"문장 56 - 60"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 14 : (Write your name))
(사용자 6명의 중간 판 22개는 보이지 않습니다)
26번째 줄: 26번째 줄:
56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎
56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎
Sea gulls: Sea gulls are water fowls. At the ocean waves and on the vast expanse of sea they many times soar and dive. With fishermen they look for alliance. With seafarers they play with.   
Sea gulls: Sea gulls are water fowls. At the ocean waves and on the vast expanse of sea they soar and dive many times. With fishermen they look for alliance. With seafarers they play with.   
36번째 줄: 36번째 줄:
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
Ponds: Digging the ground and irrigating water make ponds. People can plant lotus [there] and sow willows on the side. Cheng Zi see fish at basin pond.   
Ponds: The dug ground with irrigated water is called a pond. People can plant lotus [there] and sow willows on the side. Cheng Zi saw fish in the basin pond.   
44번째 줄: 44번째 줄:
60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉
Mountains: Earth piled up and risen high becomes a mount.
The heaped-up earth rising high [from the surrounding level] becomes a mountain. Its height is thousands and ten thousands ''chang''<ref> A chang is a unit of length, approximately equal to 3.33 meters</ref>. Plants and trees grow [there] and birds and beasts dwell in it.
61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間
Streams: Brooklets merging and flowing are called streams. If [they are] deep, they are pools. If shallow, they are rapids. Day and night they do not rest. Fish and turtles live in between [them]. 
62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下
Waterfalls: Hanging on cliffs and steep walls, it is a flying and flowing water. Dispersing foams are like snow. Its created sounds are like thunder. The waterfall of Lushan <ref> Lushan is situated in the northern part of Jiangxi province in southeastern China.</ref> surpasses [all the other waterfalls] under heaven.
==='''Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
==='''Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎
56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎
Seagulls are water poultries. In the ten thousand qing<sup>1</sup> of the blue waves, they often float up and sink down. With fishermen, they seek alliance; with sailors, they play around.
Seagulls are water poultries. In the ten thousand qing<sup>1</sup> of the blue waves, they often float up and sink down. With fishermen, they seek alliance; with sailors, they play around.
60번째 줄: 72번째 줄:
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
Digging the earth and filling water [in, this] is called a 'pond'. Lotus can be planted [in], willows be sowed beside. Chengzi<sup>2</sup> contemplated the fish of the basin pond.
59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔
59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔
The big one of a stone is called ‘boulder’. Like tigers it crouches, like dragons it moves. It does not change the face of the remote antiquity.
60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉
60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉
Those which are piled dirt and rising high are mountains. Their height is 10 million<sup>3</sup> zhang<sup>4</sup>. [There] Plants and trees grow, birds and beasts dwell.
61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間
61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間
Small waters merging and flowing are called ‘streams’. If they are deep, they are 'profound waters'; if they are shallow, they are 'shoals'. They flow day and night. Fish and turtles live inside [them].
62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下
62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下
Hanging on cliffs and steep walls, the water that flies and flow scatters foam like snow and makes sounds like thunder. The waterfall of the mountain Lu<sup>5</sup> is the most marvellous one under the heaven.
<sup>1</sup>: 頃 (Korean: kyông), a traditional unit of area supposedly equal to 6.667 hectares or 16.474 acres; in this sentence, it could have been translated into 'vastness'.
<sup>2</sup>: 程子 (Korean: Chôngja, 'Master Cheng'), a Chinese philosopher.
<sup>3</sup>: 千萬 could either be translated as 'thousand ten thousands' (that is, 'ten millions'), 'thousands of ten thousands', 'thousands or ten thousands', 'a thousand or ten thousands' or more simply as 'very high' in this case.
<sup>1</sup>: (Korean: kyông), a traditional unit of area equal to 6.667 hectares or 16.474 acres; in this sentence, it could have been translated into 'vastness'.
<sup>4</sup>: (Korean: chang), a traditional unit of lengh/width/height supposedly equal to 3.333 meters.
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
<sup>5</sup>: 廬山 (Chinese: Lushan), a famous mountain close to the Yangzi river in the Jiangxi province.
==='''Student 3 : Petra Sváková'''===
56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客
Sea gulls: Sea gulls are water chickens<sup>1</sup>. In ten thousand kyǒng<sup>2</sup> [of] blue waves, many times [they] float [up] and sink. [They] seek for alliance with fishermen [and] pleasurably play with sea travellers.
57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢
Pigeons: In the mulberry forest, in the spring sun, those which harmoniously cry [together] and summon rain are the pigeons. [They] are bad at building nests. Therefore, some [of them] live in magpies' nests.
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
Ponds: [When one] digs out the ground and pours [in] water, [that is] called a 'pond'. [One] can plant lotuses [in there and] seed willow trees on the side. Master Jǒng (Ch. Cheng) was looking at fishes in the basin pond.
59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔
Cliffs: The big one [among] stones is called a 'cliff'. Like tigers, [they] crouch; like dragons, [they] move far. [Their] faces of antiquity do not change.
60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉
Mountains: Those [which have] piled up dirt [on] and are rising high are the mountains. Their height is thousand and ten thousand of jang<sup>3</sup>, plants and trees grow [there and] birds and beasts dwell [there].
61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間
