"동몽선습 30 - 34"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 5 : (Write your name))
(Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang))
25번째 줄: 25번째 줄:
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
31. 伏羲氏始畫八卦하며 造書契하여 以代結繩之政하시고 神農氏作耒耜하며 製醫藥하시고 黃帝氏用干戈하며 作舟車하며 造曆算하며 制音律하시니 是爲三皇이니 至德之世라 無爲而治하니라
Honorable Pokhŭi first began to draw the Eight Diagrams and initiated writing that succeeded to ruling by tie-knotting.  Honorable Sinnong created farming and made medicine.  Honorable Hwangje used weapons, created transportation, initiated calendar, and made music. These [Honorable] became the three emperors and reached to the perfect virtue.  By doing nothing that was against nature but it was [well]-governed.
Honorable Pokhŭi first began to draw the Eight Diagrams and initiated writing that succeeded to ruling by tie-knotting.  Honorable Sinnong created farming and made medicine.  Honorable Hwangje used weapons, created transportation, initiated calendar, and made music. These [Honorable] became the three emperors and reached to the perfect virtue.  By doing nothing that was against nature but it was [well]-governed.

2017년 7월 20일 (목) 08:26 판

Original Script

30. 蓋自太極肇判하여 陰陽始分으로 五行이 相生에 先有理氣라 人物之生이 林林總總하더니 於是에 聖人이 首出하사 繼天立極하시니 天皇氏와 地皇氏와 人皇氏와 有巢氏와 燧人氏가 是爲太古니 在書契以前이라 不可考로다

31. 伏羲氏始畫八卦하며 造書契하여 以代結繩之政하시고 神農氏作耒耜하며 製醫藥하시고 黃帝氏用干戈하며 作舟車하며 造曆算하며 制音律하시니 是爲三皇이니 至德之世라 無爲而治하니라

32. 少昊와 顓頊과 帝嚳과 帝堯와 帝舜이 是爲五帝라 皐夔稷契이 佐堯舜하여 而堯舜之治 卓冠百王이라 孔子定書에 斷自唐虞하시니라

33. 夏禹와 商湯과 周文王武王이 是爲三王이니 歷年이 或四百하며 或六百하며 或八百하니 三代之隆을 後世莫及이요 而商之伊尹傅說과 周之周公召公이 皆賢臣也라 周公이 制禮作樂하시니 典章法度가 粲然極備하더니

34. 及其衰也하여 五覇摟諸侯하여 以匡王室하니 若齊桓公과 晉文公과 宋襄公과 秦穆公과 楚莊王이 迭主夏盟하니 王靈이 不振하니라


Student 4 : (Write your name)

Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)

31. 伏羲氏始畫八卦하며 造書契하여 以代結繩之政하시고 神農氏作耒耜하며 製醫藥하시고 黃帝氏用干戈하며 作舟車하며 造曆算하며 制音律하시니 是爲三皇이니 至德之世라 無爲而治하니라

Honorable Pokhŭi first began to draw the Eight Diagrams and initiated writing that succeeded to ruling by tie-knotting. Honorable Sinnong created farming and made medicine. Honorable Hwangje used weapons, created transportation, initiated calendar, and made music. These [Honorable] became the three emperors and reached to the perfect virtue. By doing nothing that was against nature but it was [well]-governed.

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)