"(Translation) 1792年 金憙訓諭敎書"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 8 : Q)
229번째 줄: 229번째 줄:
  仍之水旱㐫荒, 民奈何不窮且盜也
  仍之水旱㐫荒, 民奈何不窮且盜也
Tied up with [filing] the official records and ledgers, the officials squeeze [the people] at will and make a mockery of the law.  
Tied up with all the official records and ledgers, all the officers just oblige and fiddle with documents and laws.  
And when there are droughts and bad harvests, how can the people not be deprived and not steal?
Then met with droughts and bad harvests, how can people avoid dire privation and not steal?
*Discussion Questions:
*Discussion Questions:

2019년 7월 10일 (수) 12:30 판



1792年(正祖 16) 7月 3日 咸境道觀察使 兼兵馬水軍節度使 都巡察使 咸興府尹 金憙(1729∼1800)에게 내려진 文書이다.

金憙는 金相庚의 아들이고, 本貫은 光山이다. 1773년에 增廣文科에 兵科로 及第하였고, 1777年(正祖 1)에 抄啓御史에 選拔되었다. 그 뒤 持平, 奎章閣直閣, 吏曹佐郎, 校理, 大司諫, 大司成, 江原道觀察使, 吏曹參議, 大司憲, 吏曹參判, 弘文館副提學, 光州牧使, 刑曹判書, 禮曹判書, 京畿道觀察使, 瑞興府使, 吏曹參判, 咸鏡道觀察使, 右議政 등을 歷任하였다. 時派와 僻派의 다툼에 人物을 薦擧한 것이 말썽이 되어 물러났고, 뒤에 다시 判中樞府事를 거친 뒤 領中樞府事가 되고, 1795年과 1797年에 同知兼謝恩使로 淸나라에 다녀온 뒤 耆老所에 들어갔다.

Original Script

Classical Chinese English

敎 資憲大夫, 行咸鏡道觀察使·兼兵馬水軍節度使·都巡察使·咸興府尹 金憙書, 王若曰, 歷數海東八域, 雄藩最稱於邊防, 專統關北一方, 諸閫咸聽其節制, 非重臣, 莫可使也, 當是時, 屬之誰乎, 惟卿名門肖孫, 華署學士, 經說雍容, 可聽淵源有來, 議論激昻, 自持酒酣以往, 金帶自致於八座, 苦蘖淸規, 玉節曾假於兩藩, 甘棠餘頌, 凡內外履歷之地, 而大小咸得其宜, 言念丙枕宵旰之憂, 尤重北藩懷撫之政, 龍興王迹, 至今説豐沛舊鄕, 鳥棧地形, 從古稱隴蜀故道, 士馬甲兵之精銳, 臺隍亭障之堅高, 軍容壯而國勢可尊, 朔氣豁而邊警宜熄, 然王化未遍於遐遠, 旣失撫御之方, 伊土俗半雜於華夷, 率多麤悍之習, 拘於簿書期會, 吏咸從而弄文法焉, 仍之水旱㐫荒, 民奈何不窮且盜也, 山社之接濟無策, 政須實心之懷綏, 廟官之儀品載新, 尤見事面之重大, 非卿, 莫可得人, 於斯, 玆授卿以咸鏡道觀察使·兼兵馬水軍節度使·都巡察使·咸興府尹, 卿其勉恢良圖, 思副寵命, 布敎條而振士習, 明紀律而詰戎機, 蔘貂之禁嚴, 遍察廉黷, 弓馬之俗難化, 并施恩威, 至如禀處裁斷之規, 有掌故耳, 若夫弛張設施之道, 宜肩乃心, 於戲, 隻日花甎出, 自三清卿月, 千里楡塞去, 作一路福星, 故玆教示, 相宜知悉,


(施命之寶 一三個)


Discussion Questions

Further Readings



(sample) : Jaeyoon Song

敎 資憲大夫, 行咸鏡道觀察使·兼兵馬水軍

(2)   節度使·都巡察使·咸興府尹 金憙書,

(3) 王若曰, 歷數海東八域, 雄藩最稱於邊防,

(4)   專統關北一方, 諸閫咸聽其節制, 非重

(5)   臣, 莫可使也,

The King [thus] speaks: Throughout all ages the East of the Ocean [Haedong, meaning Korea] with its eight provinces has been reckoned as the valiant vassal state, most eminently praised among the frontiers. If the Gwanbuk [lit.north of the passes ] region is thoroughly governed, all the other regions would listen to [the governor's] directions [節制]. Nobody else but an an important minister could be appointed [for such post]. At the present period, to whom should it belong? Only you, my minister, are a descendant of a prominent family and decent grandson.

