]. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.
*○ For poor fields, plow, plant mung beans, wait them to be lush and then turn over the soil. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.
!Chinese||Korean||English||New Translation(?)
|耕||(땅을) 갈다||plow, plant, turn over||
|耕(宜)淺||깊게 갈지 않는다, 얕게 갈다||shallow plowing||
|耕(宜)深||깊게 갈다||deep plowing||
|治||(따으을) 고르게 하다, 다스리다, 다루다 ||rake||
|旱田||마른 밭||dry field||
|薄田||척박한 밭, 토박한 밭||poor fields||
|菉豆||녹두||mung beans||
|莠||잡초, 가라지||weeds||
|虫||벌레, 충해||insects||
|塉||척박한 (땅), 메마른 토양, 척박한 토양||barren soil||
|種||씨앗을 뿌리다, 파종하다||sow||
|荒地||황지, 거친 땅, 황무지||wasteland||
|生地||속땅, 생땅||topsoil, virgin soil||
|(土)軟||부드러운 (숙토), (흙이) 부드럽다||soft (soil/field)||
==='''Student 5: 이창섭'''===
==='''Student 5: 이창섭'''===
210번째 줄: 261번째 줄:
====Over all Discussion====
====Over all Discussion====
*○ 이 표기에 대한 정의가 필요할 듯 보입니다. 보통 이 표시는 원문의 문장의 시작과 끝을 나타내는 기호인데, 보통은 각 문단의 제목에는 안 붙습니다. 만약 제목과 원문의 차이를 두고 싶다면 다른 형태의 기호가 아니면 공백을 주어서 다른 표현을 해야 할 듯 보입니다.
*○ 이 표기에 대한 정의가 필요할 듯 보입니다. 보통 이 표시는 원문의 문장의 시작과 끝을 나타내는 기호인데, 보통은 각 문단의 제목에는 안 붙습니다. 만약 제목과 원문의 차이를 두고 싶다면 다른 형태의 기호가 아니면 공백을 주어서 다른 표현을 해야 할 듯 보입니다.
*땅갈이 표현에 대해서 한번 생각해 보아야 겠습니다. 본래 의미는 경작이 가능한 땅이란 의미지만, 내용은 경작하는 방법을 의미하니 "땅갈이 하는 법" 이라거나 "경작 하는 법"도 어떨가 생각해 봅니다.
*[https://ko.wikisource.org/wiki/%EB%86%8D%EC%82%AC%EC%A7%81%EC%84%A4 농사직설 원문서비스]
219번째 줄: 273번째 줄:
===Plowing Cow(耕牛,農牛) 耕耘機===
The old units for measuring land area in Korea are Majigi and Harugali and Baemi. Those are written in Chinese characters as 斗落,日耕,夜味, but they should be on the basis of the idu 吏讀 pronunciation.  In Chosŏn’s agriculture, the area that can be plowed by a cow a day is called Harugali (日耕). Majigiis(斗落) the land area where 4.8 kg of rice seeds can be sown. K.HM explains the relationship between ilgyŏng (日耕) and one majigi(斗落) in “MKD” as follows: 
Those without oxen must hire nine laborers to pull the plow to get the power of one ox. They can plow and plant twenty tothirty du of seed in the field plowed by one ox a day.
K.HM deemed ilgyŏng(Harugali), the average farmland size in early Chosŏn, as 20-30 majigi based on the amount of seeds planted. It is equal to 4,000*3.3square meters. By quoting from ”MKD”, Farm Management Sallimgyŏngje, an agricultural book published in the late Chosŏn, explains that one paemi is the area that can be plowed in one day by a single horse and where 20-30 mal of seeds can be sown. Yu Hyŏngwŏn(柳馨遠: 1622-1673) explained that the area of 70 mǔ (畝, 193.3 square meters) is equivalent to one qǐng (頃) in the old system of China and this is the minimum area where 26 to 27 mal of rice can be sown.
莊客之謂舍音,田畦之謂夜味,準以方言,當云末音ㆍ裵味 與猶堂全書補遺 餛飩錄 餛飩錄 四
Identifying the relationship between the land area unit of Chosŏn and that of China, he also explains that 70 mǔ, or one qǐng is the minimum area needed for a farmer to effectively cultivate. In the case of the ancient Xia,Yin, and Zhou dynasties, there was a change in the measurementsover time. The appropriate area for farmers to cultivate was 50 mǔ and 70 mǔ in Xia and Yin, respectively. In Zhou Dynasty, 100 mu was equivalent to one qǐng, widened to sow 40 mal of seeds. At his time, 100mǔ was an area where 80 mal of seeds, twice as many as in 100 mǔ or oneqǐng in Zhou Dynasty, could be sown. Therefore, four ilgyŏng (日耕) is equivalent to one qǐng.
In “MKD” published in the early Chosŏn Dynasty, the area where 20 to 30 mal of seeds can be sown is considered as oneilgyŏng of field, so the land area of the early Chosŏn is similar to that of the Xia Dynasty. Yu Hyŏngwŏn says that the quantity of the seeds that can be planted either in 10 majigi of paddy field or 1 ilgyŏng of field is 20 mal. According to him, 10 majigi of rice paddy equals one ilgyŏng of fields, where 20 mal of rice plants can be sown.
Tasan says that the power of eight people is required to farm 100 mǔ, or one qǐng, so if a husband and wife couple properly form a patriarchal family, they receive 25 myo of farmland. He adds that it requires eight people to cultivate 100 myo. According to Tasan, 1 ilgyŏng plowed by a cow equates to the manpower of seven to nine people, as seen in “MKD”. Therefore, 100 mǔ, or one qǐng can be counted as 1 ilgyŏng plowed by a cow. According to Tasan, for the purposes of taxation, men of 20 to 60 years of age and women of 20 to 50 years of age should be recorded as vigorous youths, and farmers should be taxed by converting the labor of eight men into 100 myo.
Thus, the plowing of cattle has an indispensable relationship with the physiocracy of Chosŏn society. F.H King, an American agriculturist at the end of the 19th century, also recorded cow plowing as a signature characteristic of Korean farming. He says that Korean farming is characterized by mixed cropping and intercropping, mostly with soy beans, by making a narrow dam in a rice field or a paddy, and plowing with two cows. Having observed that horses plowed in Japan while two cows did the job in Korea, he left the following remark: 
“Here in Japan the plowing wasbeing done mostly with horses instead of the heavy bullocks so exclusively employed in Korea. Coming from China into Korea, and from there into Japan, it appeared very clear that in agricultural methods and appliances the Koreans and Japanese are more closely similar than the Chinese and Koreans, and the more we came to see of the Japanese methods the more strongly the impression became fixed that the Japanese had derived their methods either from the Koreans or the Koreans had taken theirs more largely from Japan than from China. (Farmers of Forty Centuries, p. 101) .
