"Hujing.lst"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(같은 사용자의 중간 판 13개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
h1 金孝之妻黃氏分給文記
h3 Properties Distribution Document of Lady Hwang
inheritor red ellipse
owner gold circle
inheritee orange ellipse
inheritor   blue ellipse
female_slave pink ellipse
properties silver  ellipse
male_slave blue ellipse
hasSuccessor hasSuccessor arrow 3
hasSuccessor 繼後子 arrow 3
hasGranddaughter_of_the_fourth_degree frequentlyvisited both   3
hasGranddaughteroftheFourthdegree 數數往來 both 3
##isGivento arrow 1
istheMasterof 主人 arrow 1
##wasGivenbirthby arrow 1
gavebirthto 所生 arrow 3
ladyHwang inheritee ladyHwang
LadyHwang owner LadyHwang http://dh.aks.ac.kr/jsg/index.php/(Translation)_1480%E5%B9%B4_%E9%87%91%E5%AD%9D%E4%B9%8B_%E5%A6%BB_%E9%BB%83%E6%B0%8F_%E5%88%86%E7%B5%A6%E6%96%87%E8%A8%98
Hyoro inheritor Hyoro  
Hyoro inheritor Hyoro
ladyKim inheritor ladyKim
LadyKim inheritor LadyKim
龍粉 properties 龍粉
哲非 properties 哲非
maleslave1 properties maleslave1
LadyHwang hasSuccessor Hyoro
LadyHwang Hyoro hasSuccessor
LadyHwang hasGranddaughter_of_the_fourth_degree LadyKim
LadyHwang LadyKim hasGranddaughteroftheFourthdegree
Hyoro maleslave1 istheMasterof
龍粉  maleslave1 gavebirthto
LadyKim 哲非 istheMasterof
LadyHwang 龍粉 istheMasterof

2018년 7월 20일 (금) 09:43 기준 최신판

h3 Properties Distribution Document of Lady Hwang

owner	gold	circle
inheritor   blue	ellipse	
properties	silver  ellipse	

hasSuccessor 繼後子	arrow 3	 	
hasGranddaughteroftheFourthdegree 數數往來	both 3
istheMasterof 主人	arrow 1
gavebirthto 所生	arrow 3

LadyHwang	owner	LadyHwang http://dh.aks.ac.kr/jsg/index.php/(Translation)_1480%E5%B9%B4_%E9%87%91%E5%AD%9D%E4%B9%8B_%E5%A6%BB_%E9%BB%83%E6%B0%8F_%E5%88%86%E7%B5%A6%E6%96%87%E8%A8%98
Hyoro 	inheritor 	Hyoro  
LadyKim 	inheritor 	LadyKim
龍粉 properties 龍粉
哲非 properties 哲非
maleslave1 properties maleslave1

LadyHwang	Hyoro	hasSuccessor
LadyHwang	LadyKim 	hasGranddaughteroftheFourthdegree
Hyoro maleslave1 istheMasterof
龍粉  maleslave1 gavebirthto
LadyKim 哲非 istheMasterof
LadyHwang 龍粉 istheMasterof

