문장 36 - 40

Kimm (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 17일 (월) 19:18 판 (Student 4 : (Write your name))

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

36. 杏花: 三月江南處處花發水村山郭風掣酒旗遊人行客多尋杏花村

37. 梅花: 臘雪初消寒葩始綻閒庭黃昏暗香浮動

38. 柳: 渭城朝雨章臺春風枝枝垂絲葉葉嫩金征婦結恨遊者蕩情

39. 蘭草: 生於幽谷淸香遠播君子愛之故曰人之同心其臭如蘭如入芝蘭之室

40. 四季花: 凡百卉之發一歲不再發惟此花獨春之季月夏之季月秋之季月冬之季月每發故謂之四季花


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

36. 杏花: 三月江南處處花發水村山郭風掣酒旗遊人行客多尋杏花村

Apricot flowers: In the third month at Jiangnan the flowers blossom everywhere. Wind brings a streamer of a tavern[1] The loiterers and travellers frequently look for a village with apricot flowers.

37. 梅花: 臘雪初消寒葩始綻閒庭黃昏暗香浮動

Plum flowers: [When] Winter snows[2] first thaw, cold flower buds begin to break open [as flower]. In the quiescent garden at dusk a delicate fragrance float around.

38. 柳: 渭城朝雨章臺春風枝枝垂絲葉葉嫩金征婦結恨遊者蕩情

Willows: The morning rain at Weicheng [3] and the spring wind at Zhangtai [4] make each willow branch hang down like threads and each leaf soften like delicate gold. The wife whose husband went to war bears grief, while travelers drift with promiscuous feelings.

39. 蘭草: 生於幽谷淸香遠播君子愛之故曰人之同心其臭如蘭如入芝蘭之室

Orchids: [They] Grow in a secluded valley. Fresh fragrance spread far away. The virtuous men love them, so said, "The scent of people of a mind are like that of orchids and like entering the room full of fragrant orchids [5]

40. 四季花: 凡百卉之發一歲不再發惟此花獨春之季月夏之季月秋之季月冬之季月每發故謂之四季花

Four Season Flower: As for florescence of all flowers, they do not bloom twice a year. But this flower alone bloom every time in the last month of spring, in the last month of summer, in the last month of autumn, and in the last month of winter. It is called Four Season Flower.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

36. 杏花: 三月江南處處花發水村山郭風掣酒旗遊人行客多尋杏花村

The third month in Jiangnan1, flowers blossom here and there, in villages by the rivers and towns in the mountains, the wind blows on inns' flags, among wandering people and travellers, many are looking for the apricote flower village.

37. 梅花: 臘雪初消寒葩始綻閒庭黃昏暗香浮動

The snow of the twelve’s month starts to melt, cold blooms commence to spread, courtyards are quiet and dusks are yellow, a dark fragrance floats and move [around].

38. 柳: 渭城朝雨章臺春風枝枝垂絲葉葉嫩金征婦結恨遊者蕩情

The morning rain of Weicheng 2, the spring wind of Zhangtai, every branches bend like threads, every leaves sparkle like gold, the wives of soldiers who went on expedition tie their grief, the travellers have promiscuous feelings.

39. 蘭草: 生於幽谷淸香遠播君子愛之故曰人之同心其臭如蘭如入芝蘭之室

They emerge in deep ravines, they diffuse far away a pure fragrance. Gentlemen love them, therefore it is said that "The shared minds of people are like the fragrance of orchids(?), it is like entering a house of orchids and angelica roots3.

40. 四季花: 凡百卉之發一歲不再發惟此花獨春之季月夏之季月秋之季月冬之季月每發故謂之四季花

In general, the blooming of a hundred blossoms does not happen again in a year. Only these flowers bloom everytime in the third month of spring, the third month of autumn, the third month of winter. Thus they are called “Flowers of the four seasons”4.

1: 江南 (Jiangnan), province located in Southern China.

2: 渭城 (Weicheng) & 章臺 (Zhangtai), Chinese cities.

3: 芝蘭 ('orchids and angelica roots'), flowers known for their subtle fragrances; in the text, the author is making a comparison with people that we may feel good with, even without exchanging a word.

4: 四季花, more precisely, "Flowers of the third month of the four seasons".

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

36. 杏花: 三月江南處處花發水村山郭風掣酒旗遊人行客多尋杏花村

Apricot flowers: In the third month in Jiangnan1, flowers blossom everywhere. In villages by the rivers and towns near the mountains, the wind blows on streamers of wine shops, and many travellers and tourists seek the village of apricot flowers.

37. 梅花: 臘雪初消寒葩始綻閒庭黃昏暗香浮動

Plum flowers: [When] the snow of the twelveth month starts to melt, cold blossoms begin to open, and in tranquil yards at dusk subtle scent flows and moves around.

38. 柳: 渭城朝雨章臺春風枝枝垂絲葉葉嫩金征婦結恨遊者蕩情

Willows: The morning rain in Weicheng2 and the spring wind in Zhangtai3, [they make] all the branches hang down like silk and all the leaves delicate as gold. Wifes whose husbands went to war connect [this with their] sorrow {O not sure about this phrase O} and those who travel get promiscuous feelings.