==='''Tutor 2: 김현'''===
==='''Tutor 2: 김현'''===
====標點 Punctuation====
耕地宜徐. 徐則土軟, 牛不疲困. 春夏耕宜淺, 秋耕宜深. 春耕則隨耕隨治, 秋耕則待土色乾白乃治.
○旱田: 初耕, 後布草燒之又耕, 則其田自美.
○薄田: 耕菉豆, 待其茂盛掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 燮塉爲良.
○荒地: 七八月間, 耕之掩草. 明年氷釋, 又耕, 後下種. 大抵荒地開墾, 初耕宜深, 再耕宜淺. 【初深後淺, 則生地不起, 令土軟熟.】
○荒地辨試之法: 斸土一尺深, 嘗其味. 甛者爲上, 不甛不醎者次之, 醎爲下.
====Why is Western punctuation used in Chinese writing?====
During the late 1910s, there is a movement called New Culture Movement, and a major goal of it is to teach everyone to read and write. The Classical Chinese was too hard for people to read, and lacking punctuation is one of the difficulties. On 29 November, 1919, Ma Yuzao and other 5 person submitted a proposal of calling for using modern punctuation system, which mixed classical and Western punctuations. Outline of History of Chinese Philosophy (中國哲學史大綱) by Hu Shi (胡適) is the first work applying this punctuation system. [https://chinese.stackexchange.com/questions/22674/why-is-western-punctuation-used-in-chinese-writing]
====Punctuation marks and Typographic styles used in Classical Chinese Textbooks ====
* ,(逗號/Dòu hào) is a comma.
* 。(句號/jù hào) is a full stop, equivalent to a period in Western punctuation.
* 、(顿號/dùn hào) is an enumerated comma, used when listing things in sentences.
* ?(問號/wèn hào) is a question mark
* !(感歎號/jīng tàn hào) is an exclamation mark
* ;(分號/fēn hào) is a semicolon
* :(冒號/mào hào) is a colon
* 「...」/ “...” (引号/yǐn hào) are both used for quotation marks.
* ____ (專名號/zhuān míng hào) Proper name mark (underline)
* ﹏﹏ (書名號/shū míng hào) Title mark (wavy underline)
====Grammar / Pattern Practice====
* 耕地宜徐. ...... 秋耕則待土色乾白乃治.
*# (A) 宜 (B) ..... For (A) / When you do (A), you should do (B).
*# 待 (A) 乃 (B) ...... wait until (A) then do (B)
* 春耕則隨耕隨治, 秋耕則待土色乾白乃治.
*# 隨 (A) 隨 (B) ...... following (A) do (B)
*# 待 (A) 乃 (B) ...... wait until (A) then do (B)
* 初耕, 後布草燒之又耕, 則其田自美.
*# Temporal sequence: 初耕 → (後) 布草燒之 → (又)耕
* 耕菉豆, 待其茂盛掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
*# 待其茂盛掩耕 .... 待其茂盛(乃)耕(以)掩(之)
*# 變 (A) 爲 (B) .... make (A) change and become (B)
*# 塉=瘠 척/ji(2), zi(4)  ..... barren / lean
* 斸土一尺深, 嘗其味. 甛者爲上, 不甛不醎者次之, 醎者爲下.
*# 斸土一尺深 ..... 斸(V)土(O)一尺深(adverb phrase describing How)
*# 醎=鹹 함/xian(2) ..... salty
=='''Collaborative Translation Result'''==
=='''Collaborative Translation Result'''==
*Dry and white --> whitish, lighter?
*Rake the soil right after, or at the same time?
** Prof Jun - In the spring, do not have to wait until the soil dries (unlike autumn), so it can be raked right away
*North Korean version of rake-plowing was best
*Meaning of 경 - plowing, sowing, seeding, etc.
**Prof. Jun - preparing 비, plowing 경, planting 종
** Prof Kim - the different meanings
*How to use 숙 in regard to soil
*생지 - topsoil is not the right translation
*Problem with file
*녹두 as fertilizer
**Prof Jun - Korea, Balhae is 콩의 나라,
***두만강 Duman/Tumen River: The source of beans
***동두 eastern bean - 발래
*Prof Jun: Importance of cows for farming
**Japan used only horses
**Only Korea uses cows for plowing because of the slow speed, only used wooden tools
**Joseon government protected cows and prevented people from eating them
*How to translate 宜
**Prof Kim - proper, appropriate, - you should do this because it is most appropriate and proper
**Prof Jun - 의 not as strong as 령, so appropriate is
**Prof Kim - 의 implies moral command - it is morally good (therefore you should do it)
**Prof Jun - they use 의 a lot because in Confucianism they do not have straight commands
*變塉爲良 - no meaning of fertile soil... how to translate?
**Prof Jun - 량 does have the meaning of fertile
*Made list of terms in Chinese, Korean, English - to help for translation consistency
*Insects 충, 균 - should we state harmful insects
*융 - aerating the soil, earth worms make holes in the soil? 융합?
*The circle - it is used inconsistently
**Prof Kim - Usually circle is separator of text, so it should not be included in the title; in the original text, a blank space has an important meaing, the space shows that the next phrase in the title or a very important thing or the name of the king
**Prof Jun - Standard editing - very important for government publishing, private publishing, Seongjong provided movable type, so it is a bit different - empty spaces are important signals of information, art of editing
*The title: expression: 땅갈이 Verb - to plow the land
**Prof Jun  - Each character has each meaning, very consise and condensed and each character has its own meaning
*Chinese texts - organized on a specific topic, not overall like 농사직설, no phrases in 농사직설 reused from Chinese texts
**Prof Jun - cannot find these characters in introduction even from other texts
**Very unique expressions
*Link to full text - includes annotations, but we should be cautious
*한전, 박전, 황지
*Importance of 녹두 - esp in 함경도, 평안도
*Sejong - six kinds of land
'''Prof Kim'''
*Punctuation - modern punctuation rules - suggest following the modern rules because it is like a global standard.
*Explanation of
**Comma - separation of phrases
**Semicolons - only when the two clauses are in the form of couplet.
**Colon - when present some expression as a synthesization of the rest of the text - 한전: explanation; or a quotation
*Explanation of grammar patterns
===English Translation, Version 3 (Editor: __________ )===
===English Translation, Version 3 (Editor: __________ )===

