(2017Translation) 塞翁失馬

Sanghoon Na (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 14일 (금) 17:50 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script



Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

Among the people [living] near the border land, there was a man who was good at prognostication. A horse without any reason ran away and entered the land of northern tribes.[1] People all consoled him. The father said, "Why could this not become a blessing?" After several months, his horse leading northern fine horses came back. People all congratulated him. The father said, "Why could this not become a misfortune?" The house was rich with fine horses. His son liked horse riding, but fell off and broke his thigh bone. People all consoled him. The father said, "Why could this not become a blessing?" After a year, the northern tribes in huge numbers invaded the border land. Able-bodied men drew bow strings and fought. Of those men near the border land, nine out of ten were killed. This [family] alone because of being crippled preserved both father and son. Consequently, a blessing becomes a misfortune and a misfortune becomes a blessing. The change cannot reach the limit and its depth cannot be fathomed.

Student 2 : (Write your name)

Student 3 : (Write your name)

Student 4 : (Write your name)

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

Student 14 : (Write your name)

  1. [1] 胡: Northern tribes, including Tartars, Mongols, Turkics.