"(Translation) 萬曆22年 鎭川 立案"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Original Script)
(사용자 8명의 중간 판 64개는 보이지 않습니다)
131번째 줄: 131번째 줄:
=='''Discussion Questions'''==
=='''Discussion Questions'''==
138번째 줄: 138번째 줄:
=='''Further Readings'''==
=='''Further Readings'''==
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* View together with '''~~'''.
* View together with '''~~'''.
158번째 줄: 158번째 줄:
==='''Student 1 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 1 : Yishu Ma '''===
4年甲子生身乙 楮貨肆千張價乙依數交易捧上爲遣永永放賣爲去乎後
The 22nd year of the reign of Emperor Wanli, the Kabo year, Fed. 23rd.
This is a certificate to the slave, Kilyŏn.
What this document pertains to is: because after the war in the Imjin year (the Japanese invasion), I have lost all my households and have nowhere to rely on, (I sell) the slave named Soli who is the third child of a slave, Kounji, who was passed down from her ancestors for our family to obtain.
(The salve Soli) is sold for 4000 bills of currency. She will be obtained by Kilyŏn (as a slave or property)
If there will be people from the same family disputing about this, this document can be used to inform the officials and correct the misleading.
After the war, not only did I lose all my family properties, but I lost my seal. And I can’t reproduce another one in such a short time.
So, I use my handprint as a seal.
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==='''Student 2 : Samuel Sai Hay Chan 陳世熙 진세희'''===
A certificate to Slave Ki Yŏn on the 23th day of the 2nd month of the 22nd year of Wanli (The year of Kabo)
This certificate is issued in regard to the followings: I, the woman, after the calamity in the year of Imjin, have lost all my family lands and suddenly had nothing upon which to depend. Because of survival needs and death threatening starvation, I am selling permanently Slave Sŏl I, the third child of Slave Ko Ŭm whom I inherited from my ancestors and who was born in the year of Kapcha, at the price of 4000 worth of paper money and have already paid up the said amount and completed the transaction. In the event of any future dispute among the offspring of my family, this certificate will be presented to the officials for adjudication.
After the calamity [in the year of Imjin], I, the woman, have not only lost all my family lands but also my seal. I am not able to procure [a new seal] in time [for this certificate]. Therefore, I am using my hand print as a replacement.
==='''Student 2 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 3 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
1 縣接奴己年(左寸)
2 右謹陳所志矣段粘連文記相考斜給立案成給爲白只爲
3 行下向敎是事
4 官主處分
The slave Kinyôn (RR: Ginyeon) of the local county (cf. left digit print)
What I [humbly] request in what I carefully laid out on the right [side of this document] is that the [attached] document be verified, registered and provided a copy.
1 萬曆二十二年甲午二月卄三日奴起連亦中明文
2 右明文爲臥乎事段女矣身亦壬辰焚蕩之後盡敗家莊頓無依託
3 焉乞資生飢死絃如祖上傳來衿得使喚爲如乎婢古音之三所生奴雪伊
4 年甲子生身乙 楮貨肆千張價乙依數交易捧上爲遣永永放賣爲去乎後
5 次良中矣同生子孫中相爭隅有去乙等此文記內意用良告官辨正爲乎矣
6 經亂之後女矣身亦盡敗家莊分不喩圖書至亦閪失爲遣趁時造備不得
7 此文記良中手掌爲有昆玆以後考爲乎事亦在
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
Certifying document to slave Kiryôn (RR: Giryeon), the 23rd day of the 2nd month of the 22nd year of Wanli:
The certifying document on the right side pertains to [the fact that] I myself have lost [my] family’s property and there is nothing I can rely upon after the Imjin [war]’s calamities... Because I am begging for necessaries of life and starving to death, I received in a transaction [the amount of the price of] 4000 sheets of paper currency in exchange of slave Sôri – third born child (in the year of jiazi (MR: kapcha, RR: gapja)) of female slave Koûnji which I had inherited as my share from my ancestors – as personal slave at [the buyer's] disposal forever and ever. If the descendants have disputes among members of the same lineage [of mine], I wrote my intentions in this document and present it to the officials for them to determine its validity. After this [period of] tumult, not only have I exhausted my family fortune but I have also lost my seal and I was unable to find the time to make myself one [so] this is the reason why, after [these events], I printed my hand in this document.
*Discussion Questions:
==='''Student 4 : King Kwong Wong'''===
The male slave of this county 己年.
The attached for your reference is what I humbly requested. Please kindly copy it and create a file. To your subordinates, please instruct them about this matter.
Processed by the magistrate.
4年甲子生身乙 楮貨肆千張價乙依數交易捧上爲遣永永放賣爲去乎後
The certificate to the male slave 起連 on the twenty-third day of the second month in the twenty-seocnd year,the Kabo (Gabo) year, of the Wanli reign.
This certificate pertains to the following reason. I, after the fire and destruction in the year of Imjin, lost all my estates and suddenly had nothing to rely on. Because of the begging for living and hunger to death, I traded inherited from ancestors' share the private female slave 古音之's third-born male slave 雪伊's birth of one slave in the Kapja year for an amount equal to four thousands sheets of paper currency from him so that he can keep him at his disposal forever and ever. If the descendants from the same lineage of mine have any dispute, this written document should be presented to the officials to discern the validity of this transaction. After this turbulence, I lost not only all my estates but even my seal. At this time I did not have the means to prepare and create one. In this document, I printed my palm instead. 
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==='''Student 5 : 신동조'''===