2018년 4월 11일 (수) 05:40 기준 최신판

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耕地 Plowing the soil

Original Script

  1. ○ 耕地
  2. 耕地宜徐.
  3. 徐則土軟, 牛不疲困.
  4. 春夏耕宜淺, 秋耕宜深.[1]
  5. 春耕, 則隨耕隨治, 秋耕, 則待土色乾白, 乃治.
  6. ○ 旱田, 初耕後, 布草燒之. 又耕, 則其田自美.
  7. ○ 薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕[2], 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
  8. 明年氷釋, 又耕後, 下種.
  9. 大抵荒地開墾, 初耕宜深, 再耕宜淺
  10. 初深後淺, 則生地不起, 令土軟熟.

Previous Translations

Korean Translation, Version 1

  1. 땅갈이
  2. 땅을 갈 때에는 될 수 있으면 천천히 해야 한다.
  3. 천천히 할수록 토양이 부드러워지기 때문이고 소도 힘이 들지 않아 피곤하지 않게 된다.
  4. 봄과 여름의 땅 갈이는 깊게 갈지 않는다. 반면에 가을의 땅갈이는 마땅히 깊게 갈아야 한다.
  5. 봄갈이의 경우 땅 갈이를 하면서 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 병행하여야 하지만 가을갈이의 경우 땅을 갈아놓고 토양의 색이 마르고 하얗게 되기를 기다린 후에 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 수행해야 한다.
  6. ○ 마른 밭(dry field)은 첫 갈이(애벌갈이) 후에 풀을 덮고 그 풀을 불에 태우고, 다시 또 갈이를 하면 그 밭이 저절로 비옥해진다.
  7. ○ 척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
  8. 이듬해에 얼음이 녹을 무렵에 다시 한 번 더 갈고 난 후에 씨앗을 뿌린다.
  9. 대개 거친 땅(황무지)의 개간은 처음 갈이는 깊게 갈고 두 번 째 갈이를 얕게 간다.
  10. 처음에 깊게 갈고 나중에 얕게 갈아야 속땅[生地]이 일어나지 않아서, 흙이 부드러우면서도 비옥해진다.

