"문장 46 - 50"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 14 : (Write your name))
(사용자 9명의 중간 판 20개는 보이지 않습니다)
18번째 줄: 18번째 줄:
==='''Student 1 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 1 : Sanghoon Na'''===
46. 虎 : 虎者 百獸之長 名曰山君 鉤爪鉅齒 㗌人攫物 見之者莫不恐畏也
Tigers: A tiger is the chief of all beasts. It is named the 'king of mountains.' With hooklike claws sawlike teeth it bites people and grasps animals. Those who see it, none do not fear it.
47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴 非梧桐1) 不棲 非琅玕2)不啄 是爲羽蟲之長
Phoenix: It is born in the cave of Tansan. If it is not a paulownia tree, it does not perch. If it is not a white carnelian, it does not peck. This is the chief of fowls.
48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也 鳴于九皋 聲聞于天 仙人驂之 道士馴之
Cranes: Those which are viviparous are cranes. It cries in the ninth pool of the marsh<ref>[http://ctext.org/dictionary.pl?if=en&char=%E4%B9%9D%E7%9A%8B] The Book of Poetry. He Ming. "The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh, And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds." 《詩經·鶴鳴》: 鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于野。</ref>. Its sound is heard in the sky. Immortals ride it. Taoists tame it.
49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化 故人呼之爲朱朱 夜捿于塒 司晨而鳴 其聲喈喈
Chicken: An old man of Zhu family was transformed [into a chicken]. Therefore, people call it “ZHU ZHU.” At night it nests on a perch. It is in charge of daybreak and so cries. Its sound is “GAE GAE.”
50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群
Wild geese: Wild geese are birds following the sun. When tree leaves fall, they fly south. When ice breaks, they fly north. Between the Pengli lake<ref>[http://ctext.org/shang-shu/tribute-of-yu] Book of Documents. Tribute of Yu. "The (lake of) Peng-li was confined to its proper limits, and the sun-birds (the wild geese) had places to settle on." 《尚書·禹貢》: 彭蠡既豬,陽鳥攸居。</ref> and the Dong-ting lake, they make flocks of hundreds and thousands.
==='''Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
==='''Student 2 : (Write your name)'''===
46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也
46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也
Tigers are the chiefs of a hundred beasts. They are names 'the montain lords'. Their claws are hooked and their teeth are enormous, they bite people and snatch things. [Among] Those who see them, noone is not afraid.
Tigers are the chiefs of a hundred beasts. They are named 'the mountain lords'. Their claws are hooked and their teeth are enormous, they bite people and snatch things. [Among] Those who see them, noone is not afraid.
47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長
47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長
It is born in a cave of the Dan mountain<sup>1</sup>. If it is not a Paulonia tree, it does not perch; if it is not a nanggan<sup>2</sup>, it does not peck it. It is the chief of birds and insects.
48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之
48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之
The one that transforms from the foetus is a crane. It cries in the Nine Springs<sup>4</sup>, its sounds are heard in heaven. Immortals harness them, taoists train them.
49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈
49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈
Because of the transformation of the man named Chu<sup>3</sup>, people called him “ChuChu”<sup>5</sup>. By night they nest on a perch, herald the break of day and cry with the sound “KayKay”<sup>6</sup>.
50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群
50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
Wild geese are birds following the sun. When tree [leaves] fall, they fly to the South; when ice breaks, they move to the North. Between the Pengli and the Dongting<sup>7</sup>, thousand hundreds [of them together] form a flock.
<sup>1</sup>: 丹山 (Tansan, 'Red mountain'), a legendary mountain often cited in other stories in relation to the phoenixes.
<sup>2</sup>: 琅玕 (nanggan), the fruit of an immortal tree of the same name (sometimes in other stories, a kind of gem that would look like fine jade).
<sup>3</sup>: 朱 (KR: Chu, CN: Zhu), a family name.
<sup>4</sup>: 九皋 ('Nine Springs'), an other appellation of 'hell' in sinitized Eastern Asia.
<sup>5</sup>: 朱朱 (chuju, 'ChuChu'), approximation of an onomatopeia that can be found in ancient Chinese texts such as the 初學記 (Chuxuejji, an encyclopedia written during the Tang (唐618-907 CE)).
<sup>6</sup>: 喈喈 (kaegae, 'KayKay') approximation of the original onomatopeia that was attributed to chicken in ancient times.
<sup>7</sup>: 彭蠡 (the Pengli marsh, today commonly called the Poyang (鄱陽) lake) & 洞庭 (the Dongting lake, the biggest lake in contemporary China).
==='''Student 3 : Petra Sváková'''===
46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也
Tigers: Tigers are heads of hundred beasts<sup>1</sup>, they are named the 'lords of the mountains'. [With their] hooked claws and enormous teeth, [they] bite people and grasp things. [Among] those who see them, [there is] no one [who] do not fear [them].
47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長
Phoenixes: [They are] born in the cave of the Tan mountain. If it is not a Paulownia tree, [they] do not perch; if it is not a Nanggan tree, [they] do not peck. They are the heads of the birds [and] the insects.
