(Translation) 金時習 名分說

Jangseogak (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 7월 2일 (화) 10:38 판

이동: 둘러보기, 검색


Original Script

Classical Chinese English






Discussion Questions

Further Readings


1. 司馬光, <<資治通鑑>>卷第一 https://ctext.org/wiki.pl?if=gb&chapter=579652

2. 김시습 in 한국민족대백과사전(Encyclopedia of Korean Culture, in Korean). http://encykorea.aks.ac.kr/Contents/Index?contents_id=E0009666


(sample) : Jaeyoon Song

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 1 : (Yishu Ma)

Student 2 : Samuel Sai Hay Chan 陳世熙 진세희

Student 3 : Younès M'Ghari

Grands sont les dénominations et statuts pour les gens. Le Livre des transformations dit : "Le Ciel est vénérable et la Terre est basse, le Cosmos a (ainsi) été disposé. [...]." Ce qui est appelé "dénomination" : fils du ciel, duc, marquis, ministre, les haut fonctionnaire, bureaucrate, roturier. Ce qui est appelé "statut" :

Student 4 : King Kwong Wong

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Stacey Lui)

Student 7 : Russell Guilbault

For people, title and distinction is a great matter. The Yijing says: "Heaven is venerable and the earth is base. Thus are gan and kun settled. The higher and lower are displayed [?]; thus the noble and mean have their places." Thus we speak of the impossibility of overstepping title and distinction. What is title? It is the Son of Heaven's being visited by the multitude of dukes, marquises, and great ministers. What is distinction? It is upper and lower, venerable and base, noble and mean. If one only has title and distinction, but does not control it with ritual, then one cannot protect discipline and regulations by oneself. This is the essence of title and distinction; in vain it becomes an empty vessel, and nobody can control it.

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : YeonJae Ra

Student 12 : Wonhee Cho 趙元熙