동몽선습 19 - 23
Original Script
19. 朋友는 同類之人이라 益者三友요 損者三友니 友直하며 友諒하며 友多聞이면 益矣요 友便辟하며 友善柔하며 友便佞이면 損矣리라
20. 友也者는 友其德也니 自天子로 至於庶人히 未有不須友以成者하니 其分이 若疎나 而其所關이 爲至親하니
21. 是故로 取友를 必端人하며 擇友를 必勝己니 要當責善以信하며 切切偲偲하여 忠告而善道之하다가 不可則止니라
22. 苟或交遊之際에 不以切磋琢磨로 爲相與하고 但以歡狎戱謔으로 爲相親이면 則安能久而不疎乎리오
23. 昔者에 晏子與人交하되 久而敬之하니 朋友之道가 當如是也니라 孔子曰 不信乎朋友면 不獲乎上矣리라 信乎朋友 有道하니 不順乎親이면 不信乎朋友矣라하시니라
Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)
19. 朋友는 同類之人이라 益者三友요 損者三友니
Colleagues and close friends are people in the same category. [There are] three types of friends who are advantageous and three types friends who are disadvantageous.
友直하며 友諒하며 友多聞이면 益矣요
Advantageous friends are straightforward, trustworthy and knowledgeable.
友便辟하며 友善柔하며 友便佞이면 損矣리라
Disadvantageous friends are flattery, waving and crafty.
Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)
20. Being friends means get close with people of virtue. From the son of heaven to every common man there is no one who don’t need friend to be accomplish. Friends are divided like dense space but in this relation they get very close.
Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet
21. 是故로 取友를 必端人하며 擇友를 必勝己니 要當責善以信하며 切切偲偲하여 忠告而善道之하다가 不可則止니라
For this reaon, when you keep a friend, be careful to examine an honest person, choose a friend, who is better than you, harangue him with moraly and trust, to tell honestly. Faithfully admonish your friend, lead him to goodness, if it doesn’t operate, stop it [the friendship].
Student 9 : HeeJin Lee
22. [If] indeed[,] in some cases [in] the time of associating [with each other] [you do] not by means of [working on the relationship like] cutting[,] grinding[,] chiseling[,] [and] polishing [jade] become together with each other but by means of inappropriate banter [and] whimsical satirical banter become close to each other[,] then how can [it] last long and not [grow] distant [?]
Student 10 : Jelena Gledić
A long time ago, when Yanzi[1] associated with people for a long time he would [still] respect them. The way of friendship must be like this. Confucius said: “[If one is] not trusted by friends, [he will] not be selected by superiors. There is a way to be trusted by friends. [If you are] not obedient to your parents, [you will] not be trusted by friends.”
- ↑ 晏子, an accomplished philosopher and politician of the Spring and Autumn Period, and an elder contemporary of Confucius.