48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之
Cranes: Those which transform from the wombs are cranes. [When] crying in the Nine Springs<sup>2</sup>, [their] voices are heard in the Heaven. The immortals harness them [and ride them], the Taoists tame them.
49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈
Chickens: [It is] that which old man Chu (Ch. Zhu) transformed [into]. Therefore, people call them "chu chu". At night [they] nest on perches, at daybreak [they] crow. Their sound [is] "kae kae".
50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群
Wild geese: Wild geese are birds [which] follow the sun. [When] tree [leaves] fall down, [they] fly to the south; [when] ice melt, [they] go to the north. Between Pangryŏ (Ch. Pengli)<sup>3</sup> and Tongchǒng (Ch. Dongting)<sup>4</sup>, thousands [and] hundreds [of them] form flocks.
<sup>1</sup> understand as 'all the beasts'
<sup>2</sup> In «詩經 (Book of Poetry)», the meaning as 'the ninth pool of the marsh' can also be found (鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于野。- The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh, And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds.), it can also refer to 'hell'.
<sup>3</sup> Lake in Jiangxi province, nowadays it is called Poyang Lake.
<sup>4</sup> Lake in northeastern Hunan province.
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也
Tigers – As for tigers, the leader of all beasts, [it is] named the mountain lord. [With] hooked claws and giant teeth [it] sinks [its teeth into] people and seizes things. [Of] those who see it, there are none who do not fear and dread.
47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長
Phoenix – Born in the caves of the Red Mountain, [if] not pawlonia trees [it] does not perch, [if] not pearl-like stones [it] does not peck, [and] this makes [it] the leader of the the feathered and insects.
48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之
==='''Student 5 : (Write your name)'''===
Cranes – Those that transform in the womb are cranes. They cry in winding marshes and the sound is heard in the sky. Immortals harness them in threes [to ride] and Daoist adepts train them.
49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈
Chickens – What Old Man Zhu transformed into. [This is] the reason people call them "zhu zhu."<sup>1</sup> At night they roost on perches and at daybreak they crow. This sound [is] "jie jie."<sup>2</sup>
50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群
Wild Geese – As for wild geese, they follow the sun. [When] tree [leaves] fall, [they] fly south. [When] ice breaks up, [they] go north. Between Pengli and Dongting,<sup>3</sup> thousands and hundreds [of them] form flocks.
<sup>1</sup> An onomatopoeic word for chickens (K: chu chu).
<sup>2</sup> An onomatopoeia for the sound chickens make (K: kae kae).
<sup>3</sup> Referring to Pengli Lake, also known as Poyang Lake after a nearby mountain, in modern-day Jiangxi Province, and Dongting Lake on the Yangzi River in modern-day Hunan Province.
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
46. 虎: 虎者, 百獸之長, 名曰山君, 鉤爪鉅齒, 㗌人攫物, 見之者, 莫不恐畏也
Tigers: The tiger are the head of hundred beasts. They are called ‘the lord of mountains.’ They have hooked claws and large teeth.  They bite people and grab animals. [Among] those who see them, no one is afraid of them.
47. 鳳: 生於丹山之穴, 非梧桐, 不棲 非琅玕, 不啄是爲羽蟲之長
Phoenix: Phoenix is born in a cave of Red Mountain. [If] it is not the Pawlonia tree, it does not perch; [if] it is not the Nanggan tree, it does not peck. It is the head of birds and insects.
48. 鶴: 胎化者, 鶴也, 鳴于九皋, 聲聞于天, 仙人驂之, 道士馴之
Cranes: Those that transform in the womb are cranes. They cry in marsh areas. Their sound is heard in heaven. Immortals harness it, Taoist masters train it.
49. 雞: 朱氏翁之所化, 故人呼之爲朱朱, 夜捿于柾, 司晨而鳴, 其聲喈喈
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
Chickens: An old man whose last name was Zhu died and became a chicken. Because people called him “chu chu.” At night, they nest on a perch. And they crow at daybreak. Their sound is “kae kae.”
50. 雁: 雁者, 隨陽之鳥, 木落南翔, 氷解北徂, 彭蠡洞庭之間, 千百成群
Gooses: Gooses follow the sun. [When] tree’s leaves fall down, they fly to the south. [When] ices melt, they move to the north. Between Pengli and Dongting, hundreds of thousands [of them] form flocks.
==='''Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)'''===
46. 虎 : 虎者 百獸之長 名曰山君 鉤爪鉅齒 㗌人攫物 見之者莫不恐畏也
Tiger: Tiger is the chief of all beasts. [Thus] it is called ‘lord of mountains.’ [With] hooked claws and enormous teeth, [it] bites people and snatch animals. [Among] those who see it, none does not fear it.
47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴 非梧桐1) 不棲 非琅玕2)不啄 是爲羽蟲之長
Phoenix: Phoenix is born in a cave of Red Mountain. [If] it is not Odong tree, it does not perch; [if] it is not Nanggan, it does not peck. It is the head of birds and insects.
48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也 鳴于九皋 聲聞于天 仙人驂之 道士馴之
Crane: Viviparous bird is crane. It cries in marsh areas; its sound is heard from heaven. Immortals harness it; Taoist masters tame it.
49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化 故人呼之爲朱朱 夜깃들일捿于柾/塒 司晨而鳴 其聲喈喈
