Workshops & Conferences

Hyekangs (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 6월 5일 (화) 20:38 판

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이동: 둘러보기, 검색
  • 2016.02 DH education workshop (4 days)
  • 2016.02 Workshop jointly hosted with Korean Documentary & Cultural Research Center (5 days)
  • 2016.02 Workshop on DH and classical texts jointly hosted w/ Yonsei Univ.’s Yeolsang Institute
  • 2016.08 Workshop jointly hosted with Korea Univ.’s Research Institute of Korean Studies (1 day)
  • 2016.12 Young Brains Forum jointly hosted with Korea Humanities Content Association & Academy of Korean Studies (1 day)
  • 2017.01 Workshop for middle and high school teachers (2 days)
  • 2017.11 Workshop at Seoul City’s Lifelong Learning College (5 days)
  • 2017.11 First international conference with the theme of "DH and Storytelling" (2 days)