동몽선습 1 - 6
Original Script
2. 是故로 孟子曰 父子有親하며 君臣有義하며 夫婦有別하며 長幼有序하며 朋友有信이라하시니 人而不知有五常이면 則其違禽獸 不遠矣리라
3. 然則父慈子孝하며 君義臣忠하며 夫和婦順하며 兄友弟恭하며 朋友輔仁然後에야 方可謂之人矣리라
4. 父子는 天性之親이라 生而育之하고 愛而敎之하며 奉而承之하고 孝而養之하나니 是故로 敎之以義方하여 弗納於邪하며 柔聲以諫하여 不使得罪於鄕黨州閭하나니
5. 苟或父而不子其子하며 子而不父其父하면 其何以立於世乎리오 雖然이나 天下에 無不是底父母라 父雖不慈나 子不可以不孝니
6. 昔者에 大舜이 父頑母嚚하여 嘗欲殺舜이어늘 舜이 克諧以孝하사 烝烝乂하여 不格姦하시니 孝子之道가 於斯至矣로다 孔子曰 五刑之屬이 三千이로되 而罪莫大於不孝라하시니라.
Student 1 : Sanghoon Na
1. 天地之間 萬物之衆에 惟人이 最貴하니 所貴乎人者는 以其有五倫也니라
Among all things between heaven and earth man alone is the most honorable. The reason he is honorable is that he has the Five Cardinal Human Relationships.
Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari
2. 是故로 孟子曰 父子有親하며 君臣有義하며 夫婦有別하며 長幼有序하며 朋友有信이라하시니 人而不知有五常이면 則其違禽獸 不遠矣리라
For this reason Confucius said: “There is a blood link between father and son, there is a distinction between husband and wife, there is righteousness between ruler and subject, there is order between older and younger, there is trust between friends” and if people do not know the 5 cardinal relations, then they will not be far from being part of the birds and beasts.
Student 3 : Petra Sváková
3. 然則父慈子孝하며 君義臣忠하며 夫和婦順하며 兄友弟恭하며 朋友輔仁然後에야 方可謂之人矣리라
Therefore, if the father loves his son and the son is filial to his father, if the ruler is faithful to the subject and the subject is devoted to the ruler, if the husband is in harmony with the wife and the wife is obedient to the husband, if the older brother loves the younger brother and the younger brother respects the older brother and if the friends help each other, only then you can call the person a human being.
Corrected text:
Therefore, if the father loves his son and the son is filial to his father, if the ruler is righteous to the subject and the subject is devoted to the ruler, if the husband is in harmony with the wife and the wife is obedient to the husband, if the older brother is friendly to the younger brother and the younger brother respects the older brother and if the friends assist [each other] benevolently, only then you can call the person a human being.
Student 4 : (Write your name)
4. 父子는 天性之親이라 生而育之하고 愛而敎之하며 奉而承之하고 孝而養之하나니 是故로 敎之以義方하여 弗納於邪하며 柔聲以諫하여 不使得罪於鄕黨州閭하나니
Father and son are kin of a celestial nature. [The father,] giving life to and raising the son, loves and educates him. [The son,] serving and succeeding the father, is filial and provides for him.
For this reason [the father] educates the son with righteous methods and does not lead him to mischief; [the son] counsels [the father] [with a] soft voice and does not let [him] elicit resentments from the neighborhood or town or countryside.
Student 5 : Jae Yong Chang
苟或父而不子其子 하며 子而不父其父 하면 其何以立於世乎 리오 雖然 이나 天下 에 無不是底父母 라 父雖不慈 나 子不可以不孝 니
Indeed, if a father does not regard his son as a son and a son does not regard his father as a father, how can they establish themselves in the generation? Even so, there is no the parents who are not like that in the world. Even though a father does not love [his son], it is not possible for his son to be filial to [his father].
Student 6 : Goeun Lee
昔者에 大舜이 父頑母嚚하여 嘗欲殺舜이어늘 舜이 克諧以孝하사 烝烝乂하여 不格姦하시니 孝子之道가 於斯至矣로다
In the old days, Great Shun’s father was strongheaded and his mother deceitful, so they often tried to kill Shun. Shun did his utmost in filial piety and gradually alleviating [their hatred], he did not fall into wickedness. His conduct as a filial son reached to this.
孔子曰 五刑之屬이 三千이로되 而罪莫大於不孝라하시니라.
Confucius said, “There are five punishments[1] applied to three thousand misbehavior. As for sin, nothing is greater than unfilial conducts."
- ↑ the five ancient punishments: tattoo, cutting off nose, feet, castration and death, 墨,劓,剕,宮,大辟.