(Translation) 文憲書院學規

Youngkim (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 7월 12일 (수) 15:32 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Original Script

Classical Chinese English


1. 一。取士之法。勿論長少。取其有志學業。名行無汚者。院儒僉議許入。會者未滿十員。則不得定議。(曾參初試者。備三員許入。) 生員進士。則直許入勿議。若有儒生或挾勢求入。或欲因而干謁道主州官者。皆勿許入。

2. 一。擇諸生有識者爲掌議(二員)。凡院中議論。斯二人者主之。(無掌議。則不可定議。) 二年相遞。又定有司。以主書冊。

3. 一。擇鄕人謹幹者爲院監(二員)。備三望。受差于牧使。掌供饋出納之事。三年相遞。必以所掌。作簿傳授。若斂散之穀有逋欠。則勿許遞。若不能察。則諸生僉議。告官論遞。

4. 一。每月朔望。諸生具巾 頭巾 袍 團領 詣廟。開中門。焚香年最長者焚香 再拜。雖非朔望。諸生若自他處初到。或自院歸家時。必於廟庭再拜。不開中門。不焚香。

5. 一。每日晨起。整疊寢具。少者持箒埽室中。使齋直埽庭。盥櫛正衣冠。平明時。分立東西庭序齒。相向行相揖。禮畢。還就齋室。

6. 一。常時。恒整衣服冠帶。拱手危坐。如對尊長。毋得以褻服自便。必著直領 且不得著華美近奢之服。凡几案書冊筆硯之具。皆整置其所。毋或亂置不整。作字必楷正。毋得書于窓戶壁上。

7. 一。凡居處必以便好之地。推讓長者。毋或自擇其便。年十歲以長者出入時。少者必起。 一。凡食時。長幼齒坐。於飮食不得揀擇取舍。常以食無求飽爲心。

8.。讀書時。必端拱危坐。專心致志。務窮義趣。毋得相顧談話。. 一。凡言語必愼重。非文字禮法則不言。毋談淫褻悖亂神怪之事。毋談他人過惡。毋談朝廷政事。毋說州縣官員得失。 一。朋友務相和敬。相規以失。相責以善。毋得挾貴挾賢挾才挾父兄挾多聞見。以驕于儕輩。且不得譏侮儕輩。以相戲謔。違者黜座。(卽損徒也。解損時。必滿座面責。)

9. 一。自晨起至夜寢。一日之閒。必有所事。或讀書。或製述。或講論義理。或請業請益。無非學業。至於暇時或游泳川上。亦皆從容齊整。長幼有序。昏必明燈。夜久就寢。若不遵學規。威儀放曠。學業怠惰者黜座。不悛則黜院 黜院者。削其籍。

10. 一。院中書冊。毋得出于院門。違則罰其主者。重則黜院。輕則黜座。 一。春秋祭。無故不參者黜座。 一。寄名院籍。或有失身毀行。玷辱儒風者。則僉議削籍。

11. 一。四孟之月。掌議會諸生于院。講議學規。檢察諸生得失。無故不參者黜座。有故則必具單子。告其由。 凡初入院者。必使先讀學規。



Student 1 : (Hu Jing)

1. 一。取士之法。勿論長少。取其有志學業。名行無汚者。院儒僉議許入。會者未滿十員。則不得定議。(曾參初試者。備三員許入。) 生員進士。則直許入勿議。若有儒生或挾勢求入。或欲因而干謁道主州官者。皆勿許入。

  • Discussion Questions:

1. In the Joseon dynasty, how did the students make the choice on which academy to attend? Were they based on the residence or the masters of the academy?

2. We can learn from the text that the academy holds sacrifice regularly. How can we understand the sacrifice cultrue in the Confucianism?

Student 2 : King Kwong Wong

2. 一。擇諸生有識者爲掌議(二員)。凡院中議論。斯二人者主之。(無掌議。則不可定議。) 二年相遞。又定有司。以主書冊。

Choose among the students those who are erudite as student presidents (two positions). For every discussion meeting within the academy, these two presidents chair them. ()

  • Discussion Questions:
  1. How did Yi I and his academy enforce its regulations? Given the high-handed nature of the regulations, how do they reflect the quality of students?
  2. Why do the regulations forbid discussion of politics? Is it a consequence of the literati purges during the Chosŏn period?

Student 3 : (Zhijun Ren)

一。擇鄕人謹幹(diligent and hardworking)者爲院監overseers(二員)。Select two diligent and hardworking persons from the locals, let them be the overseers of the academy. 備三望。受差于牧使。掌供饋出納之事。they are appointed by the local governor. they would be in charge of the matters of income and expenditure. 三年相遞。必以所掌。作簿傳授。they will alternate every three years. they have to maintain bookkeeping for what they are in charge. 若斂散之穀有逋欠。則勿許遞。 若不能察。則諸生僉議(public discussion)。告官論遞。

  • Discussion Questions:

Yi I seems to place great emphasis on individual cultivation and the proper relation between peers. What does it tell us about Yi I’s envisioning of an ideal academy?

Student 4 : Martin

  • Discussion Questions:

1. Considering that students of different (yangban-) backgrounds could enter the academies, do you think Yulgoks emphasis on the order of seniority could have been problematic at times? What times could that be?

2. Looking at modern school systems some of this rules seem quite obvious, check your schools regulations for similarities and differences?

Student 5 : (Young Suk)


  • Discussion Questions:

Yi Yulgok wrote the regulations for the academy in such the meticulous manner. Is this based on his belief in Confucian philosophy of the ki (氣) school that relates the essence of human mind and human behavior to be under the non-dual principle of Heaven?

Student 6 : (Do hee Jeong)

  • Discussion Questions:

when i searched about this document, i know that the regulation form was formed a line. especially, this document is similar the regulation written by 박세채. 박세체 is follower about 이이. this documents is connected a scholastic mantle which is 서인? so the regulation of the academy in joeseon is different to each a faction,

Student 7 : (Irina)

  • Discussion Questions:

The Regulations of the Munheon Academy show that in the past education had as its main function not only gaining of knowledge but the build-up of the character and habits of learners. To what extent today schools and universities have this function. To what extent does a student's success nowadays depends on his knowledge and to what extend it depends on his behavior.

Which of the listed rules are outdated in modern Korea and which are still in practice?

Student 8 : (Kim Young)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 9 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 10 : (Jong Woo Park)





  • Discussion Questions:

(1) What kind of Confucian culture or values do these regulations represent?

(2) Is what Yi I emphasizes in this document universal--shared by Confucian societies in other parts of the world--or specific to Korea?

(3) Can you see any remaining effect of this (kind of) regulation on Korean culture today?

Student 11 : (Kanghun Ahn)

一。四孟之月。掌議會諸生于院。講議學規。檢察諸生得失。無故不參者黜座。有故則必具單子。告其由。 凡初入院者。必使先讀學規。

Discussion questions: How was the life of Choson's Confucian students in conjunction with such regulations? Were these rules kept well? If not, are there any records showing the Choson Confucians' deviation from their tightly structured routine?

Student 12 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 13 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 14 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions: 1. Among these regulations, which do you think are applicable today, and which inapplicable? 2. What overarching values do you think are being emphasized here in these regulations? 3. Why do you think these rules regulate the ways in which the students conduct their behaviors? 4. What are the rules and regulations from?

Further Readings