Chicken: An old man from Ju (ch. Zhu) family transformed [himself] into a chicken. Therefore, people call it saying, “juju.” At night, it nests on a perch. It cries and reports the daybreak. Its sound is “gaegae.”
1)Kr. Odong; Ch. Wútóng which means paulownia.
2)A beautiful stone similar to jade <<書, 禹貢>>; a mythical tree that is believed to bear jade-like fruits  <<山海經, 海內西經>>.
==='''Student 7 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 7 : (Write your name)'''===
64번째 줄: 207번째 줄:
==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 9 : HeeJin Lee '''===
46. As for the tiger / [It is] the leader of all beasts / [It is] called the mountain ruler / [It has] hooked claws [and] enormous teeth / [It] bites people [and] snatches things / As for those who see it / No one is not afraid [of it]
47. [It is] born in a cave on Mt. Dan(*) / If it is not a paulonia tree it does not perch / If it is not a fruit of a nanggan tree,(**) it does not peck / This is the head of birds [and] insects
(*) Mt. Dan (Dansan) is a legendary mountain which has a cave from which phoenixes are supposedly born
(**) Fruit of the nanggan tree are like jade-colored stones of the same name
48. As for that which transforms in the womb it is a crane / [It] cries in the nine marshes / [Its] cries [are] heard in the Heavens / Immortals ride them / Daoist adepts train them
==='''Student 10 : (Write your name)'''===
49. [It is] the transformation of old man Zhu / Therefore people call it as zhu zhu / At night it perches on a perch / [It is] the official [who brings] the dawn and cries / Its sound [amounts to] clucking
50. As for the geese / [They are] birds [that] follow the sun / [When] tree [leaves] fall [they] fly south / [When] ice breaks apart [they] go north / Between Pengli and Dongling [lakes] / Thousands [upon] hundreds become a flock
==='''Student 10 : Jelena Gledić'''===
46. Tiger:<br />
Tiger, the head of all beasts, [by] name is called lord of the mountain. Hooked claws and enormous teeth, he bites into men and snatches things. Those who see him cannot be unafraid.  <br />
47: Phoenix:<br />
It is born in the cavern of the red mountain<ref>This refers to the Danxue Mountain (丹穴山), literally red cavern mountain, which is mentioned as the birthplace of the phoenix in the Shan hai jing (山海经): “Five hundred li to the east, there is the mountain called Danxue … There is a bird there, its appearance resembles a chicken, it has five colors and patterns, and its name is phoenix.” (又东五百里,曰丹穴之山 …… 有鸟焉,其状如鸡,五采而文,名曰凤皇). </ref>. [If it is] not a Paulownia [tree], it does not perch [on it]. [If it is] not langgan<ref>琅玕, this term is interpreted ambiguously in Chinese tradition as either a precious stone or a source of immortality. Its translation depends on the context, but often it can be interpreted as both, meaning something rare and valuable.</ref>, it does not peck [it]. It is the head of the feathered creatures.  <br />
48: Crane:<br />
Those [birds] that are viviparous are cranes. They cry in the deep waters, their voice is heard in heaven. Immortals harness them, Daoist scholars tame them.  <br />
49: Chicken:<br />
Because of the transformation of the old man of the Zhu family, people call them out [saying] “Zhu, zhu!”<ref>This story of the origin of chicken is given in the Chu xue ji (初学记): “According to legend, chickens originate from the transformation of the old man of the Zhu family. Now chicken are called out saying ‘Zhu, zhu’” (相传鸡本朱氏翁化为之。今呼鸡皆朱朱也).</ref>. At night, they perch on poles. They oversee the break of dawn and cry out [when the sun rises]. Their sound is “jie, jie”.  <br />
50: Geese:<br />
Geese are the birds that follow the sun. [When] trees are bare, they fly south. [When] ice melts, they go north. Between the caverns of Pengli Lake, thousands and hundreds of them flock.
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
78번째 줄: 251번째 줄:
==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
46. Tiger: Tigers are the king of all the beats. Their name is called ''sangun'' (the ruler of mountains). With hook-like claws and big teeth, they bite people and grab things. Among the people who see a tiger, there is no one who is not afraid of it.
47. (Imaginary Asian) Phoenix: It was born into a cave in the mountain of Tan. If it were not an Empress tree, it would not make its home. If it were not a special jade stone (''nanggan''), it does not peck. This takes it as the king of bird families.
*羽蟲 has a meaning of birds or bird families
48. Crane: A crane is what transforms from a womb. It cries in the Nine Valleys and its cry is heard in the heaven. Immortals ride them and (Daoist) masters tame them.
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===
49. Rooster: It is what an old man whose last name was Zhu (Chu in Korean) transformed. Therefore, people call it “Zhu Zhu (Chu Chu in Korean)”. At night, it nests on a perch and is in charge of the minister of daybreak. Its sound is “''jie jie'' (''kae kae'' in Korean)”.
50. Wild geese: Geese are a (kind of) bird following the sun. When the (leaves of) trees fall, they fly south. When the ice melts, they go (up) to the north. Between the two lakes of Pengli and Dongting, thousands and hundreds of them form a flock.
==='''Student 14 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===

