"동몽선습 15 - 18"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 4 : (Write your name))
(Student 4 : (Write your name))
33번째 줄: 33번째 줄:
17. 而況兄弟는 同氣之人이라 骨肉至親이니 尤當友愛요 不可藏怒宿怨하여 以敗天常也니라
17. 而況兄弟는 同氣之人이라 骨肉至親이니 尤當友愛요 不可藏怒宿怨하여 以敗天常也니라
And moreover, elder brothers and younger brothers are people of the same essence, [their] flesh and blood the most related, [and they] must be even more fraternal and loving. [They] cannot conceal anger [or] shelter grudges to damage heaven's permanence.<sup>1</sup>
And moreover, elder brothers and younger brothers are people of the same essence, [their] flesh and blood the most related, [and they] must be even more fraternal and loving. [They] cannot conceal anger [or] shelter grudges with which to damage heaven's permanence.<sup>1</sup>
<sup>1</sup> Referring to the constancy and immutability of the five relationships and other things so established in the text.
<sup>1</sup> Referring to the constancy and immutability of the five relationships and other things so established in the text.

2017년 7월 13일 (목) 18:32 판

Original Script


15. 長幼는 天倫之序라 兄之所以爲兄과 弟之所以爲弟 長幼之道 所自出也라 蓋宗族鄕黨에 皆有長幼하니 不可紊也라

16. 徐行後長者를 謂之弟요 疾行先長者를 謂之不弟니 是故로 年長以倍則父事之하고 十年以長則兄事之하고 五年以長則肩隨之니 長慈幼하며 幼敬長 然後에야 無侮少陵長之弊하여 而人道正矣리라

17. 而況兄弟는 同氣之人이라 骨肉至親이니 尤當友愛요 不可藏怒宿怨하여 以敗天常也니라

18. 昔者에 司馬光이 與其兄伯康으로 友愛尤篤하여 敬之如嚴父하고 保之如嬰兒하니 兄弟之道가 當如是也니라 孟子曰 孩提之童이 無不知愛其親이며 及其長也하여는 無不知敬其兄也라하시니라


Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

15. 長幼는 天倫之序라 兄之所以爲兄과 弟之所以爲弟 長幼之道 所自出也라 蓋宗族鄕黨에 皆有長幼하니 不可紊也라

Old and young being the order of the celestial relation, the way by which an older brother becomes an older brother and the way by which a younger brother becomes a younger brother are what the Dao (Chinese: 道, 'the Way') of old and young is coming from; within the families and kins, the lands and neighbourhoods, all have older and younger siblings, you cannot disrupt it.

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

16. 徐行後長者를 謂之弟요 疾行先長者를 謂之不弟니 是故로 年長以倍則父事之하고 十年以長則兄事之하고 五年以長則肩隨之니 長慈幼하며 幼敬長 然後에야 無侮少陵長之弊하여 而人道正矣리라

Those who walk slowly behind the older are called younger brothers [and they are polite] and those who walk fast before the older are not called younger brothers [and they are not polite]. For this reason, [if there is] an older [who] is older by double [of your age], then you [should] treat him like a father, [if there is] an older [who] is older by ten years, then you [should] treat him as an older brother, [it there is] an older [who] is older by five years, then you [should] follow [lightly behind] his shoulder. [Therefore] the older treats the younger with love and the younger respects the older, after doing so the younger is not humiliated and the older is not looked down on and this is how the human's way will be corrected.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

17. 而況兄弟는 同氣之人이라 骨肉至親이니 尤當友愛요 不可藏怒宿怨하여 以敗天常也니라

And moreover, elder brothers and younger brothers are people of the same essence, [their] flesh and blood the most related, [and they] must be even more fraternal and loving. [They] cannot conceal anger [or] shelter grudges with which to damage heaven's permanence.1

1 Referring to the constancy and immutability of the five relationships and other things so established in the text.

Student 5 : (Write your name)