Pioneers in Korean Studies: the Founders of the Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Brother Anthony
23. Brother Anthony.jpg
Name in Latin Alphabet: Brother Anthony
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Affiliation: The Royal Asiatic Society Korea Branch

강연 소개

The main choice facing Korea as it neared the end of the 19th century was essentially between the old and the new. Japan was already embarked on the Meiji reforms; the main question was, should Joseon follow? The “new” might be called enlightenment, or modernization, or westernization, it obviously required radical changes. However, change was not a welcome idea to the conservative, Neo-Confucianist elite who were still wielding power in Joseon. To them, change meant heresy, a betrayal of the sacred teachings inherited from the past.

The most obvious outward change that did occur, especially after 1882, was the growing presence on the Korean peninsula of diplomatic and military representatives of outside powers : China and Japan, The United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy. These were soon followed by Protestant missionaries, eager to transform Korea in many ways, not only religious. Once the New begins to take over in a society, the Old is soon abolished, transformed into an object of scorn, of nostalgia, or of curiosity. Reactionaries may try to stem the tide, recent history shows that they can do little or nothing over the long term.

강연 영상

Pioneers in Korean Studies: the Founders of the RASKB