"민원정"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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[[민원정]]의 글: [[Kadh2020 민원정]]
[[민원정]]의 글: [[Kadh2020 민원정]]
[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~jisun/tutorial/hanyang/2020_Ht_Wiki.pdf 위키 문법 교육 ppt 다운로드]
[http://dh.aks.ac.kr/~jisun/tutorial/hanyang/2020_Ht_Wiki.pdf 위키 문법 교육 ppt 다운로드]
Ph.D., Latin American Literature, 2000. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea<br>
Ph.D., Latin American Literature, 2000. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea<br>
Dissertation: El misticismo de Kábala en las obras de Borges [The Kabbalah Mysticism in Borges’ Work] [in Korean]<br>
Dissertation: El misticismo de Kábala en las obras de Borges [The Kabbalah Mysticism in Borges’ Work] [in Korean]<br>
37번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
Korean Language and Culture, Korean I, II<br>
Korean Language and Culture, Korean I, II<br>
- Universidad Marítima de Chile (2004-2005)<br>
- Universidad Marítima de Chile (2004-2005)<br>
Korean I, II
Korean I, II<br>
칠레가톨릭대학교 국제한국학세미나 Junior Panel - 한반도 통일 이후 시대 모의 회의<br>
Co-author (Jin, D.Y., K. Yoon & W. Min) (2021). Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture. Rowman and Littlefield. In Press. [in English]
[[파일:Transnational hallyu.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Transnational Hallyu. The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture]]
Editor (2017). Comunicación política, diplomática y sociocultural entre Corea y el mundo. Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patagonia ebooks del sur. E-book. [in Spanish & English]
* Co-author (Jin, D.Y., K. Yoon & W. Min) (2021). [https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781538146965/ Transnational Hallyu: The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture]. Rowman and Littlefield. [in English]<br>
* Editor (2017). [https://www.amazon.com/-/es/Wonjung-Min-ebook/dp/B071FS4LS9 Comunicación política, diplomática y sociocultural entre Corea y el mundo]. Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patagonia ebooks del sur. E-book. [in Spanish & English]<br>
* Editor (2015). [https://ediciones.uc.cl/index.php/estudios-coreanos-para-hispanohablantes-2133.html Estudios coreanos para hispanohablantes. Un acercamiento crítico, comparativo e interdisciplinario]. Ediciones UC.`[in Spanish]<br>
[[파일:Estudios_coreanos_para_hispanohablantes_corea.png|200px|thumb|right|Estudios coreanos para hispanohablantes]]
* Min, W. (2020). [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1748048520928254 Mis Chinos, Tus Chinos: The Orientalism of Chilean K-pop Fans]. International Communication Gazette. First Published Online June 2, 2020. Scopus.
* Yoon, K., Min, W., & Jin, D. Y. (2020). [https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07256868.2020.1724907 Consuming the Contra-Flow of K-pop in Spain. Journal of Intercultural Studies]. First Published Online Feb. 11, 2020. Scopus.
* Min, W., Jin, D. Y. & Han, B. (2019). [https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/0163443718799403 Transcultural Fandom of the Korean Wave in Latin America: through the Lens of Cultural Intimacy and Affinity Space]. Media, Culture & Society 41(5), 604-619. First Published Online Sep. 14, 2018. SSCI.
* Min, W. (2016). [https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-23762016000200008&lng=en&nrm=i.p Implicit Notions of Korean Identity: The Absence of Explicit Communication in Korean Hybrid Greetings]. Universum: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 31(2), 119-140. Scopus.
* Jin, Y. J., Min, W., & Yoo, J. W. (2016). [https://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cog/tcc/2016/00000016/00000003/art00002 The Impact of Tourism Advertising on Corporate Attitudes and Tourism Intentions: Country and Corporation Interactions in the Halo Effect and Public Diplomacy]. Tourism, Culture and Communication 16(3), 109-121. Scopus.
* Min, W. (2016). La educación en ambas Coreas: perspectivas de su influencia ante una eventual reunificación. Escenarios Actuales 1, 45-52. LATINDEX, CLASE (UNAM).
* Min, W. (2016). Post-unification Inter-Korean Intercultural Communication: Examining the Impact of History Education on New Identity Formation. S/N Korean Humanities 12(1), 105-121.
===Book Chapters===
* Min, W. (2021). Receiving Unfamiliar Culture in Post-Colonial Latin America in the Digital Age: Interpretations of Anime, Manga, and K-pop by Chilean Fans. In Jin, D. Y. (Ed.). [https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Handbook-of-Digital-Media-and-Globalization/Jin/p/book/9780367415792 The Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Globalization]. Routledge. [in English]
* Min, W. (2019). The 1.5th and 2nd generations in Chile: Am I a Korean? In Han, E. J., Han, M. W., & Lee, J. (Eds.). [https://rowman.com/ISBN/9781498599238/Korean-Diaspora-across-the-World-Homeland-in-History-Memory-Imagination-Media-and-Reality Korean Diaspora Across the World: Homeland in history, memory, imagination, media, and reality]. (pp. 113-128). Lexington Books. [in English]