Streams: [When] small waters merge and flow, [that is] called a 'stream'. [If they are] deep, [they] are pools '''{Ois this word right?O}'''; [if they are] shallow, [they] are shoals. Day and night, [they] do not rest. Fishes and turtles live inside them.
62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下
Waterfalls: They hang on cliffs and steep walls. Water [which] flows and flies scatters foam like snow and makes sounds like thunder. The waterfall of the mountain Yŏ (Ch. Lu)<sup>4</sup> [is the most] splendid [one] under the Heaven.
<sup>1</sup> This refers to the chicken as the most common bird.
<sup>2</sup> It is a land measure which equals to about 15.13 acres.
<sup>3</sup> lenght of ten feet
<sup>4</sup> It is also known as Kuanglu (匡庐) in ancient times and is situated in the northern part of Jiangxi province in southeastern China.
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎
Gulls – Gulls are water fowl. [In] deep waves and vast waters, diving and floating, with fishermen [they] look for alliances, with seafarers [they] are chummy.
57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢
Doves – [In] mulberry trees [under] spring suns, the ones that cry together and summon rain are doves. Clumsy at building nests, thus some live in magpies' nests.
58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚
Pools – Boring a hole through the earth and pouring water is called pools. [One] can grow lotuses at the edges and cultivate willows. Chŏngja<sup>1</sup> put a basin [in the ground to make] a garden pond and gazed at the fish.
59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔
Boulders – Big ones among stones are called boulders. Crouching like a tiger and seen from afar like a dragon, [it is] the countenance of changelessness and oldest antiquity.
60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉
Mountains – Dirt amassed and risen high becomes mountains. Its height is thousands or ten thousands chang<sup>2</sup> and grasses, trees, birds, and beasts dwell there.
61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間
Streams – Small waters flowing together are called streams. Depths constitute ponds and shallows constitute shoals. Day and night [they] do not rest and fish and tortoises live between them.
62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下
Waterfalls – Hanging edges' and severed cliffs' flying flows of water, scattering snow-like bubbles and making thunder-like sounds. The waterfalls of Lushan<sup>3</sup> are the best of all [the waterfalls] under heaven.
<sup>1</sup> 程子 [C: Chengzi], the honorary title for the brothers Cheng Hao (1032–1085) or Cheng Yi (1033–1107), the teachers of Zhu Xi (1130–1200).
<sup>2</sup> 丈 [C: zhang], a unit of distance that is approximately 3 and 1/3 meters.
<sup>3</sup> Famous waterfalls in Jiangxi Province.
==='''Student 5 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
56. 鷗: 鷗爲水鷄, 滄浪萬頃, 多時浮沈與漁父, 尋盟與海客, 相狎
Seagulls: Seagulls became water chickens. In the large sea with blue waves, many times they come in and go out with fishermen. They look for alliance with sea guests. They play each other arrogantly.
57. 鳩: 桑林春日, 和鳴而喚雨者, 鳩也, 拙於構巢, 故, 或居於鵲巢
Pigeons: On mulberry trees in spring time, they cry together and summon the rain. They are called ‘pigeons.’  They are clumsy to build nests. Therefore, some [pigeons] stay in magpie’s nests.
58. 池塘: 鑿地灌水曰, 池塘, 可植蓮, 邊種柳, 程子於盆池觀魚
Pond: You dig out ground and pour water in it.  [It is] called a ‘pond.’  You can plant lotus and can seed willows around it. Master Cheng looks at fishes at the basin pond.
59. 巖: 石之大者曰, 巖, 如虎而蹲, 如龍而距, 不變太古之顔
Boulders: A great stone [among stones] is called a ‘boulder.’  It looks like a squatting tiger and like a dragon sitting on.  The face of great antiquity never changed.
60. 山: 土積而高起者, 爲山, 其高千萬丈, 草木生, 禽獸居焉
Mountain: Heaping a mass of dirt and rising highly, it becomes a ‘mountain.’ It is ten million high. Plants and trees live [there] and birds and beasts stay there.
61. 川: 小水合流曰, 川, 深爲潭淺爲灘, 晝夜不息, 魚鱉生其間
Flowing waters: Small waters merge and flow. That is ‘flowing waters.” If it is deep, it becomes pool. If it is shallow, it becomes shoal. [It] never stop at day time and night time. Fishes and soft-shelled turtles live in the space [between land and water.]
62. 瀑布: 懸崖絶壁, 飛流之水, 散泡如雪, 作聲如雷, 廬山之瀑, 勝於天下
Hanging on edge of a cliff and flying and flowing of water. Scattering foam like snow and making sound like sounder.  The fall in Lúshān is really beautiful in the world.
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
108번째 줄: 241번째 줄:
57. Pigeon:<br />
57. Pigeon:<br />
Those that summon the rain with their harmonious cry in the mulberry forest in the days of spring are pigeons. [They are] clumsy at making nests, so sometimes they live in the nests of magpies.
Those that summon the rain with their harmonious cry in the mulberry forest in the days of spring are pigeons. [They are] clumsy at making nests, so sometimes they live in the nests of magpies.<br />
58. Pond:<br />
Earth dug up and filled with water is called a pond. [One] can plant lotuses [in it and] on the sides seed willows. Chengzi<ref>程子, also known as Cheng Yi, a Chinese philosopher from the Song Dynasty, also known as one of the Cheng brothers for his work with his older brother Cheng Hao.</ref> [used to] observe fishes in the potted pond.    <br />
59. Boulder:<br />
Those that are large among rocks are called boulders. Like tigers [they] crouch, like dragons [they] distance [themselves]. They do not change the face of remote antiquity.  <br />
60. Mountain:<br />
That which is soil piled up and raised high becomes a mountain. Its height is thousands [or] tens of thousands zhangs<ref>丈, unit of length equal to 3.3 meters.</ref>. Grass and trees live, and birds and beasts dwell there. <br />
61. Waterway:<br />
Small waters flowing together are called waterways. Deep ones are pools, shallow ones are shoals. Day and night, [they] do not rest. Fishes and turtles live among them.<br />
62. Waterfall:<br />
Water that spills hanging off the edge of a cliff. It scatters and froths like snow, makes sound like thunder. The waterfall of Mount Lu<ref>Also known as Lushan, a mountain famous for its natural beauties. It is located in Jiangxi province, China.</ref> stands out among all things.
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
119번째 줄: 271번째 줄:
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 14 : (Write your name)'''===

