Jian WU

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Mr. Wu Jian, researcher, Director of the Conservation Research Department of Dunhuang Academy, noted cultural relic photographer and cultural relic digitization expert. He has hosted the “Digital Dunhuang” project for over 20 years which is the longest-standing and largest digital conservation project for cultural relics in China. There are over 285 caves completed its digitization at the Mogao Grottoes, the Yulin Caves and the Western Thousand Buddha Caves, including wall paintings digitization, 3D reconstruction of painted sculptures, cave structures and the cave sites, VR programs making, data storage, etc. He took responsibility to lay down 13 industrial criteria for digital conservation of Chinese cultural relics and designed 28 digital achievement exhibitions at home and abroad, as well as published 15 theses and over 10 monographs. He also won the Golden Image Award in China and gave keynote speeches in China, the United States, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea and other countries.