Teresa Luftensteiner

cefia>Ksnet님의 2016년 8월 21일 (일) 12:24 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다: 해외한국학지원(한국문화강좌))
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테레사 루프텐스테이너
Name in Latin Alphabet: Teresa Luftensteiner
Nationality: 오스트리아
Affiliation: University of Vienna Ecology and Ecosystem Science/Korean studies


어서오세요. 테레사 위키페이지입니다. 저를 더 알고싶으다면 계속 읽어 보세요.

신상 정보

저는 1990年 04月 03日에 비엔나 (오스트리아)에서 태어났습니다. 저는 첫째 아이입니다. 남동생이 1992年 02月 27日에 태어나고 여동생이 1993年 10月 26日에 태어났습니다.

학적 배경

조등학교 "Piaristen 학교"를 다냤고 고등학교 "Feldgasse 학교"를 졸업했습니다.


2008년 부터 비엔나 대학교에서 생태학을 전공하고 있습니다. 오래전 부터 생태학 중 육수학에 관심이 많아서 3년 전부터 공부하고 있습니다. 저는 Ranunculus라는 수생식물의 발생학과 핵학을 연구합니다.


2013년 한국을 처음으로 가 봤습니다. 한국의 문화와 역사, 한국어, 음식이 관심이 많아서 한국학전공에서 한국말을 배우기 시작 했습니다. 한국말을 아직 잘 못하지만 앞으로 열심히 공부할 것입니다.


  • 여행

제가 제일 좋아하는 취미는 여행입니다. 제 꿈은 유럽의 모든 수도를 여행하는 것입니다.

  • 요리

저는 요리를 잘 하고 관심이 많습니다. 친구와 함께 매주 같이 한국 음식을 만들어 맛있게 먹습니다. 케이크와 다른 쿠키를 매우 좋아해서 집에서 굽습니다. 초콜릿 가루보다 녹차 가루를 이용한 베이킹을 즐겨합니다.

  • 클라리넷

저의 취미는 클라리넷을 연주하는 것입니다. 중학교 때 처음으로 배웠습니다. 음악은 솔직히 말하면 테크노음악 빼고 다 좋아합니다.

한국학 특강

Date Subject Thoughts
2016.7.12 (화) - 2016.8.1 (월) 한국어 수업 From the very first class onwards our teacher only spoke Korean. She explained vocabulary and grammar in Korean and rarely ever used any English word. This technique allowed us to listen to and speak more Korean than I usually do at my home university - since the focus there lies on writing. The teacher was very competent and tried to answer all our questions. If she didn’t know the answer she would look it up and tell us as the next day. She was really good in adapting to our Korean level and comprehensively explaining grammar as well as vocabulary. She made us talk a lot which I usually don’t do at my university since - as said before - the emphasis there lies on writing. She helped us improve our Korean skills depending on our individual level. She not only taught grammar and vocabulary but also how to phrase certain things in Korean. Even though the presentation caused me a lot of worries, it ended up being a good training not just in writing but also speaking Korean and we were able to immediately apply the grammar we learned in the course.
2016.7.12(화), 13:00~15:00 한국문화강좌 위키 101 on Wiki-programming with very helpful teachers
2016.7.12(화), 15:30-17:30 한국의 복식 The teacher was talking very fast which made it really difficult to understand everything.
2016.7.13(수), 14:00-16:00 도자기 체험 A fun field trip giving insight in the craft of Korean pottery while trying it out on our own.
2016.7.14(목), 11:00-12:00 수원화성 관람 Too short to truly understand neither the history nor historical importance of the palace. The role of the Hwaseong Seongyeok Uigwe as well as its importance not just for the restauration in the late 1970s but also understanding of Korean history since the 1790s should have been stretched.
2016.7.14(목), 13:30-14:30 KBS수원겐터 A TV studio like any other. Even though the inside and outside sets as well as the special effects make up were quite interesting to look at, I would rather have spent more time at the Suwon Hwaseong Fortress or walked along the fortress wall. But this might just be due to my great interested in history rather than dramas. All in all a pretty generic tour at the KBS Suwon centre that could have taken place at any other TV station as well.
2016.7.14(목), 14:50-16:50 예절 및 전통의상 체험 Now this was a trip I was looking forward to and I wasn't dissapointed. The "course" took place in a beautiful hanok house offering all the amenities of modern life, surrounded by a tranquil garden. Before starting the actual lesson all of us changed into hanboks. Once dressed appropriately the teachers first introduced us to Korean traditions and soon showed us the correct traditional way of introducing and bowing. This was followed by us making 전통과자 - traditional korean sweets made from bean flour and honey usually eaten with tea - and a tea ceremony. Of course we couldn't do it as graciously as the teachers but taking into acount that it was our first time performing this ceremony we did pretty well.
2016.7.15(금), 13:00-15:00 한국의 풍속 Very good teacher who adapts the speed of his lecture to the audience very well. He explained difficult vocabulary which made it easy to follow the lecture.
2016.7.15(금), 15:30-17:30 한지인형 만들기 A very fun and interesting class making us experience the craft at first hand.
2016.7.18(월), 13:00-15:00 한국의 민주화와 경제발전(영) This lecture was one of the best I have heard in a long time. Mr. Kim took a refreshingly neutral stance – which is sadly quite rare in social (and especially Korean) studies - in explaining Korean history. He thought us history as it happened as well as how history is perceived/thought of in Korea. He told us about connections between political and economic developments. Connections I didn’t see before. Even though I have learned about most of the discussed topics - even if just on a very superficial level - he showed me connections between those events that are neither easily detectable nor easily understandable. As for example between Germany (employing Korean nurses and miners) and Korea under Park Chung-hee. Starting with the developments during the Japanese Colonial time, their development of Korea as their rice producing colony and later the division in the northern industrial and the southern agraric part of Korea, Mr Kim further told us about the very beginnings of Park Chung-hee’s economic policies. He was later going over the following economic policies which went against all US advice. Mr. Kim thought us not just about those events but also about their perception in Korea as well as their influence on today’s environmental pollution (oil vs. coal fired factories). He talked about the Gwangju and Jeju-incidents, about (political) terminology (which is important for future scientific work) political developments as well as economic ties reaching back to the Park Chung-hee era while putting all these historical events in the context of democratization and ongoing conflicts with neighbouring countries.

