"(Translation) 蕩平碑"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 11 : Write your name)
(Student 12 : Write your name)
120번째 줄: 120번째 줄:
*Discussion Questions:
*Discussion Questions:
==='''Student 12 : Write your name'''===
==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
Being inclusive and not partisan is the public-mindedness of the superior persons.
Being inclusive and not partisan is the public-mindedness of the superior persons.
Not being inclusive and being partisan is the selfish mind of the mean persons.
Not being inclusive and being partisan is the selfish mind of the mean persons.
*Discussion Questions:
*Discussion Questions:
==='''Student 13 : Write your name'''===
==='''Student 13 : Write your name'''===

2017년 7월 5일 (수) 09:24 판


Original Script

Classical Chinese English

周而弗比 乃君子之公心
比而弗周 寔小人之私意



Student 1 : Kim Young

To be broad-minded and not take sides is the public-mindedness of a gentleman. To take sides and not be broad-minded is the selfish intention of a petty man.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 2 : Irina

Those who is open-minded does not make troubles The noble man is devoted to the public interests. Those who make troubles is not open-minded He is devoted to his selfish aim.

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Student 3 : Masha

Document 2 All-embracing and not partial is a public mindedness of a morally upright person. Partial and not all-embracing is a selfish interest of a petty person.

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Student 4 : Jong Woo Park

Document #2

Boundlessness and nonpartisan-ness are the characteristics of the superior men's public mindedness; partisan-ness and bounded are the characteristics of the lesser men's selfishness.

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Student 5 : Kanghun Ahn

The public-mindedness of the morally refined is to be universal, and not lopsided, The private interest of the narrow-minded is lopsided, and not universal.

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Student 6 : Hu Jing

The public mind of a superior man is to be catholic but not partisan; while the selfishness of a mean person is the contrary behavior.

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Student 7 : King Kwong Wong

To be inclusive and not to be partisan is the public-mindedness of righteous men. To be partisan and not to be inclusive is the selfish intent of lowly persons.

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Student 8 : Zhijun Ren

To reach everyone evenly and equally without getting intimate with a particular one is the public-mindedness of a superior man. To get intimate with a particular one without reaching out evenly is the private interest of a lesser mean man.

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Student 9 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 10 : Martin Gehlmann

周而弗比 乃君子之公心 Well-rounded and not partial is the high-minded man’s public spirit 比而弗周 寔小人之私意 Partial and not well-rounded is the mean man’s self-serving intent.

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Student 11 : (Write your name)

Document 2 The virtuous man is open-minded and not factious. The mean man is factious and not open-minded.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Being inclusive and not partisan is the public-mindedness of the superior persons. Not being inclusive and being partisan is the selfish mind of the mean persons.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 13 : Write your name

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Student 14 : Write your name

  • Discussion Questions:

Further Readings