(Translation) 1543年 李彦迪諭書

Slui (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 7월 12일 (금) 09:56 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Original Script

Classical Chinese English


荐臻專城或存於▣▣ 赤子未蒙其實澤 脫有▣(緩)急, 將何措, 宜益軫, 予懷其惟重臣 惟卿, 德涵內外, 學造精微, 敦大而高明, 方嚴而簡默, 處論思之地, 嘉猷累陳, 作親民之官, 善政素著, 允釐庶績, 方參廟謨,

今授卿以本道觀察使兼兵馬水軍節度使 卿其體予倚任 專推卿孝友之政 課農桑以衣食吾民 明敎化以作新斯民 秉大公而嚴黜陟 揭至明而別情僞 剸裁盤錯 伸理冤枉, 罪關大憂, 錄狀啓稟官 堂上斷以卿衷 故玆敎示 想宜知悉



Discussion Questions

Further Readings




(sample) : Jaeyoon Song

  • Discussion Questions:

11. 罪關大憂, 錄狀啓稟官 堂上斷以卿衷, 故玆敎示 想宜知悉 If the crimes should raise grave concerns, you should report to the office, and the high ministers (ranking 3a and above) will make a judgment based on your faithful report. I, the king, hereby instruct you thus, and you should consider and remember all my instructions.

Student 1 : Yishu Ma

  • Discussion Questions:


Translation: Successive local officials might be ... Common people have not yet received the real benefits [of governance].

Student 2 : Samuel Sai Hay Chan 陳世熙 진세희


As to a sudden and urgent situation, what to do with it? One ought to handle it with more measured deliberations. I can only think of one right minister [who is qualified to take up such task].

Translator's note: The meaning of 脫有緩急 is evading for a modern reader. But it is apparently a very common idiom during the Choson dynasty. A search in the Veritable Records of the Choson Dynasty (조선왕조실록) yields 283 results. From my brief survey, the idiom seemingly refers to a sudden and urgent situation.

Example: 태종실록 14권, 태종 7년 7월 27일 戊寅 2번째기사 開雲浦至甘北浦水路五息, 陸路四息, 脫有緩急, 難以相救。

세종실록 88권, 세종 22년 3월 1일 癸卯 3번째기사 今聞高興新鎭, 置於隔海之地三十餘里, 脫有緩急, 人民被虜可慮。

광해군일기[중초본] 7권, 광해 1년 6월 8일 丁巳 3번째기사 近因南邊稍靜, 人之視舟師若筌蹄然, 減損兩湖入防之船, 只存本道船二十餘隻。 其勢將至於停罷, 脫有緩急, 將何以應敵乎?

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 3 : Younès M'Ghari

惟卿 德涵內外 學造精微 敦大而高明 方嚴而簡默 

Only you, minister, are embodied with virtue inside and outside. Your knowledge is profound and subtle. You are great and brilliant. You are upright and solemn, and [in the same time] simple and quiet.

  • Discussion Questions:

Under which circumstances this order could be declined (e.g., a disease, an ill father or son to take care of)? How would a minister notify it (through which means, which institution)? What would be the possible sanctions towards a minister refusing to obey this kind of order although he has reasons to?

Student 4 : King Kwong Wong

處論思之地 嘉猷累陳 作親民之官, 善政素著 When posited in situations of discussing your ideas, you repeatedly lay out excellent plans for governance. Being an official of renewing people, your good governance is always outstanding.

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Student 5 : 신동조

允釐庶績 方參廟謨

You have governed many tasks so sincerely that you can now participate in the discussion of the court.

Student 6 : Stacey Lui

卿其體予倚任 專推卿孝友之政

I deeply trust your character. Now you should devote yourself to extending the governance of filial piety and friendship.

  • Discussion Questions:

Are there any examples of appointments being made without the use of such flattering language? What was the process of appointing officials to their posts? Did the officials themselves have any say in the matter?

Student 7 : (Write your name)


Study farming and sericulture to feed and clothe our people.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 8 : Q


Let "instruction and transformation" shine so as to renew this people of ours.

作新斯民 as verb 作 + object 新斯民, which can also be thought of as verb 新 + object 斯民, can be seen here.

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Student 9 : Yeonjae Ra

秉大公而嚴黜陟 Hold onto the great fairness, and be strict to promotion and expel.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 10 : (Kanghun Ahn)


Lifting up the supreme luminosity (intelligence), in order to differentiate what is right and wrong, cutting out the entangled issues, and relieving the unresolved grievances

Student 11 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 12 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 13 : (Write your name)

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Student 14 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions: