"(Translation) 2017 龜兔之說"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(Student 1 : (Write your name))
(Student 2 : (Write your name))
34번째 줄: 34번째 줄:
==='''Student 2 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 2 : (Write your name)'''===
遂登陸見兎言:「海中有一島, 淸泉白石, 茂林佳菓, 寒暑不能到, 鷹隼不能侵。爾若得至, 可以安居無患。」
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===

2017년 7월 17일 (월) 20:00 판

Original Script

昔, 東海龍女病心, 醫言: 「得兎肝合藥, 則可療也。」 然 海中無兎, 不奈之何。 有一龜白龍王言: 「吾能得之。」 遂登陸見兎言: 「海中有一島, 淸泉白石, 茂林佳菓, 寒暑 不能到, 鷹隼不能侵。爾若得至, 可以安居無患。」 因負 兎背上, 游行二三里許。 龜顧謂兎曰: 「今龍女被病, 須 兎肝爲藥, 故不憚勞, 負爾來耳。」 兎曰: 「噫, 吾神明之 後, 能出五藏, 洗而納之。日者小覺心煩, 遂出肝心洗之, 暫置巖石之底, 聞爾甘言徑來, 肝尙在彼, 何不廻歸取肝, 則汝得所求, 吾雖無肝尙活, 豈不兩相宜哉。」 龜信之而 還, 纔上岸, 兎脫入草中, 謂龜曰: 「愚哉, 汝也, 豈有無肝 而生者乎。」 龜憫黙而退.


Student 1 : (Write your name)

昔, 東海龍女病心, 醫言: 「得兎肝合藥, 則可療也。」 然 海中無兎, 不奈之何。 有一龜白龍王言: 「吾能得之。」

Student 2 : (Write your name)

遂登陸見兎言:「海中有一島, 淸泉白石, 茂林佳菓, 寒暑不能到, 鷹隼不能侵。爾若得至, 可以安居無患。」

Student 3 : (Write your name)

Student 4 : (Write your name)

Long ago, the Eastern Sea Dragon [King's] daughter contracted a heart [disease]. A healer said, "[If] a rabbit liver was obtained to combine [with] herbs, then [she] could be treated."

However, in the sea there were no rabbits, what could be done?

There was a turtle [who] said to the White Dragon King, "I can obtain it."

Subsequently, [the turtle] climbed [on to] land [and] seeing a rabbit, told [it], "In the sea there is an island [with] clear springs and white rocks, luxuriant groves and beautiful fruits. Winter's cold does not reach [it and] birds of prey cannot invade. If you obtained [a way] to reach [it], [you] could with [it] peacefully live without worries."

In this way, [the turtle] carried the rabbit on [its] back and by swimming went two or three ri1 or so. [Then] the turtle looked at the rabbit and said, "Right now the dragon [king's] daughter has become sick and must [have] a rabbit liver to make medicine. This is why, unconcerned [with] labor, [I] am carrying you [on my back] and returning, that is all."

The rabbit said, "Alas! I [am] the descendent of the sun god2 and can take out my five internal organs to wash and put them back. For days [I] have felt irritation [in my] heart, so took [my] heart and liver out to wash them, [and] placed them under the cliff rocks for a short time. Hearing your sweet talk [I] came straightaway. The liver is still in there, why not turn back and return to get the liver? Although without a liver I [can] still live, how [would this] not suit us both?"

The turtle, believing it, therefore went back, and just as [he reached] the shore, the rabbit fled and went into the grass, saying to the turtle, "A fool you are! How [can] there be [one] without a liver and [still] alive!"

The turtle sucked in its teeth, [went] silent, and returned.

1 里 (C: li), an old measure of distance that has varied throughout history, but can be understood to be less than a kilometer.

2 神明 [K: sinmyŏng; C: shenming], a word referring to the sun god.

Student 5 : (Write your name)

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : (Write your name)

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

Student 14 : (Write your name)