Ba-ro Kim
Ddokbaro (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2022년 9월 20일 (화) 20:11 판 (새 문서: 파일:Ba-ro Kim.jpg '''Ba-ro Kim, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, Academy of Korean Studies, Korea''' Kim Baro is a research professor at the Korean Research Instit...)
Ba-ro Kim, Assistant Professor of Digital Humanities, Academy of Korean Studies, Korea
Kim Baro is a research professor at the Korean Research Institute. He explored the relationship between personnel and institutions, focusing on the appointment of modern teachers at the Department of Humanities and Information at Academy of Korean Studies, Korea. He was a HK research professor at Chung-Ang University HK+AI Human Literature Project, conducting research on combining artificial intelligence and humanities as an HK research professor.