"Understanding Korea materials - All About Korea 2014 - Cultural Heritage: Gold Crowns of Silla: Treasures from a Brilliant Age"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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2021년 9월 12일 (일) 22:50 기준 최신판

Gold Crowns of Silla: Treasures from a Brilliant Age

AllAboutKorea2014 img 454.jpg
▶ Cultural Heritage ▶ Relics
  • Summary: This book introduces the gold crowns and related articles excavated from five royal tombs. The descriptions are accompanied by numerous photographs and related details. In addition, three insightful essays by art history scholars are included, which explain the gold culture of Silla, significance of Silla gold crowns and historical background of Silla’s exceptional culture.
  • Language: English
  • Format: Book
  • Year of Publication: 2010
  • Pages: 144
  • Publisher: The Korea Foundation
  • Price: $100 / ₩100,000
  • Inquiry: The Korea Foundation (+82-2-2151-6520)
  • ISBN: 978-89-86090-38-3