2017년 8월 1일 (화) 14:42 기준 최신판

Original Script

46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也

47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長

48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之

49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈

50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

46. 虎 : 虎者 百獸之長 名曰山君 鉤爪鉅齒 㗌人攫物 見之者莫不恐畏也

Tigers: A tiger is the chief of all beasts. It is named the 'king of mountains.' With hooklike claws sawlike teeth it bites people and grasps animals. Those who see it, none do not fear it.

47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴 非梧桐1) 不棲 非琅玕2)不啄 是爲羽蟲之長

Phoenix: It is born in the cave of Tansan. If it is not a paulownia tree, it does not perch. If it is not a white carnelian, it does not peck. This is the chief of fowls.

48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也 鳴于九皋 聲聞于天 仙人驂之 道士馴之

Cranes: Those which are viviparous are cranes. It cries in the ninth pool of the marsh[1]. Its sound is heard in the sky. Immortals ride it. Taoists tame it.

49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化 故人呼之爲朱朱 夜捿于塒 司晨而鳴 其聲喈喈

Chicken: An old man of Zhu family was transformed [into a chicken]. Therefore, people call it “ZHU ZHU.” At night it nests on a perch. It is in charge of daybreak and so cries. Its sound is “GAE GAE.”

50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群

Wild geese: Wild geese are birds following the sun. When tree leaves fall, they fly south. When ice breaks, they fly north. Between the Pengli lake[2] and the Dong-ting lake, they make flocks of hundreds and thousands.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也

Tigers are the chiefs of a hundred beasts. They are named 'the mountain lords'. Their claws are hooked and their teeth are enormous, they bite people and snatch things. [Among] Those who see them, noone is not afraid.

