2021 Digital Humanities Conference

Lyndsey2 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2021년 11월 10일 (수) 15:16 판 (Event Information)

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2021 Digital Humanities Conference Poster

한국디지털인문학협의회는 한국학중앙연구원 디지털인문학연구소, 동국대학교 트랜스미디어세계문학연구소, 주식회사 PCN과 공동으로 2021년 디지털인문학대회를 개최합니다.

Covid-19로 고통을 겪어온 세계는 이제 시련을 통해 얻은 통찰과 새로운 비전을 가지고 변화된 내일을 준비하고 있습니다. 우리가 살아가는 사회 환경은 이미 여러 면에서 예전과 같지 않고, 또 더욱 많이 변화할 것입니다. 환경이 변화하면, 그 안에서 살아가는 인간의 삶이 변화하게 되고, 새로운 형태의 삶을 살아가는 인간에 대해서는 새로운 이해와 설명이 요구됩니다. 인간을 새롭게 정의하는 포스트 휴먼 시대에 우리의 관심사인 인문학 연구와 교육이 어떻게 유지되고 변화되어야 할지에 대해 고민하지 않을 수 없습니다. 디지털 인문학의 실천적 활동에 관심을 두고 있는 우리는 디지털 데이터, 디지털 콘텐츠라는 새로운 언어를 가지고 포스트 휴먼시대 인문지식의 가치를 증신시키는 새로운 방법을 찾고자 합니다.

이번 학술발표회는 이러한 노력의 성과와 전망을 공유하고자 하는 취지에서 마련하였습니다. 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다.

Event Information

※ Inquiries: KIM Baro (Professor of Cultural Informatics, Academy of Korean Studies) ddokbaro@gmail.com

Presentation Topics and Schedule

Time Session Content Presenter/Discussant
Opening Ceremony
Opening Remarks KIM Hyeon (President, Korean Association for Digital Humanities)
Welcome Remarks AHN Byung Woo (President, Academy of Korean Studies)
Session 1
Special Session on the Seoul City Wall Time Machine Project: The Role and Vision as a Platform for Digital Humanities Knowledge
14th- to 20th-century Seoul as Experienced in the Virtual World: 3D City Data Modelling and Metaverse Implementation KIM Jin-sam (PCN, Inc.)
Seoul City Wall Time Machine: A New Venture toward a Fusion of Humanities and Cultural Heritage KIM Hyeon (Academy of Korean Studies)
Vestiges of Seoulites in the Seoul City Wall Time Machine: The Human Network in Paintings of Gatherings of Scholar-Officials of the Joseon Period YUN Chin-yong (Academy of Korean Studies)
Coffee Break (10:50-11:00)
Online Rountable Discussion:
Seoul City Wall Time Machine - Communicating with the World
ASANOBU Kitamoto (National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
YU Tian Xiu (Dunhuang Digitalization Academy, China)
Paul ARTHUR (Edith Cowan University, Australia)
Ray SIEMENS (University of Victoria, Canada)
KIM Chung-sik (Dept. of Traditional Landscape Architecture, Korea National University of Cultural Heritage, Korea)
AN Jae-hong (Graduate School of Culture Technology, KAIST, Korea)
General Discussion
Zoom & Youtube
Chair: Youngmin KIM (Vice-president, Korean Association for Digital Humanities)
13:00 - 14:00
Session 2
2021 KADH Planned Session: Humanities in the Post-human Era
Ghosts in Nineteenth-century British Gothic Literature as Literary/Statistical Anomalies Jongkeyong KIM (Texas Christian University)
Discussion JEONG Jae-sik (Ajou University)
The Application Limits of Sentiment Analysis in Literary Studies KIM Ho-yeol (Texas A&M University)
Discussion HA Heon-jin (세이지리서치)
The Retrospections and Prospects of Digital Conceptual History in East Asia SONG In-jae (Hallym University)
Discussion YANG Tae-geun (Hallym University)
Linguistics Research Utilizing the Computer: Sharing Several Case Studies CHOE Un-ho (Mokpo National University)
Discussion AN Jae-won (Seoul National University)
The Intellectual Structure of Korean Humanities as Seen Through Data: Data Analysis of Humanities Bibliographies in the Korea Citation Index, 2000-2019 KIM Byeong-jun (Sungkyungwan University)
Discussion JEONG Yu-gyeong (Hannam University)
Coffee Concert
Jazz Duos for Violin and Piano (16:40-17:00)
Violin: SONG Jeong-min (Concert Master, Im Dong-chang's Baramgyeol Orchestra)
Piano: LEE Juhae (Academy of Korean Studies)
General Discussion
Humanities Research and Digital Humanities in the Post-Human Era (17:00-18:00)
Zoom & Youtube
Chair: KIM Yong-su (Hallym University)

※ You can view the presentation materials by clicking on the respective link.</br> ※ Participants' surnames are stylized in capital letters.