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HellenHealey52 (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 3월 8일 (수) 15:33 판 (새 문서: A 33 year-old-man recently killed his wife, stabbed their two baby girls (one and two years), and hanged himself in the little girls' room. Thus, ending the existence of this hitherto...)
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A 33 year-old-man recently killed his wife, stabbed their two baby girls (one and two years), and hanged himself in the little girls' room. Thus, ending the existence of this hitherto happy young family. The police have been investigating to identify what went wrong with this loving, hard-working husband and father; that he decided to violently wipe away his happy family that has been the envy of their neighbours. We don't know actually what necessitated this bizarre action, but here, we would like to consider some comments of their neighbours and a few other issues. One of them suggested financial problems. Another said the man had problems with drinking and drugs. Then, he had tattoos on his body and also wrote "Porno University" as his college on his Facebook page.

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Besides the political and Hollywood endorsements, it seems that endorsements are coming out of the woodwork quite rapidly. Last week, the Nevada state council of the Service Employees International Union, which represents over 17,000 workers, announced its endorsement of Barack Obama. Of the plus I wonder how many dishwashers and busboys are sm66 here illegally?