Summing it up, best and most interesting lecture I have heard in ages.

2016.7.18(월), 15:30-17:30 한국의 미술 Intreresting topic, lots of information. Since I had a lecture on this topic before following the lecture wasn't hard. He explained everything well and adapted to the audience well. He didn't talk to fast, explained difficult vocabulary and in general was easy to understand.
2016.7.19(화), 14:00-15:30 코엑스 아쿠아리움 관람 Even though I didn’t expect the Coex Aquarium to be neither big nor one of the better aquariums, I was pleasantly surprised as this aquarium houses about 40.000 sea creatures from 600 different species. Disregarding the - plainly put – wrong scientific information and the awfully small size of the fish tanks, the arrangement was interesting and the layout thought through. All arrangements followed the aquarium’s theme of “Water Journey” making it colourful and the presentation child friendly. Everything was in perfect accordance with the surrounding shopping mall.

My personal highlight was not to be found in any of the more or less (scientifically) correct portrayal of fish in their natural habitat but in the doctor fish experience. As I always wanted to try this but never had the chance to do so, I was happy to see the Coex aquarium offering this “doctor fish experience”. And so I stood there (probably for too long) and enjoyed the weird yet funny feeling of tiny fish nibbling away dead skin. All in all, it was a nice half-day, a relaxing one and an entertaining one.