2017년 8월 1일 (화) 14:42 기준 최신판

Original Script

56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎

57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢

58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚

59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔

60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉

61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間

62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎

Sea gulls: Sea gulls are water fowls. At the ocean waves and on the vast expanse of sea they soar and dive many times. With fishermen they look for alliance. With seafarers they play with.

57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢

Pigeons: On the mulberry trees in spring days those which harmoniously cry and summon rain are pigeons. They are bad at building nests. So some of them dwell in magpies' nests.

58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚

Ponds: The dug ground with irrigated water is called a pond. People can plant lotus [there] and sow willows on the side. Cheng Zi saw fish in the basin pond.

59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔

Rocks: The great ones among stones are called rocks. Like tigers they look squatting. Like the dragon they look sitting on. [They have] Face unchanged for ages.

60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉

Mountains: Earth piled up and risen high becomes a mount. The heaped-up earth rising high [from the surrounding level] becomes a mountain. Its height is thousands and ten thousands chang[1]. Plants and trees grow [there] and birds and beasts dwell in it.

61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間

Streams: Brooklets merging and flowing are called streams. If [they are] deep, they are pools. If shallow, they are rapids. Day and night they do not rest. Fish and turtles live in between [them].

62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下

Waterfalls: Hanging on cliffs and steep walls, it is a flying and flowing water. Dispersing foams are like snow. Its created sounds are like thunder. The waterfall of Lushan [2] surpasses [all the other waterfalls] under heaven.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎

Seagulls are water poultries. In the ten thousand qing1 of the blue waves, they often float up and sink down. With fishermen, they seek alliance; with sailors, they play around.

57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢

In mulberry trees, by spring sun, they cry together and summon the rain; these are pigeons. They are clumsy at building nests. Thus, some live in magpie nests.

58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚

Digging the earth and filling water [in, this] is called a 'pond'. Lotus can be planted [in], willows be sowed beside. Chengzi2 contemplated the fish of the basin pond.

59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔

The big one of a stone is called ‘boulder’. Like tigers it crouches, like dragons it moves. It does not change the face of the remote antiquity.

