문장 1 - 5

Thpepe (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 8일 (토) 00:21 판 (Student 3 : (Write your name))

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

1. 天: 天者蒼蒼在上輕淸而至高日月星辰繫焉

2. 地: 地者在下而博厚山川萬物皆載焉

3. 日: 日者太陽之精朝出于扶桑暮入于若木冬則短夏則長

4. 月: 月者太陰之精遇夜而明望前漸圓望後漸缺

5. 星辰: 星辰者萬物之精上爲星辰晝隱夜現


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

1. 天: 天者蒼蒼在上[1]輕淸而至高日月星辰繫焉[2]

1. Heaven: Heaven is blue and vast above. It is light, clear, and supremely high. the sun, moon, stars, and constellations of the zodiac, are suspended in it.

Student 2 : (Write your name)

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

1. 天: 天者蒼蒼在上輕淸而至高日月星辰繫焉

Heaven: The heaven is above deep and immersed, it is light, clear and extremely high, and the sun, the moon and the stars are tied up there.

2. 地: 地者在下而博厚山川萬物皆載焉

Earth: The earth is below [the heaven] and [it is] abundant, and the mountains, the rivers and the ten thousand things are loaded on it.

3. 日: 日者太陽之精朝出于扶桑暮入于若木冬則短夏則長

Sun: The sun is the great yang's essence which in the morning comes out from the east [where the Pusang(ch. Fusang[3]) is] and in the evening goes down to the west [where the Yangmok(ch. Ruomu[4]is], and when it is winter, then it is short and when it is summer, then it is long.

4. 月: 月者太陰之精遇夜而明望前漸圓望後漸缺

Moon: The moon is

5. 星辰: 星辰者萬物之精上爲星辰晝隱夜現

Student 4 : (Write your name)

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Bryan Sauvadet)

1. 天: 天者, 蒼蒼在上, 輕淸而至高, 日月星辰, 繫焉. The heaven is the azure on the highest; it is lightness, clear, and extremely high. The sun, the moon, the stars and the constellations are unified there.

2. 地: 地者,在下而博厚[5] ,山川萬物, 皆載焉. The earth is under, also large and substantial. Mountains, streams, ten thousand things carry there.

3. 日: 日者,太陽之精,朝出于扶桑[6] ,暮入于若木[7] ,冬則短夏則長 The sun is the essence of the great Yang, in the morning it appear from the Fusang tree, in the evening it come on the Ruomu tree, in winter it is short, in summer it is long.

4. 月: 月者,太陰之精,遇夜而明,望 前漸圓,望後漸缺. The moon is the essence of the great Yin, when the night comes it is brilliant. Before the first fifteen days of month, it becomes circular, and after it’s becomes deficit.

5. 星辰: 星辰者,萬物之精,上爲星辰,晝隱夜現.

The stars and constellations are the essences of ten-thousand things, when the essences go to heaven, they become stars and constellations. On day-time they’re concealed, on night-time they’re appear.

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

Student 14 : (Write your name)

  1. [1]蒼蒼在上:《朱子語類•理氣上•太極天地上》
  2. [2] 日月星辰系焉 : 《禮記•中庸》
  3. a mythical tree supposed to grow in the East, described as a tree similar to the mulberry
  4. a mythical tree supposed to grow in the West, Pollia japonica
  5. 博厚 : 《禮記•中庸》
  6. 扶桑 : 《論衡•說日》/ 《漢書•揚雄傳上》/ 《山海經•海外東經》/ 《西遊記》 / 《三國演義》
  7. 若木 : 《論衡•儒增》 / 《史記•秦本紀》/ 《戰國策•范睢至秦》/ 《山海經•大荒北經》