Korean Translation, Version 2

  1. 땅갈이
  2. 땅을 갈 때에는 될 수 있으면 천천히 해야 한다.
  3. 천천히 하면 토양이 부드럽기 때문에 소가 힘이 들지 않아 피곤하지 않게 된다.
  4. 봄과 여름의 땅 갈이는 깊게 갈지 않는다. 반면에 가을의 땅갈이는 마땅히 깊게 갈아야 한다.
  5. 봄갈이의 경우 땅 갈이를 하면서 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 병행하여야 하지만 가을갈이의 경우 땅을 갈아놓고 토양의 색이 마르고 하얗게 되기를 기다린 후에 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 수행해야 한다.
  6. ○ 마른 밭(dry field)은 첫 갈이(애벌갈이) 후에 풀을 덮고 그 풀을 불에 태우고, 다시 또 갈이를 하면 그 밭이 저절로 비옥해진다.
  7. ○ 척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
  8. 이듬해에 얼음이 녹을 무렵에 다시 한 번 더 갈고 난 후에 씨앗을 뿌린다.
  9. 대개 거친 땅(황무지)의 개간은 처음 갈이는 깊게 갈고 두 번 째 갈이를 얕게 간다.
  10. 처음에 깊게 갈고 나중에 얕게 갈아야 속땅[生地]이 일어나지 않아서, 흙이 부드러우면서도 비옥해진다.

Korean Translation, RDK

  1. 땅갈이 방법
  2. 땅갈이는 천천히 해야 흙이 부드러워지고 소도 피로하지 않는다.
  3. 흙이 부드러워지고 소도 피로하지 않는다.
  4. 봄과 여름갈이는 얕게 가는 것이 좋고 가을갈이는 깊게 가는 게 좋다.
  5. 봄갈이는 때에 따라 갈고 다스릴 수 있으나 가을갈이는 흙빛이 희게 마르기를 기다려 다스려야 한다.
  6. 밭은 애벌갈이 후 풀을 펴서 불사르고 다시 갈면 밭이 저절로 좋아진다.
  7. 토박한 밭에 녹두를 심어 무성하기를 기다렸다가 갈아 엎으면 잡초도 나지 않고 벌레도 나지 않으며 메마른 토양이 기름진 밭으로 변하게 된다.
  8. 이듬해 얼음이 풀릴 무렵 또 다시 갈고 씨앗을 파종한다.
  9. 대개 거친 땅의 개간은 애벌갈이는 깊이 가는 게 좋고 두벌갈이는 얕게 가는 것이 좋다.
  10. 처음 깊이 갈고 나중에 얕게 갈면 생땅이 일어나지 않고 흙을 부드러운 숙토로 만들 수 있다.

Korean Translation, NKV

  1. 밭 가는(耕地) 법
  2. 밭갈이는 천천히 하여야 한다.
  3. 천천히 하면 흙이 연하게 되는 동시에 소가 피곤을 느끼지 않는다.
  4. 봄과 여름에 실시하는 밭갈이는 땅을 얉게 갈아야 하며 가을에 밭을 가는 경우에는 깊게 갈아야 한다.
  5. 봄 밭갈이는 밭을 갈면서 뒤를 따라 땅을 다루어야 하며 가을에 밭을 갈 때에는 반전된 흙밥이 말라서 흰빛이 날 즈음에 다루어야 한다.
  6. 한전(旱田)은 초경한 후에 풀을 그 우에 펴고 불지른 다음 다시 갈면 그 밭이 저절로 좋은 밭이 된다.
  7. 박전에는 록두를 심고 그것이 무성하여진 다음 그대로 갈아 번지(掩耕)고 거기에 곡물을 심으면 가라지(莠)도 생기지 않으며 충해도 입지 않을 뿐더러 척박하던 땅이 좋은 밭으로 변하여진다.
  8. 다음 해 얼음이 녹을 때 다시 갈고 파종한다.
  9. 대체로 황지를 개간할 경우에 있어서 초경 때에는 깊게 갈아야 하며 재경 때부터는 얕게 갈아야 한다.
  10. 없음

English Translation, Version 1

  1. ○Plowing the Soil
  2. Plowing the soil should be done slowly.
  3. When done slowly, the soil becomes soft, and the ox does not tire out.
  4. Spring and summer plowing should be shallow, and autumn plowing should be deep.
  5. In spring plowing, rake the soil right after it is plowed; whereas for autumn plowing, wait for the soil to dry out and turn white, then rake.
  6. For dry fields, straw is spread and burned after the first plowing. The fields are naturally enriched after plowing again.
  7. ○For poor fields, wait until the mung bean plants are lush after plowing, cover [the field with the leaves] and plow[3]. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.
  8. When the ice thaws in the following year, plow once more and then sow.
  9. In general, when reclaiming wasteland, the first plowing should be deep and the second plowing should be shallow.
  10. First plow deeply and then plow lightly so the topsoil is not exposed, making it soft and ready.

English Translation, Version 2

  1. ○Plowing the Soil
  2. Plowing the soil should be done slowly.
  3. When done slowly, the soil becomes soft, and the plow ox does not tire out.
  4. Spring and summer plowing should be shallow, and autumn plowing should be deep.
  5. In spring plowing, rake the soil right after it is plowed; whereas for autumn plowing, wait for the soil to dry out and turn white, then rake.
  6. For dry fields, straw is spread and burned after the first plowing. The fields are naturally enriched after plowing again.
  7. ○ For poor fields, plow, plant mung beans, wait them to be lush and then turn over the soil. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.[4]
  8. When the ice thaws in the following year, plow once more and then sow.
  9. In general, when reclaiming wasteland, the first plowing should be deep and the second plowing should be shallow.
  10. First plow deeply and the plow shallowly so as not to stir up the virgin soil but to make the field soft and mellow.