60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉

Those which are piled dirt and rising high are mountains. Their height is 10 million3 zhang4. [There] Plants and trees grow, birds and beasts dwell.

61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間

Small waters merging and flowing are called ‘streams’. If they are deep, they are 'profound waters'; if they are shallow, they are 'shoals'. They flow day and night. Fish and turtles live inside [them].

62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下

Hanging on cliffs and steep walls, the water that flies and flow scatters foam like snow and makes sounds like thunder. The waterfall of the mountain Lu5 is the most marvellous one under the heaven.

1: 頃 (Korean: kyông), a traditional unit of area supposedly equal to 6.667 hectares or 16.474 acres; in this sentence, it could have been translated into 'vastness'.

2: 程子 (Korean: Chôngja, 'Master Cheng'), a Chinese philosopher.

3: 千萬 could either be translated as 'thousand ten thousands' (that is, 'ten millions'), 'thousands of ten thousands', 'thousands or ten thousands', 'a thousand or ten thousands' or more simply as 'very high' in this case.

4: 丈 (Korean: chang), a traditional unit of lengh/width/height supposedly equal to 3.333 meters.

5: 廬山 (Chinese: Lushan), a famous mountain close to the Yangzi river in the Jiangxi province.

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客

Sea gulls: Sea gulls are water chickens1. In ten thousand kyǒng2 [of] blue waves, many times [they] float [up] and sink. [They] seek for alliance with fishermen [and] pleasurably play with sea travellers.

57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢

Pigeons: In the mulberry forest, in the spring sun, those which harmoniously cry [together] and summon rain are the pigeons. [They] are bad at building nests. Therefore, some [of them] live in magpies' nests.

58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚

Ponds: [When one] digs out the ground and pours [in] water, [that is] called a 'pond'. [One] can plant lotuses [in there and] seed willow trees on the side. Master Jǒng (Ch. Cheng) was looking at fishes in the basin pond.

59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔

Cliffs: The big one [among] stones is called a 'cliff'. Like tigers, [they] crouch; like dragons, [they] move far. [Their] faces of antiquity do not change.

60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉

Mountains: Those [which have] piled up dirt [on] and are rising high are the mountains. Their height is thousand and ten thousand of jang3, plants and trees grow [there and] birds and beasts dwell [there].

61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間

Streams: [When] small waters merge and flow, [that is] called a 'stream'. [If they are] deep, [they] are pools {Ois this word right?O}; [if they are] shallow, [they] are shoals. Day and night, [they] do not rest. Fishes and turtles live inside them.

62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下

Waterfalls: They hang on cliffs and steep walls. Water [which] flows and flies scatters foam like snow and makes sounds like thunder. The waterfall of the mountain Yŏ (Ch. Lu)4 [is the most] splendid [one] under the Heaven.

1 This refers to the chicken as the most common bird.

2 It is a land measure which equals to about 15.13 acres.

3 lenght of ten feet

4 It is also known as Kuanglu (匡庐) in ancient times and is situated in the northern part of Jiangxi province in southeastern China.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

56. 鷗 : 鷗爲水鷄滄浪萬頃多時浮沈與漁父尋盟與海客相狎

Gulls – Gulls are water fowl. [In] deep waves and vast waters, diving and floating, with fishermen [they] look for alliances, with seafarers [they] are chummy.

57. 鳩 : 桑林春日和鳴而喚雨者鳩也拙於構巢故或居於鵲巢

Doves – [In] mulberry trees [under] spring suns, the ones that cry together and summon rain are doves. Clumsy at building nests, thus some live in magpies' nests.

58. 池塘 : 鑿地灌水曰池塘可植蓮邊種柳程子於盆池觀魚

Pools – Boring a hole through the earth and pouring water is called pools. [One] can grow lotuses at the edges and cultivate willows. Chŏngja1 put a basin [in the ground to make] a garden pond and gazed at the fish.

59. 巖 : 石之大者曰巖如虎而蹲如龍而距不變太古之顔

Boulders – Big ones among stones are called boulders. Crouching like a tiger and seen from afar like a dragon, [it is] the countenance of changelessness and oldest antiquity.

60. 山 : 土積而高起者爲山其高千萬丈草木生禽獸居焉

Mountains – Dirt amassed and risen high becomes mountains. Its height is thousands or ten thousands chang2 and grasses, trees, birds, and beasts dwell there.

61. 川 : 小水合流曰川深爲潭淺爲灘晝夜不息魚鱉生其間

Streams – Small waters flowing together are called streams. Depths constitute ponds and shallows constitute shoals. Day and night [they] do not rest and fish and tortoises live between them.

