동몽선습 7 - 10

Youngoh64 (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 20일 (목) 18:59 판 (Student 9 : HeeJin Lee)

이동: 둘러보기, 검색

Original Script


7. 君臣은 天地之分이라 尊且貴焉하며 卑且賤焉하니 尊貴之使卑賤과 卑賤之事尊貴는 天地之常經이며 古今之通義라

8. 是故로 君者는 體元而發號施令者也요 臣者는 調元而陳善閉邪者也라 會遇之際에 各盡其道하여 同寅協恭하여 以臻至治하나니

9. 苟或君而不能盡君道하며 臣而不能修臣職이면 不可與共治天下國家也니라 雖然이나 吾君不能을 謂之賊이니

10. 昔者에 商紂暴虐이어늘 比干이 諫而死하니 忠臣之節이 於斯盡矣로다 孔子曰 臣事君以忠이라하시니라


Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)

7. 君臣은 天地之分이라 尊且貴焉하며 卑且賤焉하니 尊貴之使卑賤과 卑賤之尊貴는 天地之常經이며 古今之通義라

Concerning lords and ministers, it is the same division as heavens and earth. [In this relation] lords are respected and valuable while ministers are humble and worthless. The highness and nobility of lord’s status give to ministers humble and low circumstances, as well as the humble and low circumstances of ministers create the high and noble condition of lords. The immutable relation of heavens and earth is the right principle crosses ages.

Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet

8.是故로 君者는 體元 [1] 而發號施令者也요 臣者는 調元而陳善閉邪[2] 者也라 會遇之際에 盡其道하여 同寅協恭하여 以臻至하나니

For this reason, the ruler embodies the primary form of the energy, he issues the order and promotes the law. The minister transfers the primary form of the energy, he sets before him what is good and represses the evil, they meet at this time and exhaust the way. They are together reverent and they are united by the respect, by doing so an extreme peace arrives.

Student 9 : HeeJin Lee

Indeed perhaps to be a ruler but not be able to exhaust [/reach the end of] the way [of the] ruler or to be a subject but not be able to cultivate [oneself for] the responsibility [of the] subject [,] [then it is] not possible to join together to rule the kingdoms under Heaven [/of the world]. Although this is the case, [to call] my [/one's] ruler incapable, he is called a traitor.

Student 10 : Jelena Gledić

10. 昔者에 商紂暴虐이어늘 比干이 諫而死하니 忠臣之節이 於斯矣로다 孔子曰 臣事君以忠이라하시니라

Once upon a time, in the Shang dynasty, there was the King of Zhou who was fierce and cruel. Bi Gan remonstrated with him and died for it. The loyal minister bond was thus obliterated. Confucius said: “The minister serves the ruler with loyalty.”
  1. 體元 : 谓以天地之元气为本。 汉 班固 《东都赋》:“体元立制,继天而作。” 南朝 齐 王融 《三月三日曲水诗序》:“体元则大,怅望 姑射 之阿。” 唐 王维 《门下起赦书表》:“体元作则,惟圣裁成。”
  2. 陳善閉邪 : 《孟子•離婁下》