39. 蘭草: 生於幽谷淸香遠播君子愛之故曰人之同心其臭如蘭如入芝蘭之室

40. 四季花: 凡百卉之發一歲不再發惟此花獨春之季月夏之季月秋之季月冬之季月每發故謂之四季花

1 regions south of the Yangtse river

2 It refers to a poem "Wei City Song" of Wang Wei (699-761 AD; poem with translation [1])

3 Street name in ancient Chang'an synonymous with a brothel area red-light district.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

36. 杏花: 三月江南處處花發水村山郭風掣酒旗遊人行客多尋杏花村

Apricot Flowers – In the third month in Jiangnan, in various places flowers bloom, towns [by the] water and surrounding mountains, the wind tugs at wine [shop] flags. Many traveling people and ambulating guests look for apricot flowering towns.

37. 梅花: 臘雪初消寒葩始綻閒庭黃昏暗香浮動

Plum Flowers – The twelfth month's snow first disappears, winter buds start bursting [open]. Inside gardens at dusk, a muted fragrance floatingly moves.

38. 柳: 渭城朝雨章臺春風枝枝垂絲葉葉嫩金征婦結恨遊者蕩情

      • not yet translated ***

39. 蘭草: 生於幽谷淸香遠播君子愛之故曰人之同心其臭如蘭如入芝蘭之室

Born in deep valleys, a clear scent spreads afar. Gentlemen love it, [this is] the reason [they] say people of the same mind, their scent is like orchids, [and] like entering a house of angelica root and orchids.

40. 四季花: 凡百卉之發一歲不再發惟此花獨春之季月夏之季月秋之季月冬之季月每發故謂之四季花

Generally, [as for] the blooming of numerous flowers, they do not bloom [again] in the year. Only this flower alone blooms [in] every spring's last month, summer's last month, autumn's last month, [and] winter's last month, the reason [people] call it the four-season flower.

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)

杏花: 三月江南1) 處處花發 水村山郭 風掣酒旗 遊人行客 多尋杏花村

Apricot flower: In the third month, flowers blossom everywhere in Jiangnan; [among] the riverside towns and mountain villages, wind tickles streamers hanging over taverns frequented by travelers and tourists searching for apricot villages.

梅花: 臘雪初消 寒葩始綻 閒庭黃昏 暗香浮動

Plum flower: [As] snow in the last month of the year begins to melt, its buds open in the cold; in a quiet garden at twilight, its subtle fragrance floats around.

柳: 渭城2)朝雨 章臺3)春風 枝枝垂絲 葉葉嫩金 征婦結恨 遊者蕩情

Willow tree: Morning rain in Weicheng, spring wind of Zhāng tái; [its] branches droop like threads, [its] leaves glitter like gold. A wife of a soldier who went on battle knotted her bitter emotions [there]; a traveler wiped off his sentiments [there].

蘭草: 生於幽谷 淸香遠播 君子愛之 故曰 人之同心 其臭如蘭4) 如入芝蘭之室5)

Wild orchid: Blooming in deep valley, [its] pure fragrance diffuses far away. Gentlemen loves it. Thus it is said, "the shared hearts of two people are as fragrant as orchid; [associating with a goodman] is like entering a room with orchid."

1) Southern regions of the Yangtse in China. This reveals the shared geographical notion in Korean and Chinese literature.

2) 王維, '渭城曲'. 渭城은 지금의 陝西省 西安市 서북쪽에 위치해 있는데, 秦나라 도성인 함양 남쪽으로 渭水가 흐른다고 해서 渭城이라 불렸다. 자고로 이별의 장소로 쓰였다. 왕유가 그의 벗 元二를 餞別한 장소이기도 하다. -송재소, 『당시삼백수3』, 240쪽.

3) 현재 陝西省 長安縣 故城 西南에 있다. 전국 시대에 세워졌다. 장대 아래에는 ‘章臺街’라는 거리가 있었다. 이곳은 歌妓들이 모여 사는 곳이기도 해서 나중에는 妓院을 지칭하는 말로도 사용되었다. 이 거리에는 버드나무柳가 심겨있었는데 이별할 때 가지를 꺾어주었다. 이와 관련하여, 唐나라 韓翃과 名妓 柳氏의 사랑 이야기가 전해진다. “章臺柳, 章臺柳, 昔日靑靑今在否? 縱使長條似舊垂, 也應攀折他人手” -왕궈웨이(王國維) 저, 조성천 역 『人間詞話』, 각주 106번.

4) 子曰:君子之道,或出或處,或默或語,二人同心,其利斷金,同心之言,其臭如蘭,初六藉用白茅,無咎。《周易》 51

5) 孔子曰:「吾死之後,則商也日益,賜也日損。」曾子曰:「何謂也?」子曰:「商也好與賢己者處,賜也好說不若己者。不知其子,視其父;不知其人,視其友;不知其君,視其所使;不知其地,視其草木。故曰:與善人居,如入芝蘭之室,久而不聞其香,即與之化矣;與不善人居,如入鮑魚之肆,久而不聞其臭,亦與之化矣。丹之所藏者赤,漆之所藏者黑。是以君子必慎其所與處者焉。」 《六本》 15

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

Student 14 : (Write your name)

  1. [2] 酒旗: a streamer hanging in front of a wine shop.
  2. [3] 臘月: the winter months (10th, 11th and 12th)
  3. 王维 <渭城曲>: 渭城朝雨浥輕塵 Wang Wei's "A Song at Weicheng": Weicheng's morning rain dampens the light dust
  4. [4] 章臺: street name in ancient Chang'an synonymous with brothel area red-light district
  5. [5] 如入芝蘭之室: 《孔子家語·六本》: 故曰:與善人居,如入芝蘭之室,久而不聞其香,即與之化矣