(Translation) 茶山 贈言帖

Soyun (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 5일 (수) 09:52 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Original Script

Image Text Translation
다산증언첩1 ◎ 老頭陀面壁念佛, 忽思世間夫婦, 對飯同被, 歡樂無比. 錫杖下山, 忽見井上有黃頭黑面, 如九子魔母者, 散髮痛哭. 詢之, 與夫鬨也. 頭陀色然駭, 回上山來.
다산증언첩2 ◎ “花濃春寺靜, 竹細野塘幽.” 此春日禪參話頭也. “秋水淸無底, 蕭然淨客心.” 此秋日竪拂戒語也. 常誦此二聯, 不患不頓悟也.
다산증언첩3 ◎ 道烜比丘性機警. 紫霞山人曰: “慧者鈍之根, 巧者拙之本. 女知之乎? 神秀穎悟, 而槽廠笨夫, 先獲衣鉢, 女知之乎? 鈍拙者, 成德之基.”
다산증언첩4 ◎ 洌上山水淸曠, 騷人墨客, 日歗詠于其中. 但乏高僧韻釋. 若令騎魚輩, 結一菴於石林水鍾之間, 與之往還, 豈非酉山社中賞心樂事也.
다산증언첩5 ◎ 每到雲吉山房, 見禪室閴然, 黃葉堆窓, 無一箇頭陀. 忽憶兒葊舊約, 爲之愴悢良久. 余之輓兒盦詩曰: “園留瓔珞穿花逕, 渚繫袈裟泛月船.” 盖恨之也.
다산증언첩6 ◎ 蕙圃詩云: “未花院落生紅暈, 旣雨林園長碧條.” 有風流宰相氣味, 都下諸公, 皆盛稱之. 蕙圃卽都承旨韓公, 曾撰華嶽醉如兩禪師碑銘.
다산증언첩7 ◎ 楊根之小雪山, 有太古普愚和尙舊基. 欹礎猶宛然. 今若搆一小菴, 安新鍍小菩薩一軀, 移藏翁覃溪詩集, 足可爲畿甸名釋. 其圖之哉.
다산증언첩8 ◎ 嘉慶二十年乙亥秋季, 書于茶山之松菴, 以贈慈宏和尙.


Student 1 : (Irina)

  • Discussion Questions:

Make difference between values in Buddhist word and values in our word.

Student 2 : (Masha)

  • Discussion Questions:
What is the role of nature in Buddhist training? How is it opposed to daily life?

Student 3 : (Jong Woo Park)

  • Discussion Questions:

What might be the power dynamic between Buddhist monks and Confucian literati in the late Chosŏn period? What kind of feeling does Chŏng, a talented but marginalized yangban, share with a local Buddhist monk, Jahong?

Student 4 : (King Kwong Wong)

  • Discussion Questions:

1. If we consider Buddhists wre stigmatized in the Choson society, how can we explain Chong Yag-yong's relationship with Buddhist monks? 2. Given the example of Chong Yag-yong, were all Confucian scholars well-versed in Buddhist ideas?

Student 5 : (Kim Young)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 6 : (Zhijun Ren)

  • Discussion Questions:

What does Dasan’s defense of gradual enlightenment against sudden enlightenment tell us about the interaction between Buddhism and Confucianism in Chosŏn society? Given that Buddhism, in general, was oppressed during Chosŏn dynasty, what Dasan, a prominent Confucian, and his active engagement with Buddhism tell us about the mutual penetration during Chosŏn.

Student 7 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 8 : Martin

  • Discussion Questions:

1. Besides giving advice to Buddhist monks seeking enlightenment, how does Tasan portray the non-buddhist world?

Student 9 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 10 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 11 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

1. What is the intention of Dassan writing these poems? What are the messages of Dasan to people, not just monks? 2. Nature is the constant source of poems. What did Dasan mean by using nature as a metaphor? 3. How did Dassan perceive Buddhism? What is his relationship to buddhist monks?

Student 12 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 13 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 14 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Further Readings