當是時, 屬之誰乎, 惟卿名

(6)   門肖孫, 華署學士, 經說雍容, 可聽淵源

(7)   有來, 議論激昻, 自持酒酣以往, 金帶自

(8)   致於八座, 苦蘖淸規, 玉節曾假於兩

(9)   藩, 甘棠餘頌, 凡內外履歷之地, 而大小咸

(10)  得其宜, 言念丙枕宵旰之憂, 尤重北藩懷

(11)  撫之政, 龍興

(12) 王迹, 至今説豐沛舊鄕, 鳥棧地形, 從古稱

(13)  隴蜀故道, 士馬甲兵之精銳, 臺隍亭障

(14)  之堅高, 軍容壯而國勢可尊, 朔氣豁而

(15)  邊警宜熄, 然王化未遍於遐遠, 旣失撫

(16)  御之方, 伊土俗半雜於華夷, 率多麤悍

(17)  之習, 拘於簿書期會, 吏咸從而弄文法焉,

(18)  仍之水旱㐫荒, 民奈何不窮且盜也, 山社

(19)  之接濟無策, 政須實心之懷綏,

(20)  廟官之儀品載新, 尤見事面之重大, 非卿,

(21)  莫可得人, 於斯, 玆授卿以咸鏡道觀察

(22)  使·兼兵馬水軍節度使·都巡察使·咸興

(23)  府尹, 卿其勉恢良圖, 思副寵命, 布敎條

(24)  而振士習, 明紀律而詰戎機, 蔘貂之禁

(25)  嚴, 遍察廉黷, 弓馬之俗難化, 并施恩威,

(26)  至如禀處裁斷之規, 有掌故耳, 若夫弛

(27)  張設施之道, 宜肩乃心, 於戲, 隻日花甎出,

(28)  自三清卿月, 千里楡塞去, 作一路福星,

(29)  故玆教示, 相宜知悉,

(30)  乾隆五十七年七月初三日,

(施命之寶 一三個)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 1 : Yishu Ma

  • Discussion Questions:

金帶自致於八座, 苦蘖淸規, 玉節曾假於兩藩, 甘棠餘頌。

Translation: The golden belt (granted by the emperor) has been sent to the eight high official positions. The strict regulations are like bitter tillers (of trees). The jade knot (used as a symbol of defending the country) has once been lent to two northern provinces. The eulogy remains is like sweet cherry-apple (flowers).


Student 2 : Samuel Sai Hay Chan 陳世熙 진세희

凡內外履歷之地, 而大小咸得其宜,

Everywhere you worked, be the tasks big or small, you accomplished with appropriateness.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 3 : Younès M'Ghari

言念丙枕宵旰之憂, 尤重北藩懷撫之政, 

I thought [in words] of [this] worry which did not let me sleep at the byông time1.

I consider highly important the cherishing and comforting governance of the Northern hedges.

1 丙枕 (Chinese: bing), the third time period of the night out of 5 in the Chinese traditional system, that is around midnight.

2 宵旰 (“from night to evening”) is an idiomatic expression (ex: 宵旰圖治, 宵旰憂勞, 宵旰所勞).

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Student 4 : King Kwong Wong

  • Discussion Questions:

龍興王迹, 至今説豐沛舊鄕, As to the royal traces of dragon rising, until now it is said to be the old village of Fengpei.[1]

鳥棧地形, 從古稱隴蜀故道 As to the terrains of dangerously narrow paths,[2] since antiquity it is called the ancient road between Long and Shu.[3]

Student 5 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 6 : Stacey Lui

  • Discussion Questions:

軍容壯而國勢可尊, 朔氣豁而邊警宜熄

The army's appearance is strong and so the conditions of the state can be raised. The air of the north is plentiful and so the signals on the frontiers can be extinguished.

Student 7 : (Write your name)

然王化未遍於遐遠, 旣失撫御之方, 
伊土俗半雜於華夷, 率多麤悍之習,

However, the transformation effected by the king has not yet reached all far-away areas; we have already lost our methods of controlling and soothing [those people]. The customs of that land are half-mixed with Hua and barbarians, and they carry out many uncouth and hostile customs.

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 8 : Q

拘於簿書期會, 吏咸從而弄文法焉, 
仍之水旱㐫荒, 民奈何不窮且盜也

Tied up with all the official records and ledgers, all the officers just oblige and fiddle with documents and laws.

Then met with droughts and bad harvests, how can people avoid dire privation and not steal?

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 9 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:

Student 10 : (Write your name)

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Student 11 : (Write your name)

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Student 12 : (Write your name)

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Student 13 : (Write your name)

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Student 14 : (Write your name)

  • Discussion Questions:
  • This refers to the hometown of Gaozu, the founder of the Han dynasty.
  • 鳥棧 refers to 鳥道 and 棧道, two expressions of dangerous narrow roads.
  • Long refers to nowaday Gansu, while Shu refers to Sichuan.