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GXMSamira09249 (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 3월 7일 (화) 18:07 판 (새 문서: If you want to watch TV shows online that are never shown in any normal TV stations. For reasons of ethics, society morals and standards, there are so many TV shows, movies and films...)
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If you want to watch TV shows online that are never shown in any normal TV stations. For reasons of ethics, society morals and standards, there are so many TV shows, movies and films that will never see the light of day in your normal TV network like FOX, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN. However with international online TV, you can rest assured that you will be able to watch a lot of other interesting TV programs like hunting TV, adult porn site TV, car racing, extreme sports, traditional martial arts online, karate, kick boxing Thailand TV etc.

ProfessorKuzer: The feminists and liberals will drive a stake through you and your reputation if you put this out. Can't you research and analyse a different subject? one with practical non-academic uses?

ProfessorGillford: The results of my study are that the longer a females feet touch the ground the more promiscuous she becomes, look at birds and fish both mate for life - low leg contact. Now consider lower mammals and insects they just can't get enough - massive leg contact. The first thing that women take off during sex, anywhere, are their shoes, have you ever wondered about that? Why even when a woman is drunk she will insist on taking off her sm66 shoes before any hanky panky.

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