47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長

It is born in a cave of the Dan mountain1. If it is not a Paulonia tree, it does not perch; if it is not a nanggan2, it does not peck it. It is the chief of birds and insects.

48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之

The one that transforms from the foetus is a crane. It cries in the Nine Springs4, its sounds are heard in heaven. Immortals harness them, taoists train them.

49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈

Because of the transformation of the man named Chu3, people called him “ChuChu”5. By night they nest on a perch, herald the break of day and cry with the sound “KayKay”6.

50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群

Wild geese are birds following the sun. When tree [leaves] fall, they fly to the South; when ice breaks, they move to the North. Between the Pengli and the Dongting7, thousand hundreds [of them together] form a flock.

1: 丹山 (Tansan, 'Red mountain'), a legendary mountain often cited in other stories in relation to the phoenixes.

2: 琅玕 (nanggan), the fruit of an immortal tree of the same name (sometimes in other stories, a kind of gem that would look like fine jade).

3: 朱 (KR: Chu, CN: Zhu), a family name.

4: 九皋 ('Nine Springs'), an other appellation of 'hell' in sinitized Eastern Asia.

5: 朱朱 (chuju, 'ChuChu'), approximation of an onomatopeia that can be found in ancient Chinese texts such as the 初學記 (Chuxuejji, an encyclopedia written during the Tang (唐618-907 CE)).

6: 喈喈 (kaegae, 'KayKay') approximation of the original onomatopeia that was attributed to chicken in ancient times.

7: 彭蠡 (the Pengli marsh, today commonly called the Poyang (鄱陽) lake) & 洞庭 (the Dongting lake, the biggest lake in contemporary China).

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也

Tigers: Tigers are heads of hundred beasts1, they are named the 'lords of the mountains'. [With their] hooked claws and enormous teeth, [they] bite people and grasp things. [Among] those who see them, [there is] no one [who] do not fear [them].

47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長

Phoenixes: [They are] born in the cave of the Tan mountain. If it is not a Paulownia tree, [they] do not perch; if it is not a Nanggan tree, [they] do not peck. They are the heads of the birds [and] the insects.

48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之

Cranes: Those which transform from the wombs are cranes. [When] crying in the Nine Springs2, [their] voices are heard in the Heaven. The immortals harness them [and ride them], the Taoists tame them.

49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈

Chickens: [It is] that which old man Chu (Ch. Zhu) transformed [into]. Therefore, people call them "chu chu". At night [they] nest on perches, at daybreak [they] crow. Their sound [is] "kae kae".

50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群

Wild geese: Wild geese are birds [which] follow the sun. [When] tree [leaves] fall down, [they] fly to the south; [when] ice melt, [they] go to the north. Between Pangryŏ (Ch. Pengli)3 and Tongchǒng (Ch. Dongting)4, thousands [and] hundreds [of them] form flocks.

1 understand as 'all the beasts'

2 In «詩經 (Book of Poetry)», the meaning as 'the ninth pool of the marsh' can also be found (鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于野。- The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh, And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds.), it can also refer to 'hell'.

3 Lake in Jiangxi province, nowadays it is called Poyang Lake.

4 Lake in northeastern Hunan province.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

46. 虎 : 虎者百獸之長名曰山君鉤爪鉅齒㗌人攫物見之者莫不恐畏也

Tigers – As for tigers, the leader of all beasts, [it is] named the mountain lord. [With] hooked claws and giant teeth [it] sinks [its teeth into] people and seizes things. [Of] those who see it, there are none who do not fear and dread.

47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴非梧桐不棲非琅玕不啄是爲羽蟲之長

Phoenix – Born in the caves of the Red Mountain, [if] not pawlonia trees [it] does not perch, [if] not pearl-like stones [it] does not peck, [and] this makes [it] the leader of the the feathered and insects.

48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也鳴于九皋聲聞于天仙人驂之道士馴之

Cranes – Those that transform in the womb are cranes. They cry in winding marshes and the sound is heard in the sky. Immortals harness them in threes [to ride] and Daoist adepts train them.

