"Kristine Mukta-Pavela"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
잔글 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다: 해외한국학지원(한국문화강좌))
잔글 (판 1개를 가져왔습니다)
(차이 없음)

2021년 9월 12일 (일) 22:29 기준 최신판

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Name in Latin Alphabet: Kristine Mukta-Pavela
Nationality: Latvian
Affiliation: Latvian University




저는 크리스티나입니다.라트비아 사람입니다.저는 라트비아 대학교에서 공부를하고 있습니다.제 전공은 아시아 학 입니다.저는 한국에 대한 관심이 많아서 한국어를 공부하고 있습니다.언어에 대한 공부는 잘 한 편입니다. 통역가가 되고 싶기 때문입니다.2년 전에 저는 처음에 한국 문화에 관한 책을 읽었습니다.그 후 그것에 더 많은 흥미를 갖기 시작했고 한국어가 아주 아름답다는걸 발견했습니다.저는 하나의 목적을 가지고 시작했습니다.그 목적은 한국어를 배우는 것입니다.그 목적 때문에 지금까지 한국어를 2년 동안 공부해 왔습니다.그러다가 한국에 꼭 한번 가고 싶다는 꿈을 갖기 시작했습니다.그래서 한국한중앙연구원의 한국문화강좌 프로그램에 장여 된 것이 많이 기뻤습니다.드디어 제 꿈을 이루었기 때문입니다.한국한중앙연구원에 배운 동안 한국어와 한국 문화를 직접 경험 할수있다고 생각합니다.그리고 나중에 한국을 방문할 것이고,한국어와 관련된 직업을 찾기를 마음 깊숙이 희망하고 있습니다.저는 한국어를 공부하는 것을 누군가 나에게 강요해서가 아니라 제가 정말 즐거워서 하고 있다고 확신할 수 있습니다.

나의 취미

  • 그림 그리기
  • 음악을 듣기
  • 여행 하기
  • 영화를 보기

subject reltaion object
크리스티나 의 옆자리는 ~이다 Tran Thi Mai Anh
크리스티나 의 방진구는 ~이다 Tran Thi Mai Anh
크리스티나 의 학교는 ~이다 [ 라트비아 대학교 http://www.lu.lv/]

참가 후기

한국문화강좌 위키 수업

한국학중앙연구원에서의 첫째주 동안 우리는 한국문화강좌 위키라는 매우 유익한 수업을 들었다. 이 수업을 통해 나는 나만의 위키 페이지를 만드는 굉장히 좋은 경험을 얻었다. 나는 내가 그것을 내 스스로 만들수 있을것이라는 것을 기대하지 않았었다. 하지만 그 걸 어떻게 만들수 있는 지 상세히 설명해주 었던 내 선생님들 덕분에 그것을 굉장히 빨리 만들었다. 그래서 나는 지금 나의 경험과 지식을 여기에 쓸 수 있다. 처음에는 어려웠지만 더 이상 그게 어렵다고 생각하지 않는다. 그건 지금 정말 흥미롭다. 그리고 라트비아로 돌아간 후에도 나는 여기서의 기억들과 필기한 노트를 통하여 나의 페이지를 더욱 예쁘게 만들 기회가 있다.

도자기 체험

나는 이 수업기서 정말 즐겁게 시간을 보냈다.이 수업은 이천시라는 다른 도시에서 실시했다.이 도시는 도자기때문에 인기가 많다. 그 것은 많이 도공들이 여기에 살고있기 때문이다. 그리고 많은 관광객이 한국의 도자기기 대해 알기 위해 온다.나도 이 수업을 들을 수 있는 좋은 기회를 얻었다. 또한 직접 도자기를 만들어 보았다. 먼저 선생님은 그것을 만드는 방법을 우리에게 설명했다.다음에 선생님은 좋고 나쁜 예로 만드는 방법을 보여주었다.나는 개인적으로, 무언가를 만들기 위해 어떤 능력을 가지고 있는지 몰랐다. 그러나 내가 시작했을 때 나는 진행을 너무 즐겼다. 내가 도자기 만들기를 마스터 할 필요없고 생각하다.다만 농축 하고 냉정할 필요가 있다.그냥 마음 안에 당시의 만들고 싶은 것의 개념을 간직해야 되다. 그리고 그냥 느낌과 간단한 규칙만 따르면 된다다. 내가 최선을 다했기 때문에 보상되었다.