Students' Contribution

Student 1: 린지

Plowing the Soil

The soil should be plowed slowly. When done slowly, the soil becomes soft, and the ox does not tire. Spring and summer plowing should be shallow, and autumn plowing should be deep. For spring plowing, rake the soil right after it is plowed; for autumn plowing, wait for the soil to dry out and turn white, then rake. For dry fields, straw should be spread and burned after the first plowing. The fields will be naturally enriched after plowing again. For poor fields, plow and plant mung beans. When they become lush, turn over the soil as is. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will become fertile. When the ice thaws in the following year, plow once more and then sow. In general, when reclaiming uncultivated land, the first plowing should be deep and the second plowing should be shallow. If you first plow deeply and then shallowly, the subsoil/bedrock is not exposed, making the soil soft and fertile.

  • Statement versus command
    • "Is" versus "should be"
  • Misunderstanding of the meaning of topsoil/virgin soil, etc. 생땅/속땅 refers to the layers underneath the topsoil, though I am not sure whether is is subsoil (심토) or bedrock (기반암).
  • There were a few cases where there was a translation in the Korean which carried onto the English which wasn't in the original text: like "whereas autumn plowing..." but there is no "whereas" in the original text I believe.
  • There were also some cases of wordiness. I made the grammar more concise.
  • Also, "wasteland" is not incorrect, but it also has the additional meaning of "industrial wasteland" or useless, dirty, unwanted. The phrase "uncultivated land" avoids this additional meaning.
  • The part about he mungbeans was a bit unclear so I tried to rephrase it.

Key Words

  • ox
  • mung bean
  • uncultivated land
  • 생땅/속땅 (subsoil or bedrock)
  • straw

Student 2: 에벨린

  • Line 5
    • 春耕, 則隨耕隨治, 秋耕, 則待土色乾白, 乃治.
    • 隨治:
      • 수: to follow, to comply with. [5]
      • 치: set things in their proper channels, put in good order, set or bring to order, set right.[6]
    • "땅 갈이를 하면서 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 병행하여야 하지만 " (ver. 1)
    • "땅 갈이를 하면서 땅을 고르게 하는 작업을 병행하여야 하지만" (ver. 2)
    • "따라 갈고 다스릴 수 있으나" (RDK)
    • "밭을 갈면서 뒤를 따라 땅을 다루어야 하며" (NKV)
    • [...] rake the soil right after it is plowed. (Ver. 1&2)
      • Where is the 병행하다 word or sense in the English translation? Is it a misinterpretation of the original version?
    • 土色乾白:
      • 白- "wait for the soil to dry out and turn white"
    • Can we use a different expression to denote this "white" meaning? Is it possible to use "whitish"? [7]

Student 3: 권지은


  • Line 7
    • 薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
    • 거친 밭은 녹두를 경작하여 무성해지기를 기다렸다가 갈아엎으면 잡초가 자라지 않고 벌레가 없어 척박한 토양이 변하여 좋아진다.

-Is there any difference between these words? plowing, sowing, planting, farming...

-What word could be the best translation of 耕?

  • Line 10
    • 軟熟 : soft and fermented/ripen


  • The word '生地' : 표토층 밑에 어느 정도 단단한 자연 지반. 한 번도 파헤친 적이 없는 원래 그대로의 굳은 땅. [북한어] 한 번도 거름을 주지 아니한 채로 있는 땅.

Top soil is a mistranslation of 生地. How about virgin soil?

  • Between Line 7 and 8, ○荒地七八月間耕地掩草[8] is missing.
    • 황지는 7,8월 사이에 땅을 갈고 풀을 덮어~

Student 4: 안카

translated as 'should be', lines 2, 4, 9 (proper, appropriate, right, should)

Line 7, last part : 變塉爲良 - no 'fertile soil';

  • ○ 薄田, 耕菉豆待其茂盛, 掩耕[2], 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
  • ○ 척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
  • ○ 척박한 밭은 녹두를 심어 무성히 자라기를 기다렸다가 갈아서 엎어버리면 잡초가 자라지도 않고 벌레도 없어지며 척박한 토양이 비옥한 토양으로 변하게 된다.
  • 토박한 밭에 녹두를 심어 무성하기를 기다렸다가 갈아 엎으면 잡초도 나지 않고 벌레도 나지 않으며 메마른 토양이 기름진 밭으로 변하게 된다.
  • 박전에는 록두를 심고 그것이 무성하여진 다음 그대로 갈아 번지(掩耕)고 거기에 곡물을 심으면 가라지(莠)도 생기지 않으며 충해도 입지 않을 뿐더러 척박하던 땅이 좋은 밭으로 변하여진다.
  • ○For poor fields, wait until the mung bean plants are lush after plowing, cover [the field with the leaves] and plow[3]. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.
  • ○ For poor fields, plow, plant mung beans, wait them to be lush and then turn over the soil. Then there will be no weeds and no insects, and barren soil will be turned into fertile soil.