2016.7.20 (수) 탈춤 It was a fun field trip learning the art of talchum. Sadely the lecture passed by really fast.
2016.7.20 (수) 택견 I really liked this course. It was a lot of fun and since I couldn't do sports in such a long time (since the beginning of the program). I loved that they showed us how to take down our "opponent". It was a fun experience taht also passed by to quickly.
2016.7.21 (목) 한국의 역사와 문화 The professor chose not so obvious topic and personalities you usually don't hear much about at university. It was an interestin class. Only if he had spoken a little louder...
2016.7.22 (목) 통일교육원 등록 및 "통일한국의 미래" 강의 + 판문점 The lecture in the morning by a north korean defector was really interesting. I wish we would have had time to talk to her and ask questions but i fully understand that that wasn't possible due to her job as an official. Even though I already have been to Panmunjeom it was an interesting trip. The almost empty infiltration tunnel was a little creepy and only supportet the experience and sad reason the tunnel was built for. It was an interesting trip to a suffocating place full of horrible history.
2016.7.25 (월) 한국의 음악 This lecture was really interesting. She supported all of her information with her instrument. The musical performance on the Gayageum accompanied by the Janggu.
2016.7.25 (월) 사물놀이 I loved this class. It was fun to make music again after such a long time. It was not my instrument (I play the clarinett) but since I really like Samulneori and the drums and always wanted to learn how to play them this class was great.
2016.7.26 (화) 한국의 역사와 문화 The lecture - just as last week was really interesting and full of information you usually don't get to hear in korean studies lectures at foreign universities. Since the professor specializes in Goryeo we only learned about that part of history when Korea has so much more to offer. But still the lecture was very interesting.
2016.7.27 (수) - 2016.7.29 (금) 경주시 Our first stop to Gyeongju was a traditional village created out of relocated Joseon houses. Even though the village was a little too touristy it was worth a visit and if only for the traditional performances. The houses are worth seeing, the performances a colourful spectacle. Although I have already seen a couple of such traditional music performances I love to see them time and time again. The horseback rider show was a first for me since in Austria shows like this only exist in circuses. I wish however we would have had more time to also see the wedding ceremony and stroll around the houses a little more. Instead of said ceremony we played at an old playground where we - revisiting childhood memories - were playing with the swings and jumping rope. After a short nap in the bus we were entertained by the singing of students as well as our teachers (both of them have really good voices). A feast was waiting for us in Gyeongju after sheer endless hours of riding the bus. The tables were overflowing with food seemingly bending under its weight. Since I was seated at a table with Jason - and the both of us can eat a lot - not much food was left when we finished our meal. For the after-dinner walk we strolled around the Anapji area. And after the sun finally set and the looming night at Anapji was illuminated by an endless number of lights, after everybody took enough photos and enjoyed the calming sight of the pavilion we proceeded to the hotel. The hotel - which was situated just outside of Gyeongju in the heart of its “hotel village” - offered a great view of the huge pagoda there. The fact that the wifi only worked at the hallway only aided our social interactions since from then on – much to the distress of the other hotel guests – our social life happened in the hallway. Presentations were written, stories were shared, we talked, we laughed we had fun until the “night watchmen” came to take our attendance.

After an abundant breakfast offering fruit to our hearts content we proceeded to the Cheomseongdae Observatory. After a very short description - such as is printed in any tourist guide book - we walked to the Tumuli park and the grave of the flying horse. Even though I have already been here before and attended a lecture about Korean Art I learned about different interpretations of the artefacts found in said grave. The tourist guide showing us to all the important sites in Gyeongju answered all my questions. Following the grave we visited the Gyeongju National Museum. Although I do understand the timetable for Gyeongju as well as a lot of people not liking museums, here too we did not have enough time to look at everything. Even though I have been here before too (back then the main part of the Museum was under construction and) I was hoping for a little more time to go around and look at the excavated artefacts to learn more about Shilla. But sadly there was not enough time for that since pizza was awaiting us. After finishing the pizza and a one-hour bus drive later, a way too short of a stroll at the beach followed. I’m not sure what exactly makes the basalt there so special or different to any other basalt world wide (we have it in Austria as well and there has not been an ocean there for a couple million years now) for us to have to look at it. The walk around was nice but it would probably have been better (at least for the swimmers) to immediately go to the Underwater Tomb of King Munmu and the swimming beach. So after this very short walk at the beach we spent 2 hours in the burning sun. Since I am not supposed to be in the sun for too long I spent my time taking pictures of the others having fun. After 2 hours of taking photos we again took the bus back to Gyeongju and a Korean buffet dinner. Like the evening before almost everybody gathered at the hotel’s hallway (due to the still malfunctioning wifi) to talk to each other and socialize and our games lasted late into the night.

Like the morning before a very filling breakfast started our day. Afterwards we drove to Seokguram Grotto were the absence of other tourists probably due to the early time let us enjoy the calmness and peacefulness of the Grotto. Descending from the mountain towards the Bulguksa temple took a while. While almost runningly visiting the temple we - as for most sites so far – did not have enough time to either value the historical importance or beauty of the temple. The reason for our sprint through Bulguksa was the bus we had to catch for our several hour ride back to AKS.

All in all it was a nice but hectic (not enough time at any of the sites) trip to Gyeongju - a beautiful city. I liked the trip and our evening sessions at the hallway. Talking to newly found friends and playing games with them.