* Min, W. (2018). La transición de Corea del Sur luego de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. In P. Iacobelli, R. Cribb & J. L. Perelló E. (Eds.), [https://www.amazon.com/Asia-Pac%C3%ADfico-durante-a%C3%B1os-Guerra/dp/9562891798 Asia y el Pacífico durante la Guerra Fría]. (55-67). Santiago, Chile: FCE (Fondo de Cultura Económica). [in Spanish]
* Min, W. (2017). Korean Wave Reception and Participatory Fan Culture in Latin America: What Lies Beyond the Media Reports. In T. J. Yoon & D. Y. Jin (Eds.), [https://www.amazon.com/Korean-Wave-Evolution-Fandom-Transnationality/dp/149855556X The Korean Wave: Evolution, Fandom and Transnationality]. (145-172). Lexington Books.
* Min, W. (2017). El viaje de globalización cultural de la música pop coreana: antes del K-pop. In W. Min (Ed.) Comunicación política, diplomática y sociocultural entre Corea y el mundo .Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patagonia ebooks del sur. [in Spanish]
===Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos (International Conference on Korean Studies)===
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhavHAks8tE<br>
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFZy_flG6bw<br>
[[파일:Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos.jpg |300px|Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos]]
===Concurso de ensayo Corea (Essay Contest on Korean Studies)===
[[파일:Afiche Cambio textos VB.jpg |200px| right |Afiche 11 Concurso de Ensayo Corea]]
* [https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/A2021031210500003775 한국일보 민원정의 중남미포커스 2. 가능하지도 불가능하지도 않은 낙태]<br>
Min, W. (2020). Mis Chinos, Tus Chinos: The Orientalism of Chilean K-pop Fans. International Communication Gazette. First Published Online June 2, 2020. Scopus.
* [https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/A2021020915170004510 한국일보 민원정의 중남미포서크 1. 가려운 곳을 긁어주는 중국의 백신외교]<br>
Yoon, K., Min, W., & Jin, D. Y. (2020). Consuming the Contra-Flow of K-pop in Spain. Journal of Intercultural Studies. First Published Online Feb. 11, 2020. Scopus.
* [https://www.hankookilbo.com/News/Read/202003191296370595 책소개 한국에서 버틸용기]<br>
Min, W., Jin, D. Y. & Han, B. (2019). Transcultural Fandom of the Korean Wave in Latin America: through the Lens of Cultural Intimacy and Affinity Space. Media, Culture & Society 41(5), 604-619. First Published Online Sep. 14, 2018. SSCI.
[[파일:한국에서 버틸용기.jpg|250px|한국에서 버틸 용기]]
Min, W. (2016). Implicit Notions of Korean Identity: The Absence of Explicit Communication in Korean Hybrid Greetings. Universum: Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales 31(2), 119-140. Scopus.
Jin, Y. J., Min, W., & Yoo, J. W. (2016). The Impact of Tourism Advertising on Corporate Attitudes and Tourism Intentions: Country and Corporation Interactions in the Halo Effect and Public Diplomacy. Tourism, Culture and Communication 16(3), 109-121. Scopus.
Min, W. (2016). La educación en ambas Coreas: perspectivas de su influencia ante una eventual reunificación. Escenarios Actuales 1, 45-52. LATINDEX, CLASE (UNAM).
Min, W. (2016). Post-unification Inter-Korean Intercultural Communication: Examining the Impact of History Education on New Identity Formation. S/N Korean Humanities 12(1), 105-121.  
Book Chapters
Min, W. (2021). Receiving Unfamiliar Culture in Post-Colonial Latin America in the Digital Age: Interpretations of Anime, Manga, and K-pop by Chilean Fans. In Jin, D. Y. (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Globalization. Routledge. [in English]
Min, W. (2019). The 1.5th and 2nd generations in Chile: Am I a Korean? In Han, E. J., Han, M. W., & Lee, J. (Eds.). Korean Diaspora Across the World: Homeland in history, memory, imagination, media, and reality (pp. 113-128). Lexington Books. [in English]
파일:Transnational hallyu.jpg | Transnational Hallyu. The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture]]
Min, W. (2018). La transición de Corea del Sur luego de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. In P. Iacobelli, R. Cribb & J. L. Perelló E. (Eds.), Asia y el Pacífico durante la Guerra Fría (55-67). Santiago, Chile: FCE (Fondo de Cultura Económica). [in Spanish]
파일:Estudios_coreanos_para_hispanohablantes_corea.png|200px|thumb|right|Estudios coreanos para hispanohablantes]]
Min, W. (2017). Korean Wave Reception and Participatory Fan Culture in Latin America: What Lies Beyond the Media Reports. In T. J. Yoon & D. Y. Jin (Eds.), The Korean Wave: Evolution, Fandom and Transnationality (145-172). Lexington Books.
파일:Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos.jpg | Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos
Min, W. (2017). El viaje de globalización cultural de la música pop coreana: antes del K-pop. In W. Min (Ed.) Comunicación política, diplomática y sociocultural entre Corea y el mundo .Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patagonia ebooks del sur. [in Spanish]
파일:Afiche Cambio textos VB.jpg | Afiche 11 Concurso de Ensayo Corea
파일:한국에서 버틸용기.jpg | 한국에서 버틸 용기]]

