
(Editing NJ2018-25E5.lst에서 넘어옴)
이동: 둘러보기, 검색

○稻種甚多。大抵皆同, 別有一種, 曰旱稻【鄕名: 山稻。】。
徧宜於高地及水冷處, 然土大燥則不成。
二月上旬耕之。 三月上旬至中旬, 又耕之, 作畝足種。訖踏畝背令堅。
耘時, 去苗間土勿擁。地若瘠薄, 和熟糞或尿灰,種之。
或旱稻二分、稷二分、小豆一分, 相和而種。【大抵雜種之術, 以歲有水旱。 九穀隨歲異宜, 故交種, 則不至全失。】。

grain      black     circle 
method     olive     circle
process    yellow    circle
subprocess yellow    ellipse
measure    cyan      triangle
place      magenta   star
tool       green     square
time       blue      square
condition  red       triangle

hasProcess             arrow
hasSubprocess          arrow
hasTime                arrow
hasPlace               arrow
then                   arrow
using                  line
useTool                arrow
hasCommonName          arrow
and                    line
is                     line
has                    arrow
exceptIf               arrow
if                     arrow
with                   line
or                     line
hasCondition           arrow
suchAs                 line
first                  arrow
second                 arrow
when                   arrow
third                  arrow
fourth                 arrow
fifth                  arrow
sixth                  arrow
inOrderTo              arrow

hando                              grain                       hando
specialVarietyOfRice               grain                       specialVarietyOfRice
mebyeo                             grain                       mebyeo
appropriateLocations               place                       appropriateLocations
soil                               place                       soil
highlands                          place                       highlands
locationsWithSourcesOfColdWater    place                       locationsWithSourcesOfColdWater
barren                             condition                   barren
mixTheSeeds                        subprocess                  mixTheSeeds
agedManure                         tool                        agedManure
ashAndUrineFertilizer              tool                        ashAndUrineFertilizer
sowTheSeeds                        subprocess                  sowTheSeeds
tooDry                             condition                   tooDry
cultivationMethod                  method                      cultivationMethod
plowTheSoil                        subprocess                  plowTheSoil
1stWof2LM                          time                        1stWof2LM
plowAgain                          subprocess                  plowAgain
between1stAnd2ndWof3rdLM           time                        between1stAnd2ndWof3rdLM
makeRidges                         subprocess                  makeRidges
sow                                subprocess                  sow
footSowingMethod                   method                      footSowingMethod
stampDownTheRidges                 subprocess                  stampDownTheRidges
makeThemHarder                     condition                   makeThemHarder
weed                               subprocess                  weed
removeSoilAroundSprout             subprocess                  removeSoilAroundSprout
preventBeingCoveredBySoil          condition                   preventBeingCoveredBySoil

hando                              specialVarietyOfRice                         is
hando                              mebyeo                                       hasCommonName
hando                              appropriateLocations                         has
appropriateLocations               highlands                                    suchAs            
appropriateLocations               locationsWithSourcesOfColdWater              suchAs
appropriateLocations               soil                                         exceptIf
soil                               tooDry                                       hasCondition
soil                               barren                                       if
barren                             mixTheSeeds                                  then
mixTheSeeds                        agedManure                                   with
agedManure                         ashAndUrineFertilizer                        or
ashAndUrineFertilizer              sowTheSeeds                                  then
hando                              cultivationMethod                            has
cultivationMethod                  plowTheSoil                                  first
plowTheSoil                        1stWof2LM                                    when
plowTheSoil                        plowAgain                                    second
plowAgain                          between1stAnd2ndWof3rdLM                     when
plowAgain                          makeRidges                                   third
makeRidges                         sow                                          fourth
sow                                footSowingMethod                             using
sow                                stampDownTheRidges                           fifth
stampDownTheRidges                 makeThemHarder                               inOrderTo
stampDownTheRidges                 weed                                         sixth
weed                               removeSoilAroundSprout                       hasCondition
removeSoilAroundSprout             preventBeingCoveredBySoil                    inOrderTo

