Understanding Korea materials - All About Korea 2014 - Cultural Heritage: Taking Korean Traditional Dance Lessons with Chung, Seung-Hee - Series of Korean Culture Lesson

cefia>Yoons님의 2016년 12월 21일 (수) 14:32 판 (새 문서: ==Understanding Korea materials - All About Korea 2014 - Cultural Heritage: Taking Korean Traditional Dance Lessons with Chung, Seung-Hee - Series of Korean Culture Lesson|Taking Ko...)
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Taking Korean Traditional Dance Lessons with Chung, Seung-Hee - Series of Korean Culture Lesson

AllAboutKorea2014 img 484.jpg
▶ Cultural Heritage ▶ Relics
  • Summary: The Learning Korean Culture Series is a special project of the Overseas Koreans Foundation and the Korean National University of Arts aimed at providing systematic teaching for overseas Koreans who want to learn about their cultural roots.
  • Language: English, Korean
  • Format: Book
  • Year of Publication: 2001
  • Pages: 232
  • Publisher: Overseas Koreans Foundation
  • Price: Not for sale
  • Inquiry: Overseas Koreans Foundation (+82-2-3415-0100)