"(2017Translation) 知魚樂"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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잔글 (Admin님이 (Translations) 知魚樂 문서를 넘겨주기를 만들지 않고 (Translation) 知魚樂 문서로 이동했습니다)
(Student 8 : (Write your name))
54번째 줄: 54번째 줄:
==='''Student 8 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 8 : (Bryan Sauvadet)'''===
“Zhi yu le” 知魚樂 [Knowing the joy of fish], Zhuangzi
Zhuangzi and Huizi are roaning on the stone bridge over the Hao River.
Zhuangzi said: “a little fish come out and play at their ease that is the enjoyment of the fish.”
Huizi said: “You are not a fish, how do you now the fish’s enjoyment?”
Zhuangzi said: “You are not me, how do you know that I don’t know the enjoyment of the fish?”
Huizi said: “I don’t know you, but you, apparently, are not a fish, so you don’t know the complete enjoyment of the fish?”
Zhuangzi said: “Go back where are started, you said ‘How do you know fish is happy?’ that mean that you really know that I know and ask me, and I know it over the Hao River.
==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===

2017년 7월 7일 (금) 16:24 판

Original Script

莊子與惠子遊於濠梁之上。莊子曰:「儵魚出遊從容,是魚樂也。」惠子曰:「子非魚,安知魚之樂?」莊子曰:「子非我,安知我不知魚之樂?」惠子曰:「我非子,固不知子矣;子固非魚也,子之不知魚之樂全矣。」莊子曰:「請循其本。子曰『汝安知魚樂』云者,既已知吾知之而問我,我知之濠上也。 《莊子.秋水》


Student 1 : (Write your name)

Student 2 : (Write your name)

Student 3 : (Write your name)

Student 4 : (Write your name)

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Bryan Sauvadet)

“Zhi yu le” 知魚樂 [Knowing the joy of fish], Zhuangzi


Zhuangzi and Huizi are roaning on the stone bridge over the Hao River.


Zhuangzi said: “a little fish come out and play at their ease that is the enjoyment of the fish.”


Huizi said: “You are not a fish, how do you now the fish’s enjoyment?”


Zhuangzi said: “You are not me, how do you know that I don’t know the enjoyment of the fish?”


Huizi said: “I don’t know you, but you, apparently, are not a fish, so you don’t know the complete enjoyment of the fish?”


Zhuangzi said: “Go back where are started, you said ‘How do you know fish is happy?’ that mean that you really know that I know and ask me, and I know it over the Hao River.

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

Student 14 : (Write your name)