2016.8.1 (월) 디지털 인문학과 차세대 한국학 Interesting lecture and tour of the campus. It might have been good to have had the lecture in the beginning of the program since we went to places of the campus we haven't been to before. It was really nice of him to make those glasses for us. I appreciate it.
2016.8.1 (월) 한국학 연구 진로 안내 I'm sorry to say that I didn't really like the lecture. The topic could have been so interesting and helpful for our future but during the first part of our class he basically told us that it is our job to tell everybody about Korea and make the country more known, we also have to solve the North-South conflict (as foreigners that are not working in politics???) and he let us read random articles (written by himself of course) and during the second part he esentially told us what seemed liked anti-japanese propaganda. Japan is bad Korea is good.
2016.8.2 (화) 한식 및 관람 Since I love cooking I was expecting much from this class. Since we didn't have much time we only got to make korean pancakes but we saw the lady making bulgogi and bibimbab - both dishes I like a lot. It was great to at least see someone make authentic korean food so I can try at home.
2016.8.2 (화) 창덕궁 관람 Since this is my favourite palace in Seoul I was happy to go there. The palace is just as beautiful as I remembered it from my previous visits.
2016.8.2 (화) 강연 및 국악 공연 관람 The performance was really good, a nice cross over of old and modern music. And the food was really tasty as well. I had a nice evening chatting to new people.
2016.8.3 (수) 한강 크루즈 탑승 After a short waiting period in which we walked around the pier and took photos under fake pink cherry trees, behind as well as in children’s cars we boarded the comfortable looking cruise ship. A navy blue dining hall filled with an elegant looking buffet awaited us. Passing the different, mouth-watering dishes promised a good lunch, or as some call it - Jason’s heaven. As soon as the buffet was opened, everybody hurried there, probably out of fear others might get the best piece. So after awaiting the end of the first wave of hungry eaters I went to pick my food. Everything I tried (and I tried most of the dishes) was good. After tasting most of the food we decided to take an after-lunch walk to the outside-deck. Walking around the ship, teasing our friends through the windows, taking photos of ourselves and goofing off in the scorching sun was a lot of fun and made the cruise all the nicer. Most passengers weren’t paying attention to the outside city, but it was nice to pass the national assembly hall, 63 building and go further to the outer city limits of Seoul. It became all the clearer, that Seoul – contrary to a lot of European cities - did not develop around the river (which became even clearer during our visit to the museum later that day). Most tourist sites or attractions lie far from Han-river. To be honest there is not much to see of old Seoul from the boat. Still it was a nice trip showing the more modern parts of Seoul and the riverbank.

Off topic however - maybe because it is my major - it was saddening to see a river such as the Han being as polluted as it appeared to me today. Even though Seoul states that the Han-river-water is of drinking water quality, there was garbage swimming in the river and the water didn’t look particularly clean. Coming from a city that is proud of its clean water as well as a freshwater science background I couldn’t help but be saddened by such pollution and wondered why water protection, water pollution control and water restauration seem to be such ignored topics in South Korea and its society. I personally would not want to water-ski or jet-ski on Han river as a couple of people did.

While eating and having fun with our friends, the time flew by and the cruise soon ended. We came back to a sauna like bus (which cooled down amazingly fast) taking us to our next destination. A seal carving class in Insa-dong.

2016.8.3 (수) 전각 만들기 Entering a windowless room in the centre of Insa-dong with tables and utensils crammed in, a school like atmosphere awaited us. It was as if I’m in elementary school’s handicraft course again - which I liked a lot - or in my grandfather’s workshop playing around with the tools. Just that this time something nice was promised to be the end result. Even though I’m not a very creative or artsy person, with the help of the carving-teacher I managed to design a nice looking stamp-design and the end product was looking pretty decent. It is interesting how meticulously students and teachers alike were working and how silent the room fell when everybody was brainstorming ideas and carving their seals. Since the relatively soft mineral didn’t allow any mistake to be made the class fell silent concentrating on every move and every stroke. All the finished seals looked great and it was fascinating to see how different these seals turned out. Even though most people wrote a name - whether it was their own or that of a friend - none of the stamps looked alike yet all of them looked beautiful.
2016.8.3 (수) 서울역사박물관 관람 I really like this museum because there are usually not that many people there so you can really take your time looking at the artefacts. The tour was nice and our tour guide was really competent. He answered a question of mine I had for a long time. In the spare time afterwards Katie and I tried to make Origami Hanboks following instructions we found in the museum but sadly failed miserably. Even the children did better than us. ㅠㅠ So both Katie and I turned to made other Origami-things to give them to the children there. In return we got some amazing gifts from two charming little girls and were tought how to make Origami birds.
2016.8.4 (목) Reunion partner Dobrin Tsvetanov Bugov the dancing queen. What else is there to say?