Understanding Korea: An Introductory Workshop

cefia>Ksgrant wiki님의 2017년 6월 1일 (목) 11:02 판 (한국이해하기 워크샵 발표자 명단)
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한국이해하기 워크샵 (Understanding Korea: An Introductory Workshop)

학회명(Title) 한국이해하기 워크샵 (Understanding Korea: An Introductory Workshop)
일시(Date) 2017년 1월 31일(화) ~ 2월 2일(목) [January 31 ~ February 2, 2017]
장소(Venue) 인도 첸나이 그랑 바이 GRT 호텔 컨벤션센터 (The Convention Centre, Grand By GRT Hotels, Chennai, India)
주제(Theme) 인도와 한국 상호간의 이해 (Understanding between India and Korea)
주최(Host) 인코 센터 InKo Centre(The Indo Korean Cultural and Information Centre)

The introductory workshop had a collection of very informative sessions by eminent panelists. They had myriad information about India's historical link with Korea.

The panelists highlighted the similarities between the two countries in the areas of language, folk art and customs. They emphasized the need for cross-cultural understanding through language and pointed out the importance of learning the language as language reflects a society and it opens a plethora of job opportunities. They also threw light to availability of scholarship programmes and study in Korea.

For every one present, it was a meaningful workshop with importance laid on how the rich past can act as a catalyst for better bonding and understand of the two countries.

관련 링크

한국이해하기 워크샵 발표자 명단

Number Name Affiliation Presentation Title
1 Dr. Vyjayanti Raghavan Jawaharlal Nehru University 1. Findings of shared tradition and culture between India and Korea/
Role of ancient kingdoms of the South India for the spread of Buddhism in Korea
2. Foreign Languages a catalyst for globalization
2 Dr. Neerja Samajdar Jawaharlal Nehru University Language as a tool to bridge culture and transform life:
Advantage of learning Korean Language
3 Dr. Chung Kyung-rhan The Academy of Korean Studies Ideas for mutual understanding through textbooks
4 Prof. Jaedong Kang Rajagiri Centre for
Business Studies
Role of Korean firms for the Welfare of Indian Society
5 Mr. Balasubramani Integrated Ocean Culture
Research Foundation
Maritime trade between Korea and India on the turtle corridor
6 Dr. Park So-young The Academy of Korean Studies Perception of India and Tamil Nadu formed in Korea through education
7 Dr. Suresh Kumar Manthiriyappan The University of Suwon Folk Culture: Similarities between India and Korea
8 Ms. Devdatta Mulchandani Hyundai Motor India Limited Experience Korea: The Hyundai Story of reconnecting through industry