49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化故人呼之爲朱朱夜捿于柾司晨而鳴其聲喈喈

Chickens – What Old Man Zhu transformed into. [This is] the reason people call them "zhu zhu."1 At night they roost on perches and at daybreak they crow. This sound [is] "jie jie."2

50. 雁 : 雁者隨陽之鳥木落南翔氷解北徂彭蠡洞庭之間千百成群

Wild Geese – As for wild geese, they follow the sun. [When] tree [leaves] fall, [they] fly south. [When] ice breaks up, [they] go north. Between Pengli and Dongting,3 thousands and hundreds [of them] form flocks.

1 An onomatopoeic word for chickens (K: chu chu).

2 An onomatopoeia for the sound chickens make (K: kae kae).

3 Referring to Pengli Lake, also known as Poyang Lake after a nearby mountain, in modern-day Jiangxi Province, and Dongting Lake on the Yangzi River in modern-day Hunan Province.

Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)

46. 虎: 虎者, 百獸之長, 名曰山君, 鉤爪鉅齒, 㗌人攫物, 見之者, 莫不恐畏也

Tigers: The tiger are the head of hundred beasts. They are called ‘the lord of mountains.’ They have hooked claws and large teeth. They bite people and grab animals. [Among] those who see them, no one is afraid of them.

47. 鳳: 生於丹山之穴, 非梧桐, 不棲 非琅玕, 不啄是爲羽蟲之長

Phoenix: Phoenix is born in a cave of Red Mountain. [If] it is not the Pawlonia tree, it does not perch; [if] it is not the Nanggan tree, it does not peck. It is the head of birds and insects.

48. 鶴: 胎化者, 鶴也, 鳴于九皋, 聲聞于天, 仙人驂之, 道士馴之

Cranes: Those that transform in the womb are cranes. They cry in marsh areas. Their sound is heard in heaven. Immortals harness it, Taoist masters train it.

49. 雞: 朱氏翁之所化, 故人呼之爲朱朱, 夜捿于柾, 司晨而鳴, 其聲喈喈

Chickens: An old man whose last name was Zhu died and became a chicken. Because people called him “chu chu.” At night, they nest on a perch. And they crow at daybreak. Their sound is “kae kae.”

50. 雁: 雁者, 隨陽之鳥, 木落南翔, 氷解北徂, 彭蠡洞庭之間, 千百成群

Gooses: Gooses follow the sun. [When] tree’s leaves fall down, they fly to the south. [When] ices melt, they move to the north. Between Pengli and Dongting, hundreds of thousands [of them] form flocks.

Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)

46. 虎 : 虎者 百獸之長 名曰山君 鉤爪鉅齒 㗌人攫物 見之者莫不恐畏也

Tiger: Tiger is the chief of all beasts. [Thus] it is called ‘lord of mountains.’ [With] hooked claws and enormous teeth, [it] bites people and snatch animals. [Among] those who see it, none does not fear it.

47. 鳳 : 生於丹山之穴 非梧桐1) 不棲 非琅玕2)不啄 是爲羽蟲之長

Phoenix: Phoenix is born in a cave of Red Mountain. [If] it is not Odong tree, it does not perch; [if] it is not Nanggan, it does not peck. It is the head of birds and insects.

48. 鶴 : 胎化者鶴也 鳴于九皋 聲聞于天 仙人驂之 道士馴之

Crane: Viviparous bird is crane. It cries in marsh areas; its sound is heard from heaven. Immortals harness it; Taoist masters tame it.

49. 雞 : 朱氏翁之所化 故人呼之爲朱朱 夜깃들일捿于柾/塒 司晨而鳴 其聲喈喈

Chicken: An old man from Ju (ch. Zhu) family transformed [himself] into a chicken. Therefore, people call it saying, “juju.” At night, it nests on a perch. It cries and reports the daybreak. Its sound is “gaegae.”

1)Kr. Odong; Ch. Wútóng which means paulownia. 2)A beautiful stone similar to jade <<書, 禹貢>>; a mythical tree that is believed to bear jade-like fruits <<山海經, 海內西經>>.

