Panel 12

Admin (토론 | 기여)님의 2021년 9월 12일 (일) 22:30 판 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
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이동: 둘러보기, 검색
일시 Date Session 3 10월 6일(목), 15:00-16:30 (Oct. 6. Thu. 15:00-16:30)
장소 Venue Room 402
사회자 Moderator 전성호 Seong Ho Jun (한국학중앙연구원 The Academy of Korean Studies)
발표 분야 Disciplines 경제사
패널주제 Panel Title “Modern” activities in “pre-modern” times Kaesŏng business customs and our understanding of what constitutes “modern economic development”
발표자 Speaker 전성호
Seong Ho Jun
The Academy of Korean Studies
“Modern” Business activities in “pre-modern” times: Kaesŏng Financial Practice(1786-1910) Abstract
James B. Lewis University of Oxford Kaesŏng was different -
Jung Key Suk
계명대학교 Keimyung University An Introduction on Traditional Double Entry Bookkeeping of Korea ~
The Sagae Songdo Chibubeob for Practical Use and Self-Study (實用自修 四介松都治簿法)
발표사진 Photograph Panel12.jpg