62. 瀑布 : 懸崖絶壁飛流之水散泡如雪作聲如雷廬山之瀑勝於天下

Waterfalls – Hanging edges' and severed cliffs' flying flows of water, scattering snow-like bubbles and making thunder-like sounds. The waterfalls of Lushan3 are the best of all [the waterfalls] under heaven.

1 程子 [C: Chengzi], the honorary title for the brothers Cheng Hao (1032–1085) or Cheng Yi (1033–1107), the teachers of Zhu Xi (1130–1200).

2 丈 [C: zhang], a unit of distance that is approximately 3 and 1/3 meters.

3 Famous waterfalls in Jiangxi Province.

Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)

56. 鷗: 鷗爲水鷄, 滄浪萬頃, 多時浮沈與漁父, 尋盟與海客, 相狎 Seagulls: Seagulls became water chickens. In the large sea with blue waves, many times they come in and go out with fishermen. They look for alliance with sea guests. They play each other arrogantly.

57. 鳩: 桑林春日, 和鳴而喚雨者, 鳩也, 拙於構巢, 故, 或居於鵲巢 Pigeons: On mulberry trees in spring time, they cry together and summon the rain. They are called ‘pigeons.’ They are clumsy to build nests. Therefore, some [pigeons] stay in magpie’s nests.

58. 池塘: 鑿地灌水曰, 池塘, 可植蓮, 邊種柳, 程子於盆池觀魚

Pond: You dig out ground and pour water in it. [It is] called a ‘pond.’ You can plant lotus and can seed willows around it. Master Cheng looks at fishes at the basin pond.

59. 巖: 石之大者曰, 巖, 如虎而蹲, 如龍而距, 不變太古之顔

Boulders: A great stone [among stones] is called a ‘boulder.’ It looks like a squatting tiger and like a dragon sitting on. The face of great antiquity never changed.

60. 山: 土積而高起者, 爲山, 其高千萬丈, 草木生, 禽獸居焉

Mountain: Heaping a mass of dirt and rising highly, it becomes a ‘mountain.’ It is ten million high. Plants and trees live [there] and birds and beasts stay there.

61. 川: 小水合流曰, 川, 深爲潭淺爲灘, 晝夜不息, 魚鱉生其間

Flowing waters: Small waters merge and flow. That is ‘flowing waters.” If it is deep, it becomes pool. If it is shallow, it becomes shoal. [It] never stop at day time and night time. Fishes and soft-shelled turtles live in the space [between land and water.]

62. 瀑布: 懸崖絶壁, 飛流之水, 散泡如雪, 作聲如雷, 廬山之瀑, 勝於天下

Hanging on edge of a cliff and flying and flowing of water. Scattering foam like snow and making sound like sounder. The fall in Lúshān is really beautiful in the world.

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : (Write your name)

Student 10 : Jelena Gledić

56. Seagull:

The seagull is the sea chicken. The blue waves are vast, it often dives in and out. With fishermen, it seeks alliances. With voyageurs, it is friendly.

57. Pigeon:

Those that summon the rain with their harmonious cry in the mulberry forest in the days of spring are pigeons. [They are] clumsy at making nests, so sometimes they live in the nests of magpies.
58. Pond:

Earth dug up and filled with water is called a pond. [One] can plant lotuses [in it and] on the sides seed willows. Chengzi[3] [used to] observe fishes in the potted pond.

59. Boulder:

Those that are large among rocks are called boulders. Like tigers [they] crouch, like dragons [they] distance [themselves]. They do not change the face of remote antiquity.

60. Mountain:

That which is soil piled up and raised high becomes a mountain. Its height is thousands [or] tens of thousands zhangs[4]. Grass and trees live, and birds and beasts dwell there.

61. Waterway:

Small waters flowing together are called waterways. Deep ones are pools, shallow ones are shoals. Day and night, [they] do not rest. Fishes and turtles live among them.

62. Waterfall:

Water that spills hanging off the edge of a cliff. It scatters and froths like snow, makes sound like thunder. The waterfall of Mount Lu[5] stands out among all things.

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Student 13 : (Write your name)

  1. A chang is a unit of length, approximately equal to 3.33 meters
  2. Lushan is situated in the northern part of Jiangxi province in southeastern China.
  3. 程子, also known as Cheng Yi, a Chinese philosopher from the Song Dynasty, also known as one of the Cheng brothers for his work with his older brother Cheng Hao.
  4. 丈, unit of length equal to 3.3 meters.
  5. Also known as Lushan, a mountain famous for its natural beauties. It is located in Jiangxi province, China.