Chinese Korean English New Translation(?)
(땅을) 갈다 plow, plant, turn over
耕(宜)淺 깊게 갈지 않는다, 얕게 갈다 shallow plowing
耕(宜)深 깊게 갈다 deep plowing
(따으을) 고르게 하다, 다스리다, 다루다 rake
旱田 마른 밭 dry field
薄田 척박한 밭, 토박한 밭 poor fields
菉豆 녹두 mung beans
잡초, 가라지 weeds
벌레, 충해 insects
척박한 (땅), 메마른 토양, 척박한 토양 barren soil
씨앗을 뿌리다, 파종하다 sow
荒地 황지, 거친 땅, 황무지 wasteland
生地 속땅, 생땅 topsoil, virgin soil
(土)軟 부드러운 (숙토), (흙이) 부드럽다 soft (soil/field)

Student 5: 이창섭

Over all Discussion

  • ○ 이 표기에 대한 정의가 필요할 듯 보입니다. 보통 이 표시는 원문의 문장의 시작과 끝을 나타내는 기호인데, 보통은 각 문단의 제목에는 안 붙습니다. 만약 제목과 원문의 차이를 두고 싶다면 다른 형태의 기호가 아니면 공백을 주어서 다른 표현을 해야 할 듯 보입니다.
  • 땅갈이 표현에 대해서 한번 생각해 보아야 겠습니다. 본래 의미는 경작이 가능한 땅이란 의미지만, 내용은 경작하는 방법을 의미하니 "땅갈이 하는 법" 이라거나 "경작 하는 법"도 어떨가 생각해 봅니다.

Student 6: 강혜원

Tutor 1: 전성호

Plowing Cow(耕牛,農牛) 耕耘機

The old units for measuring land area in Korea are Majigi and Harugali and Baemi. Those are written in Chinese characters as 斗落,日耕,夜味, but they should be on the basis of the idu 吏讀 pronunciation. In Chosŏn’s agriculture, the area that can be plowed by a cow a day is called Harugali (日耕). Majigiis(斗落) the land area where 4.8 kg of rice seeds can be sown. K.HM explains the relationship between ilgyŏng (日耕) and one majigi(斗落) in “MKD” as follows:

Those without oxen must hire nine laborers to pull the plow to get the power of one ox. They can plow and plant twenty tothirty du of seed in the field plowed by one ox a day.

K.HM deemed ilgyŏng(Harugali), the average farmland size in early Chosŏn, as 20-30 majigi based on the amount of seeds planted. It is equal to 4,000*3.3square meters. By quoting from ”MKD”, Farm Management Sallimgyŏngje, an agricultural book published in the late Chosŏn, explains that one paemi is the area that can be plowed in one day by a single horse and where 20-30 mal of seeds can be sown. Yu Hyŏngwŏn(柳馨遠: 1622-1673) explained that the area of 70 mǔ (畝, 193.3 square meters) is equivalent to one qǐng (頃) in the old system of China and this is the minimum area where 26 to 27 mal of rice can be sown. 舍音。訓마름。夜味。訓밤이 莊客之謂舍音,田畦之謂夜味,準以方言,當云末音ㆍ裵味 與猶堂全書補遺 餛飩錄 餛飩錄 四

Identifying the relationship between the land area unit of Chosŏn and that of China, he also explains that 70 mǔ, or one qǐng is the minimum area needed for a farmer to effectively cultivate. In the case of the ancient Xia,Yin, and Zhou dynasties, there was a change in the measurementsover time. The appropriate area for farmers to cultivate was 50 mǔ and 70 mǔ in Xia and Yin, respectively. In Zhou Dynasty, 100 mu was equivalent to one qǐng, widened to sow 40 mal of seeds. At his time, 100mǔ was an area where 80 mal of seeds, twice as many as in 100 mǔ or oneqǐng in Zhou Dynasty, could be sown. Therefore, four ilgyŏng (日耕) is equivalent to one qǐng. In “MKD” published in the early Chosŏn Dynasty, the area where 20 to 30 mal of seeds can be sown is considered as oneilgyŏng of field, so the land area of the early Chosŏn is similar to that of the Xia Dynasty. Yu Hyŏngwŏn says that the quantity of the seeds that can be planted either in 10 majigi of paddy field or 1 ilgyŏng of field is 20 mal. According to him, 10 majigi of rice paddy equals one ilgyŏng of fields, where 20 mal of rice plants can be sown. Tasan says that the power of eight people is required to farm 100 mǔ, or one qǐng, so if a husband and wife couple properly form a patriarchal family, they receive 25 myo of farmland. He adds that it requires eight people to cultivate 100 myo. According to Tasan, 1 ilgyŏng plowed by a cow equates to the manpower of seven to nine people, as seen in “MKD”. Therefore, 100 mǔ, or one qǐng can be counted as 1 ilgyŏng plowed by a cow. According to Tasan, for the purposes of taxation, men of 20 to 60 years of age and women of 20 to 50 years of age should be recorded as vigorous youths, and farmers should be taxed by converting the labor of eight men into 100 myo. Thus, the plowing of cattle has an indispensable relationship with the physiocracy of Chosŏn society. F.H King, an American agriculturist at the end of the 19th century, also recorded cow plowing as a signature characteristic of Korean farming. He says that Korean farming is characterized by mixed cropping and intercropping, mostly with soy beans, by making a narrow dam in a rice field or a paddy, and plowing with two cows. Having observed that horses plowed in Japan while two cows did the job in Korea, he left the following remark:

“Here in Japan the plowing wasbeing done mostly with horses instead of the heavy bullocks so exclusively employed in Korea. Coming from China into Korea, and from there into Japan, it appeared very clear that in agricultural methods and appliances the Koreans and Japanese are more closely similar than the Chinese and Koreans, and the more we came to see of the Japanese methods the more strongly the impression became fixed that the Japanese had derived their methods either from the Koreans or the Koreans had taken theirs more largely from Japan than from China. (Farmers of Forty Centuries, p. 101) .

