North Korea`s Military Adventurism and the Third Hereditary Transfer of Power

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
Sung Wook Nam
14. Sung Wook Nam.jpg
Name in Latin Alphabet: Sung Wook Nam
Nationality: Republic of Korea
Affiliation: Institute for National Security Strategy

강연 소개

The North’s nuclear possession is anticipated to be used not only for increasing its negotiating power vis-a-vis the United States but also for completing a succession process of Kim Il-sung-> Kim Jong-il-> Kim Jong-un. However, can the possession of nuclear which is refused by outside world guarantee the North’s hereditary power transfer? The North’s Kim clings to the hereditary power transfer because ensuring the succession process is the best choice for the political survival of Kim’s clan members and followers. The third hereditary succession is very difficult to be done rather than impossible to happen. Comparing to the first nuclear test, explosive power of the second nuclear test on May 25 was amplified in terms of seismic waves. Along with the establishment of the succession process, the North will unfold domestic control and seek both hard-line and soft-line policies towards the U.S., which will be affected by a variable such as Kim Jong-il’s health.

강연 영상

North Korea`s Military Adventurism