2021년 7월 16일 (금) 07:40 기준 최신판

이 페이지는 위키 문서를 만들기 위한 연습용 화면입니다.

민원정의 글: Kadh2020 민원정

위키 문법 교육 ppt 다운로드


Ph.D., Latin American Literature, 2000. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea
Dissertation: El misticismo de Kábala en las obras de Borges [The Kabbalah Mysticism in Borges’ Work] [in Korean]
M.A., Latin American Literature, 1993. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea
Dissertation: El anti-logocentrismo en las obras de Borges [The Anti-Logocentrism in Borges’ Work] [in Korean]
B.A., Spanish major, English minor, 1990. Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea


The Reception of Korean (Asian) Popular Culture in Latin America
Intercultural Communication between Korea and Chile (Latin America)
History Education Impact on Post-Unification Inter-Korean Intercultural Communication
Cultural Hybridization and Identity Formation of Korea/Latin America


- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (since 2006)
For Undergraduate: Korean History and Culture (2012 to present), The Exchange of Popular Culture in Northeast Asia (2018), Comparative Culture between Korea and Latin America (2012 to present), Women in Korean History (2007 to 2016), Intercultural Communication between Asia and Latin America (2011), Comparative Literature (2011), Asian History and Culture (2012 to present, team-teaching), Korean Language and Culture I (2006 to 2011), & II (2007-2011)
For Graduate: Intercultural Communication (2012)
- Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile (2019, 1st semester)
Korean History and Culture (for undergraduate)
- Freie Universität Berlin, Germany (September, 2017 – February, 2018)
14080 Seminar. Kultur: Korean Wave
Invited Guest Scholar
- University of Michigan, USA (June 29-August 16, 2016)
Title: LEO Lecturer 1 (with the Dept. of Asian Languages and Culture and the Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies at the University of Michigan for the Summer 2016 term)
Course Title: K-Pop! Assessing the Impact of Korean Wave in Latin America
Appointment Period: July 1, 2016 – August 31, 2016
- KF e-School Program for Latin America (January 26 to May 26, 2015): Organized by the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León (UANL) and funded by the Korea Foundation
Online course-Korean Pop Culture (Participant countries and universities: Mexico (UANL, ITESM, UNAM, UNISAN, BUAP); Costa Rica (Univ. de Costa Rica, Univ. Nacional de Costa Rica, Univ. de San José); Ecuador (UNED); Guatemala (URL); Colombia (UIS, UNAB, USA, EAFIT))
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile (2004-2011)
Korean Language and Culture, Korean I, II
- Universidad Marítima de Chile (2004-2005)
Korean I, II

칠레가톨릭대학교 국제한국학세미나 Junior Panel - 한반도 통일 이후 시대 모의 회의



Transnational Hallyu. The Globalization of Korean Digital and Popular Culture
Estudios coreanos para hispanohablantes


Book Chapters

  • Min, W. (2021). Receiving Unfamiliar Culture in Post-Colonial Latin America in the Digital Age: Interpretations of Anime, Manga, and K-pop by Chilean Fans. In Jin, D. Y. (Ed.). The Routledge Handbook of Digital Media and Globalization. Routledge. [in English]
  • Min, W. (2019). The 1.5th and 2nd generations in Chile: Am I a Korean? In Han, E. J., Han, M. W., & Lee, J. (Eds.). Korean Diaspora Across the World: Homeland in history, memory, imagination, media, and reality. (pp. 113-128). Lexington Books. [in English]
  • Min, W. (2018). La transición de Corea del Sur luego de la Segunda Guerra Mundial. In P. Iacobelli, R. Cribb & J. L. Perelló E. (Eds.), Asia y el Pacífico durante la Guerra Fría. (55-67). Santiago, Chile: FCE (Fondo de Cultura Económica). [in Spanish]
  • Min, W. (2017). Korean Wave Reception and Participatory Fan Culture in Latin America: What Lies Beyond the Media Reports. In T. J. Yoon & D. Y. Jin (Eds.), The Korean Wave: Evolution, Fandom and Transnationality. (145-172). Lexington Books.
  • Min, W. (2017). El viaje de globalización cultural de la música pop coreana: antes del K-pop. In W. Min (Ed.) Comunicación política, diplomática y sociocultural entre Corea y el mundo .Santiago, Chile: Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Patagonia ebooks del sur. [in Spanish]



Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos (International Conference on Korean Studies)

Seminario Internacional de Estudios Coreanos

Concurso de ensayo Corea (Essay Contest on Korean Studies)


Afiche 11 Concurso de Ensayo Corea


한국에서 버틸 용기