2018 推句 21 - 30

Kyrie (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 12일 (목) 20:09 판 (Sentence 30 : (Kyrie))

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script

::: 推句 :::

















Sentence 22 : (Althea Volpe)

Flowers fall and you are sadden by it and do not sweep them up

The moon is bright and your love [for it] doesn’t make you sleep

Moon rises among the clouds and makes the sight of a mirror

The wind becomes like zither inside bamboos.

  • Discussion Questions:

+ (YO) Line 1: "you are sadden by it and do not sweep them up."
Also in Line 4, it would be "zither inside the bamboo". But I wonder if it is zither inside a bamboo or zither inside bamboos (i.e., bamboo forest)".
+ I changed the translation with the corrections and I personally prefer the version "inside bamboos" because it gives me a sense of zither's sound diffusion.
(YO) Good reason!

Sentence 24 : (Fran)

The years pass and people's heads turn white.
Autumn comes and the foliage turns yellow.
After the rain the mountains seem bathed.
Before the wind the grasses appear drunk.

  • Discussion Questions:

+ I just decided to leave the ambiguity of 風前. Poetry is meant to be polysemic.
(YO) Yes, I agree.

Sentence 30 : (Kyrie)

One sees a fine rain in the middle of a pond.

One knows a slight breeze from the tips of trees.

The sounds of laughing flowers are not heard.

The tears of crying birds are difficult to see.

  • Discussion Questions:

(Fran) It's interesting that you translated this poem into the active voice. It raises an interesting question about wanting to avoid the passive voice--something that I also raised in another passage. But the original poem here seems to be rendered in the passive: 細雨池中看 might be "The fine rain is seen in the middle of the pond." I wonder if it's important or not to keep that voice (if in fact I'm right about the Chinese actually being in passive voice).

(Kyrie) Does the original poem seem to be in the passive voice because the verb appears at the end of the line?