Tutor 2: 김현

標點 Punctuation


耕地宜徐. 徐則土軟, 牛不疲困. 春夏耕宜淺, 秋耕宜深. 春耕則隨耕隨治, 秋耕則待土色乾白乃治.

○旱田: 初耕, 後布草燒之又耕, 則其田自美.

○薄田: 耕菉豆, 待其茂盛掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 燮塉爲良.

○荒地: 七八月間, 耕之掩草. 明年氷釋, 又耕, 後下種. 大抵荒地開墾, 初耕宜深, 再耕宜淺. 【初深後淺, 則生地不起, 令土軟熟.】

○荒地辨試之法: 斸土一尺深, 嘗其味. 甛者爲上, 不甛不醎者次之, 醎爲下.

Why is Western punctuation used in Chinese writing?

During the late 1910s, there is a movement called New Culture Movement, and a major goal of it is to teach everyone to read and write. The Classical Chinese was too hard for people to read, and lacking punctuation is one of the difficulties. On 29 November, 1919, Ma Yuzao and other 5 person submitted a proposal of calling for using modern punctuation system, which mixed classical and Western punctuations. Outline of History of Chinese Philosophy (中國哲學史大綱) by Hu Shi (胡適) is the first work applying this punctuation system. [2]

Punctuation marks and Typographic styles used in Classical Chinese Textbooks

  • ,(逗號/Dòu hào) is a comma.
  • 。(句號/jù hào) is a full stop, equivalent to a period in Western punctuation.
  • 、(顿號/dùn hào) is an enumerated comma, used when listing things in sentences.
  • ?(問號/wèn hào) is a question mark
  • !(感歎號/jīng tàn hào) is an exclamation mark
  • ;(分號/fēn hào) is a semicolon
  • :(冒號/mào hào) is a colon
  • 「...」/ “...” (引号/yǐn hào) are both used for quotation marks.
  • ____ (專名號/zhuān míng hào) Proper name mark (underline)
  • ﹏﹏ (書名號/shū míng hào) Title mark (wavy underline)

Grammar / Pattern Practice

  • 耕地宜徐. ...... 秋耕則待土色乾白乃治.
    1. (A) 宜 (B) ..... For (A) / When you do (A), you should do (B).
    2. 待 (A) 乃 (B) ...... wait until (A) then do (B)
  • 春耕則隨耕隨治, 秋耕則待土色乾白乃治.
    1. 隨 (A) 隨 (B) ...... following (A) do (B)
    2. 待 (A) 乃 (B) ...... wait until (A) then do (B)
  • 初耕, 後布草燒之又耕, 則其田自美.
    1. Temporal sequence: 初耕 → (後) 布草燒之 → (又)耕
  • 耕菉豆, 待其茂盛掩耕, 則不莠不虫, 變塉爲良.
    1. 待其茂盛掩耕 .... 待其茂盛(乃)耕(以)掩(之)
    2. 變 (A) 爲 (B) .... make (A) change and become (B)
    3. 塉=瘠 척/ji(2), zi(4) ..... barren / lean
  • 斸土一尺深, 嘗其味. 甛者爲上, 不甛不醎者次之, 醎者爲下.
    1. 斸土一尺深 ..... 斸(V)土(O)一尺深(adverb phrase describing How)
    2. 醎=鹹 함/xian(2) ..... salty

Collaborative Translation Result



  • Dry and white --> whitish, lighter?
  • Rake the soil right after, or at the same time?
    • Prof Jun - In the spring, do not have to wait until the soil dries (unlike autumn), so it can be raked right away


  • North Korean version of rake-plowing was best
  • Meaning of 경 - plowing, sowing, seeding, etc.
    • Prof. Jun - preparing 비, plowing 경, planting 종
    • Prof Kim - the different meanings
  • How to use 숙 in regard to soil
  • 생지 - topsoil is not the right translation
  • Problem with file
  • 녹두 as fertilizer
    • Prof Jun - Korea, Balhae is 콩의 나라,
      • 두만강 Duman/Tumen River: The source of beans
      • 동두 eastern bean - 발래
  • Prof Jun: Importance of cows for farming
    • Japan used only horses
    • Only Korea uses cows for plowing because of the slow speed, only used wooden tools
    • Joseon government protected cows and prevented people from eating them


  • How to translate 宜
    • Prof Kim - proper, appropriate, - you should do this because it is most appropriate and proper
    • Prof Jun - 의 not as strong as 령, so appropriate is
    • Prof Kim - 의 implies moral command - it is morally good (therefore you should do it)
    • Prof Jun - they use 의 a lot because in Confucianism they do not have straight commands
  • 變塉爲良 - no meaning of fertile soil... how to translate?
    • Prof Jun - 량 does have the meaning of fertile
  • Made list of terms in Chinese, Korean, English - to help for translation consistency
  • Insects 충, 균 - should we state harmful insects
  • 융 - aerating the soil, earth worms make holes in the soil? 융합?