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : HeeJin Lee

46. As for the tiger / [It is] the leader of all beasts / [It is] called the mountain ruler / [It has] hooked claws [and] enormous teeth / [It] bites people [and] snatches things / As for those who see it / No one is not afraid [of it]

47. [It is] born in a cave on Mt. Dan(*) / If it is not a paulonia tree it does not perch / If it is not a fruit of a nanggan tree,(**) it does not peck / This is the head of birds [and] insects

(*) Mt. Dan (Dansan) is a legendary mountain which has a cave from which phoenixes are supposedly born

(**) Fruit of the nanggan tree are like jade-colored stones of the same name

48. As for that which transforms in the womb it is a crane / [It] cries in the nine marshes / [Its] cries [are] heard in the Heavens / Immortals ride them / Daoist adepts train them

49. [It is] the transformation of old man Zhu / Therefore people call it as zhu zhu / At night it perches on a perch / [It is] the official [who brings] the dawn and cries / Its sound [amounts to] clucking

50. As for the geese / [They are] birds [that] follow the sun / [When] tree [leaves] fall [they] fly south / [When] ice breaks apart [they] go north / Between Pengli and Dongling [lakes] / Thousands [upon] hundreds become a flock

Student 10 : Jelena Gledić

46. Tiger:

Tiger, the head of all beasts, [by] name is called lord of the mountain. Hooked claws and enormous teeth, he bites into men and snatches things. Those who see him cannot be unafraid.

47: Phoenix:

It is born in the cavern of the red mountain[3]. [If it is] not a Paulownia [tree], it does not perch [on it]. [If it is] not langgan[4], it does not peck [it]. It is the head of the feathered creatures.

48: Crane:

Those [birds] that are viviparous are cranes. They cry in the deep waters, their voice is heard in heaven. Immortals harness them, Daoist scholars tame them.

49: Chicken:

Because of the transformation of the old man of the Zhu family, people call them out [saying] “Zhu, zhu!”[5]. At night, they perch on poles. They oversee the break of dawn and cry out [when the sun rises]. Their sound is “jie, jie”.

50: Geese:

Geese are the birds that follow the sun. [When] trees are bare, they fly south. [When] ice melts, they go north. Between the caverns of Pengli Lake, thousands and hundreds of them flock.

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

46. Tiger: Tigers are the king of all the beats. Their name is called sangun (the ruler of mountains). With hook-like claws and big teeth, they bite people and grab things. Among the people who see a tiger, there is no one who is not afraid of it.

47. (Imaginary Asian) Phoenix: It was born into a cave in the mountain of Tan. If it were not an Empress tree, it would not make its home. If it were not a special jade stone (nanggan), it does not peck. This takes it as the king of bird families.

  • 羽蟲 has a meaning of birds or bird families

48. Crane: A crane is what transforms from a womb. It cries in the Nine Valleys and its cry is heard in the heaven. Immortals ride them and (Daoist) masters tame them.

49. Rooster: It is what an old man whose last name was Zhu (Chu in Korean) transformed. Therefore, people call it “Zhu Zhu (Chu Chu in Korean)”. At night, it nests on a perch and is in charge of the minister of daybreak. Its sound is “jie jie (kae kae in Korean)”.

50. Wild geese: Geese are a (kind of) bird following the sun. When the (leaves of) trees fall, they fly south. When the ice melts, they go (up) to the north. Between the two lakes of Pengli and Dongting, thousands and hundreds of them form a flock.

Student 13 : (Write your name)

  1. [1] The Book of Poetry. He Ming. "The crane cries in the ninth pool of the marsh, And her voice is heard in the [distant] wilds." 《詩經·鶴鳴》: 鶴鳴于九皋、聲聞于野。
  2. [2] Book of Documents. Tribute of Yu. "The (lake of) Peng-li was confined to its proper limits, and the sun-birds (the wild geese) had places to settle on." 《尚書·禹貢》: 彭蠡既豬,陽鳥攸居。
  3. This refers to the Danxue Mountain (丹穴山), literally red cavern mountain, which is mentioned as the birthplace of the phoenix in the Shan hai jing (山海经): “Five hundred li to the east, there is the mountain called Danxue … There is a bird there, its appearance resembles a chicken, it has five colors and patterns, and its name is phoenix.” (又东五百里,曰丹穴之山 …… 有鸟焉,其状如鸡,五采而文,名曰凤皇).
  4. 琅玕, this term is interpreted ambiguously in Chinese tradition as either a precious stone or a source of immortality. Its translation depends on the context, but often it can be interpreted as both, meaning something rare and valuable.
  5. This story of the origin of chicken is given in the Chu xue ji (初学记): “According to legend, chickens originate from the transformation of the old man of the Zhu family. Now chicken are called out saying ‘Zhu, zhu’” (相传鸡本朱氏翁化为之。今呼鸡皆朱朱也).