경주 여행

It was 3rd week of program and we went for the long-awaited trip to Gyeongju(경주) — the formed capital of Silla (신라). The way to 경주 took around 4 hours by bus. And the first our stop was 안압지—artificial pond and incredible place. Place, which personify repose and relaxation. During the darkness lights are on and the pond looks more beautiful and attractive, so people gathered near the pond and waited for this moment to take some great photos and i was not an exception. Next day after a little break , we went to 대릉원, where is congestion of tombs. Walking in the park, can see a lot of tombs where are buried kings and officials. One of the tombs is open for visiting— 천마총, so i was able to see the tomb from inside. Inside the tomb is a small museum with exhibition about the things what have been bared together with the king. The most impressing for me was that king's remains were not found due to dissolving in the soil. But before 대릉원 we visited 첨성대. Though the very hot weather and bright sun, i was able to consider the beauty and singularity of this place. A stone construction reminded me the bottle of water. Probably because it was very hot and my mind was thinking only about bottle of cool glass of water. Next destination after cool tomb was Gyeongju National Museum ( 국립경주박물관). In truth before i didn't really enjoy museums. But this time i like it very much. Walking down the hall, firstly can familiarize with ceramics of Silla period, but when i walked into next hall, i stopped and long time examine sparkling jewelry. Gold crowns, bracelets, earnings, belts, all attracted me. From this exhibition can discover the life of king and queen of that time, as also the greatest skills of masters of Shilla's period. After museum was my, i think, favourite part of this trip — sea. Yes, suffering from heat all day, i really wanted to fall into the water of East sea( 동해). By the sea , one more sight was waiting for us. It was 문무대왕릉. Underwater tomb. Looking at the extensive blue se, i could see small , but glorious island—this is the underwater tomb of king Munmu. King before his death instructed to buried him inm the East sea( 동해), to protect Silla from Japanese invaders. During last day of the trip, we visited several sacred places — Buddhist temples. 석국암 and 불국사. I studied Buddhism for a long time, but i never had chance to visit Buddhist temple before. Bronze, covered with gold, huge Buddha statues standed in every temple. Visiting Buddhist temples was one of the brightest moments in this trip. See and feel the atmosphere of temple in reality, will never compare with description in books and photos in the internet. This was a great experience in my life. In all it was great trip, which i will never forget. P.S. But it would be ideally if it would be not so hot outside and less mountains what needed to climb every day.

Korean language class

I was in an elementary group for korean language class. I am really thankful to the teacher - 전송희 선생님. Even the topics during the classes were already not new for me, the teacher gave me new knowledge. I never felt boring during the class. We had a lot of practice in talking, what i actually really needed, as also a lot of experience in working in groups. This class didn't only improve my korean level, but also made us be more close to each other. I also got a great possibility to make 2 presentations about my country, that was a chance for me to represent my countrie's culture to others. The most interesting and useful topic was about interview of entering job. We had ability to practice in interview what can help us in future.

Korean music class

During 3rd week of the program we had korean music class. The class was awesome. Firstly i didn't expect, that korean music class teacher will be a foreigner not a korean. It was very interesting to listen and also fullbof new information for me. The history, the difference between korean gayageum, Japanese koto and Chinese guzheng - all was new for me. The teacher has a lot of experience in her life as also she played all this instruments that made me feel more impressed. During this class i got a lot of inspiration. In the end of class we had chance to enjoy a little performance of teacher playing gayageum. And i can say it was excellent. I would like to have more korean music classes.

Future of Unified Korea

On the second week, we had day, when we went to Demilitarized Zone - a truce line across the Korean Peninsula between South and North Koreas. I always was interested in North Korea, so it was a great chance to get more information about it. The teacher originated from North Korea and this point made this class more interesting for me. Because the teacher explained everything from her own experience. I discovered not only the history and relationship evolution between South and North parts. But also got a lot of new information about life of ordinary people, about education system and ability of finding a job. I got knowledge that i will not be able to get in other place.