
cefia>Spooner님의 2016년 12월 14일 (수) 17:15 판
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등록번호 청구기호 서명/저자 출판사항 수집년도 분석년도
1 92006582 IK 930 ZP20p 2007 1 People making history, Book 1 /by Peter Garlake, Andre Proctor Harare :ZPH,2007 2015 2016
2 92006583 IK 930 ZP20p 2007 2 People making history, Book 2 /by Peter Garlake, Andre Proctor Harare :ZPH,2007 2015 2016
3 92006584 IK 936.95 ZP30p 2010 3 People making history, Book three('O' level history) /by M. Prew, J. Pape, R. Mutwira, T. Barnes, E. K. Mutuwira, G. Pwiti, G. Mvenge Harare :ZPH,2010 2015 2016
4 92006585 IK 936.95 ZP30p 2010 4 People making history, Book 4('O' level history) /by M. Prew, J. Pape, R. Mutwira, T. Barnes, E. K. Mutuwira Harare :ZPH,2010 2015 2016
5 92006586 IK 930 ZP20a 2007 2 The African heritage :History for junior secondary schools, Book 2 /by Misheck Sibanda, Henry Vuso Moyana Harare :ZPH,2008 2015 2016
6 92006587 IK 930 ZP30a 2007 3 The African heritage :History for O'level secondary schools, Book 3 /by Misheck Sibanda, Henry Vuso Moyana Harare :ZPH,2008 2015 2016
7 92006588 IK 930 ZP30a 2010 4 The African heritage :History for O'level secondary schools, Book 4 /by Misheck Sibanda, Henry Vuso Moyana Harare :ZPH,2010 2015 2016
8 92006589 IK 909.5 Col30f 2000 4 Focus on history, Book 4('O' level history) :A secondary course for Zimbabwe /by Alois Simon Mlambo Harare :College press,2000 2015 2016

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hasReview 종합분석:짐바브웨 2016년 짐바브웨 보고서