"Hujing yanxing trade.lst"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
6번째 줄: 6번째 줄:
Yanxing red circle
Yanxing red circle
Propoties gold ellips
Place gold ellips
People silver  circle
People silver  circle
Item red ellipse
Item green ellipse
Event yellow ellipse
Event yellow ellipse
Weather yellow ellipse
17번째 줄: 16번째 줄:
has_subclass arrow 1
has_subclass arrow 1
has_property arrow 1
has_property arrow 1
belongs_to arrow 3
traded_in arrow 1
traded_in arrow 1
was_traded_in arrow 1
was_traded_in arrow 1
28번째 줄: 28번째 줄:
was_acquaintance_with both 3
was_acquaintance_with both 3
hired arrow 1
hired arrow 1
belongs_to arrow 1
bribed arrow 1
bribed arrow 1
stole arrow 1
stole arrow 1
38번째 줄: 37번째 줄:
make_join_the_group arrow 1
make_join_the_group arrow 1
was_entrusted_by arrow 3
was_entrusted_by arrow 3
traded_with both 3
44번째 줄: 42번째 줄:
Yanxing Yanxing Yanxing
Yanxing Yanxing Yanxing
Item Item Item
Event Event Event
Event Event Event
Date Properties Date
Date Date Date
Weather Properties Weather
Weather Weather Weather
Place Properties Place
Place Place Place
People Properties People
People People People
Korean_people People Korean_people
Korean_people People Korean_people
Chinese_people People Chinese_people
Chinese_people People Chinese_people
55번째 줄: 52번째 줄:
Salers People Salers
Salers People Salers
Buyers People Buyers
Buyers People Buyers
Item Item Item
Commodities Item Commodities  
Commodities Item Commodities  
Local_products Item Local_products   
Local_products Item Local_products   
79번째 줄: 77번째 줄:
buyers Commodities bought
buyers Commodities bought
Salers Place lived_in
Salers Place lived_in
Chinese_people Commodities Agented

2021년 6월 2일 (수) 01:14 판

the Ontology of Chosŏn Interpreters’ Trade Networks in Qing China


Yanxing	red	circle
Place	gold	ellips
People	silver  circle
Item	green	ellipse
Event	yellow	ellipse


has_subclass	arrow 1
has_property	arrow 1
belongs_to	arrow 3
traded_in	arrow 1 	
was_traded_in	arrow 1
traded_with	both 3
bought	arrow 1
sold	arrow 1
visited	arrow 1
stayed_in	arrow 1
was_checked_in	arrow 1
was_permitted	arrow 1
was_acquaintance_with	both 3
hired	arrow 1
bribed	arrow 1
stole	arrow 1
agented	arrow 1
was_competitor_with	both 3
is_located_in	arrow 1
lived_in	arrow 1
handover_in	arrow 1
make_join_the_group	arrow 1
was_entrusted_by	arrow 3


Yanxing	Yanxing	Yanxing
Event	Event	Event
Date	Date	Date
Weather	Weather	Weather
Place	Place	Place	
People	People	People
Korean_people	People	Korean_people
Chinese_people	People	Chinese_people
Interpreters	People	Interpreters
Salers	People	Salers
Buyers	People	Buyers
Item	Item	Item
Commodities	Item	Commodities 
Local_products	Item	Local_products  


Yanxing	Date	has_property
Yanxing	Place	has_property
Yanxing	People	has_property
Date	Weather	has_property
People	Korean_people	has_subclass
People	Chinese_people	has_subclass
Korean_people	Interpreters	has_subclass
Chinese_people	Salers	has_subclass
Chinese_people	Buyers	has_subclass
Item	Commodities	has_subclass 
Item	Local_products	has_subclass	
Interpreters	Commodities	bought
Interpreters	Commodities	sold
Commodities	Place 	was_traded_in
Interpreters	Chinese_people	traded_with
Salers	Commodities	sold
buyers	Commodities	bought
Salers	Place	lived_in
Chinese_people	Commodities	Agented