  • The circle - it is used inconsistently
    • Prof Kim - Usually circle is separator of text, so it should not be included in the title; in the original text, a blank space has an important meaing, the space shows that the next phrase in the title or a very important thing or the name of the king
    • Prof Jun - Standard editing - very important for government publishing, private publishing, Seongjong provided movable type, so it is a bit different - empty spaces are important signals of information, art of editing
  • The title: expression: 땅갈이 Verb - to plow the land
    • Prof Jun - Each character has each meaning, very consise and condensed and each character has its own meaning
  • Chinese texts - organized on a specific topic, not overall like 농사직설, no phrases in 농사직설 reused from Chinese texts
    • Prof Jun - cannot find these characters in introduction even from other texts
    • Very unique expressions
  • Link to full text - includes annotations, but we should be cautious


  • 한전, 박전, 황지
  • Importance of 녹두 - esp in 함경도, 평안도
  • Sejong - six kinds of land

Prof Kim

  • Punctuation - modern punctuation rules - suggest following the modern rules because it is like a global standard.
  • Explanation of
    • Comma - separation of phrases
    • Semicolons - only when the two clauses are in the form of couplet.
    • Colon - when present some expression as a synthesization of the rest of the text - 한전: explanation; or a quotation
  • Explanation of grammar patterns

English Translation, Version 3 (Editor: __________ )


Type Hanja Hangeul MR RR English

Further Readings


  1. [발표자주] 『齊民要術』 卷1, 耕田. ‘凡秋耕欲深, 春夏欲淺. 犁欲廉, 勞欲再. 犁廉耕細, 牛復不疲, 再勞地熟, 旱亦保澤也. 秋耕埯同埯青者爲上. 比至冬月, 青草復生者, 其美與小豆同也. 初耕欲深, 轉地欲淺. 耕不深, 地不熟;轉不淺, 動生土也’ 무릇 가을에는 땅을 깊게 갈아야 하고, 봄과 여름에는 땅을 얇게 갈아야 한다. 쟁기는 좁고 날카로운 것으로 두 번 갈아야 한다. 쟁기가 좁고 날카로우면 흙을 잘게 부술 수 있고, 소도 힘이 덜 들어 피곤하지 않게 된다. 두 번 갈면 땅이 작물의 생장에 적합하게 되고, 가뭄이 들어도 수분을 잘 보존할 수 있게 된다. 가을에 땅을 갈 때에는 풀을 흙으로 묻는 것이 제일 좋다. 겨울에 다시 자란 풀을 묻으면 그 퇴비의 효력이 팥 모를 묻는 것과 같이 된다. 첫 번째 갈 때는 깊게 갈고, 다시 갈 때는 얇게 갈아야 한다. 처음에 #깊게 갈지 않으면 땅이 작물의 생장에 적합하지 않고, 다시 갈 때 얇게 갈지 않으면 속땅을 건드리게 된다.
  2. [발표자주] 『齊民要術』 卷1, 耕田. 凡美田之法, 綠豆爲上, 小豆, 胡麻次之. 悉皆五, 六月中冀美懿反, 漫種也. 種, 七月,八月, 犂埯殺之, 爲春榖田, 則亩收十石. 무릇 땅을 비옥하게 만드는 법 중에 녹두의 모를 묻는 것이 최고이#며, 팥 모와 검은 참깨의 모를 묻는 것이 그 다음이다. 모두 5, 6월 중에 두루 심고, 심고 나서 7, 8월에 땅을 갈아 모를 묻어 버린다. 이 땅에 봄 곡식을 심으면 1묘에 10섬을 수확한다.
  3. plow, plant mung beans, wait them to be lush and then turn over the soil
  4. [Team C’s footnote] According to King(1911), it was the common practices in the Far East Asia for a long time. It was not until 1888, and then after a prolonged war of more than thirty years, generaled by the best scientists of all Europe, that it was finally conceded as demonstrated that leguminous plants acting as hosts for lower organisms living on their roots are largely responsible for the maintenance of soil nitrogen, drawing it directly from the air to which it is returned through the processes of decay. But centuries of practice had taught the Far East farmers that the culture and use of these crops are essential to enduring fertility, and so in each of the three countries the growing of legumes in rotation with other crops very extensively for the express purpose of fertilizing the soil is one of their old, fixed practices. Source: King, F.H. Farmers of Forty Centuries of Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan (Emmaus, Pennsylvania: Organic Gardening Press). 22, 23.
  5. Mandarin-English Dictionary & Thesaurus Yellow Bridge
  6. Kroll, Paul W. A Student's Dictionary of Classical and Medieval Chinese, 2017, p. 608]
  7. Examples of translations by James Legge as reference for these two characters together.Chinese Text Project
  8. 세종실록 77권, 세종 19년 6월 13일 辛未 1번째기사 1437년 명 정통(正統) 2년[1]