(Translation) 李重煥 擇里志 總論

Hu777jing (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2018년 7월 16일 (월) 13:19 판 (Original Script)

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Original Script

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然則高麗錫姓有何可尊貴者今世士大夫欲持是而妄相物我則惑矣我 朝開運以名分立國至今士大夫之名甚盛以衆用人專取門閥故也人品層級甚多



Yi Junghwan(李重煥)[1] says: our country is located outside of China. Our people were not involved in when the emperor of Xia granted surnames to his people, (according to the records) in Tribute of Yu 禹貢[2]. In other words, we have an independent nation in the east of China. However, the descendants of Kija became Sŏnu(鮮于); the descendants of Koguryŏ (高句麗) became the ancestors of Ko(高) family; and the kings of Shilla(新羅) assigned Park(朴), Seog(昔), Kim(金) to his people, and the king of Kaya[3] gave themselves the surname of Kim(金). These are all called aristocratic surnames. Since the end of Shilla, our state has started to communicate with China. From then on, people began to give surnames to themselves. However, only a few officials and prestige families had their own surnames while the commoners did not.

Down to the time when Koryŏ united the three kingdoms, (the king) imported Chinese surnames and granted them to people throughout the country so everyone got a surname from that time. Before the king granted surnames, there had been diverse factions and clans. People regard the one from the same ancestral seat as their clansman. If one is from a different ancestral seat but with the same surname, people (usually) do not take him as a clansman of their family. Therefore intermarriage is allowed between people with the same surname since they are considered from different clans.

However, why people think the surnames granted by the king of Koryŏ are particularly distinguished? Nowadays, that officials and scholars use that excuse and distinguish themselves from each other makes me so confused. When Chosŏn was founded in the name of (Confucianism), so the so-called officials and scholars are abused. As a consequence, when recruiting officials, the court still exclusively give privileges to power families.

The royal family and scholar-officials are the base of the gentry of the dynasty; the group below scholar-officials comprises diverse officials including bureaucratic ranked officials,[4], expectant appointees[5] and personnel managers[6]; the lower is secondary sons of yangban fathers, military officials, interpreters, accountants, doctors and noncommissioned officials, who are the people wandering outside of the (core) bureaucratic system; then who is lower than the above are petty officials, soldiers, and commoners; and people at the bottom are public and private slaves.

People from slaves to petty officials outside the capital consist the stratification of the lowborn; secondary sons and officials with miscellaneous posts are the middle stratification; officials with formal bureaucratic rank and scholar-officials belong to yangban, which could be divided into two minor stratifications again--the scholar-official families can be grouped as power clans and prestige clans, according to different criteria, of which the branches are fairly complicated and (usually) do not communicate with each other. Due to this barrier, the scholar-official families cannot not bear the changes and decline.



至今八百餘年由卑賤至尊貴以尊貴傳襲累世其德行功業又足以光史乘傳簡策耳此豈下崔盧王謝之後哉我 朝比麗尤文明昔 世宗大王以聖人之資莅君師之位束一世於禮法名敎之中於是乎士大夫家家文章戶戶道德文彩彬然是故才學鹵莽則謂之傖楚婚娶少失則待以荒外行義有玷則不齒交遊而介冑之夫商賈之人雖出於士大夫之中亦賤之矣故爲士大夫自難必攻文學力行義修身齊家然後方可行於世矣是以出處隱顯之間動靜語默之節皆被人指目自世宗大王至宣廟二百年來時有汚隆人不能盡善於是乎偏論大作自偏輪産出來賢者未必服人不肖者易以藏身士大夫行身立名尤難蓋國制雖優重士大夫亦輕用殺戮故無良者得志輒借國刑以報私怨而搢紳之禍屬作無名則見棄得名則見忌忌則必殺之而後已誠難仕之國也及其衰也是非之爭大爭大而讐深讐深而互以殺戮加之


Therefore, occasionally the scholar-officials use to downgrade shift to commoners, and the commoners are also able to gradually upgrade to scholar-officials. Therefore, the Sŏnu(鮮于) families used to be ranked officials in Pyongyang and then collapsed that there is no scholar-officials born in that family.





Discussion Questions

Further Readings


(sample) : Jaeyoon Song

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 1 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 2 : (Write your name)

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Student 3 : (Write your name)

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Student 4 : (Write your name)

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Student 5 : (Write your name)

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Student 6 : (Write your name)

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Student 7 : (Write your name)

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Student 8 : (Write your name)

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Student 9 : (Write your name)

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Student 10 : (Write your name)

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Student 11 : (Write your name)

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Student 12 : (Write your name)

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Student 13 : (Write your name)

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Student 14 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:
  • the author of the book
  • The Yu Gong 禹貢 or Tribute of Yu is a chapter of the Book of Xia (夏書/夏书) section of the Book of Documents, one of the Five Classics of ancient Chinese literature.
  • Historical sources use a variety of names for Gaya, including Garak (가락; 駕洛, 迦落; [kaɾak]), Gara (가라; 加羅, 伽羅, 迦羅, 柯羅; [kaɾa]), Garyang (가량;加良; [kaɾjaŋ]), and Guya (구야; 狗耶; [kuja])
  • 品官: 품계 있는 벼슬. 품계는 1품에서 9품까지 있으며, 또 정과 종의 구별이 있다.
  • 中正, 중국 위나라 시대에 주ㆍ군에 설치하였던 하급 관직. 이 관직을 통해 인재를 시험한 다음 중앙 관직에 등용하였다.
  • 功曹: 사공司功이라 하기도 한다. 주ㆍ군에 설치하였던 하급 관직으로서 제사ㆍ예악禮樂ㆍ학교ㆍ선거ㆍ고시 따위의 잡다한 사무를 맡았다.