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
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己年 who resides in the county of 鎭川 (Using the print of his left finger as a signature)
These humble documents, which are attached together using sticky rice, should be copied and issued after being investigated each other.
Please be sure that this is processed properly
==='''Student 5 : (Write your name)'''===
Please take an administrative action on this [speaking to the magistrate]
6[題辭]刑 初八日
1) This document is the certificate issued for 起連 on February 23, 1594.
2) The reason why I create this certificate is related to my current situation: In the aftermath of the Hideyoshi's War, I have completely lost all my land and family properties so I have no place to reply upon.
3) On the verge of continuous starvation, my female slave (born in the year of 甲子, 1564), 雪伊, the third born of a female slave, 高音之, who was inherited to me from my ancestors and kept as a servant,
4) was traded with the goods equivalent to 楮貨 (bank draft?) four thousand.
5) If my siblings and descendants would involve in a legal dispute one another in the future, you should appeal a decision to the court, using this certificate.
6) After the war, I have lost not only my properties but also my seal. I cannot even afford a new seal.
7) Hence, for this certificate, I use my hand print...
==='''Student 6 : Stacey Lui'''===
(text) 1縣接奴己年(左寸)
Nobi Kinyon of the local county (finger ID)
Herein, I kindly implore of you the reproduction of this original document. Please issue it to me.
I await your process of my request [lit. please do this for me].
Processed in the name of the magistrate.
4年甲子生身乙 楮貨肆千張價乙依數交易捧上爲遣永永放賣爲去乎後
Document addressed to nobi Kiyon, on the 22nd year of the reign of Emperor Wanli (1563-1620), Kabo, 2nd month, 23rd day
What this document pertains to: I, in the aftermath of the Imjin catastrophe, completely lost my family's land. There is nothing I have to rely upon. Because all [my family] had to beg to make a living and starved, my male nobi Soli - the 3rd child borne of nobi Koumji who was obtained and passed down from my ancestors - will be exchanged for [the equivalent of] 4000 sheets of paper currency. He will be received and kept for eternity. Afterwards, if there are disputes among family members [lit. children of the same mother], the contents of this certificate should be reported to to the bureau for correction [of these issues]. Following the hardship of war, it is not that I have only lost my entire family property, but I have also lost my seal. In such time of urgency, I could not procure another. For this document, I have used my hand print.
*Discussion Questions:
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==='''Student 7 : Russell Guilbault'''===
1. Slave [Xianjie]..... [left thumbprint]<br>
2. The request humbly expressed herein has been put down in this document, and copied and presented as an official request.<br>
3. Please order it done.<br>
4. Processed by magistrate<br>
5. Request of Wanli year 22, fourth month, [] day<br>
6. .... beginning of eighth month<br>
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
1. Wanli 22, 31st year [sexagenary], second month, 23rd day <br>
Certificate for the slave Gi-yeon <br>
2. This document is issued after the great fire of the 29th year. We have completely lost our homes and land, [and thus have nothing] to rely on. <br>
3. We beg for aid in living, and are dying from hunger. We have inherited the slave [Xueyi], third son born of the slave girl Goeum <br>
4. 1st year..... goods for a price of four thousand..... transacted according to(?) the amount..... sold off forever <br>
5. My descendants of the same birth(?) [i.e., born of the same parents?] vie among one another, so I issue this document to record my inner feelings, and properly instruct the officials to sort it out correctly <br>
6. After passing through this disaster, having completely lost our homes and land, ..... and lost, cannot seize this moment to prepare <br>
7. Holding this document, can hereafter check/examine (?) <br>
8. [I designate] the master of my property as Chung Ui-wi...... Ms. Gwon <br>
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==='''Student 8 : Q'''===
*Discussion Questions:
Certificate to Kilyŏn, a slave. The twenty third day of the second month of Kabo year, 1594. 
This document pertains to the following:  
In the disastrous aftermath of the Japanese Invasion of Imjin year, I lost all family properties and had no one to turn to for help.
Subsisting on alms and starving to death continued [in my family], and I have sold Sŏri, my personal slave born in Kapcha year as the third child of Koŭmji, a female slave who I had inherited as my share from my parents, for goods equal in value to four thousand "chŏhwa"
4年甲子生身乙 楮貨肆千張價乙依數交易捧上爲遣永永放賣爲去乎後
Kinyŏn, a slave in the county. Digit trace, left.
By this [writing], I humbly request that the [submitted] document and its attachments be examined [and verified] and that the appropriate actions be taken.
==='''Student 7 : (Write your name)'''===
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==='''Student 8 : (Write your name)'''===
6[題辭]刑 初八日
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==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
244번째 줄: 445번째 줄:
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2022년 2월 14일 (월) 21:01 기준 최신판



Original Script

Classical Chinese English

(text) 1縣接奴己年(左寸)





6[題辭]刑 初八日




4年甲子生身乙 楮貨肆千張價乙依數交易捧上爲遣永永放賣爲去乎後




8 財主故忠義衛閔雲吉妻權氏(手掌)

9 證人同姓三寸姪忠義衛□權拭(着名 署押)

10 筆執同生娚忠義衛□權恊(着名 署押)







7財主故忠義衛閔雲吉妻權氏 白(手掌)






6白 權

7白 權














