"문장 41 - 45"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Student 1 : Sanghoon Na)
(Student 14 : (Write your name))
(사용자 6명의 중간 판 11개는 보이지 않습니다)
45번째 줄: 45번째 줄:
Dogs: The way dogs become what they are is being raised in people's houses'''. They keep {%%, and keeping%%}''' the gates and '''guard {%%guarding%%}'''against thieves. If they see other people, then they growl.
Dogs: The way dogs become what they are is being raised in people's houses'''. They keep {%%, and keeping%%}''' the gates and '''guard {%%guarding%%}'''against thieves. If they see other people, then they growl.
Dogs: The way dogs become what they are is being raised in people's houses and keeping the gates and guarding against thieves. If they see other people, then they growl.
==='''Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
==='''Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
50번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王
41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王
When the wind of the East blows, peonies flourish vitally. The wealth and preciosity of the flowers have no pair and are the first fragrance in the state. Thus, it is said that it is 'the king among flowers'.
When the wind of the East blows, peonies flourish vitally. The wealth and '''preciosity {%%preciousness%%}'''of the flowers have no pair and are the first fragrance in the state. Thus, it is said that it is 'the king among flowers'.
60번째 줄: 65번째 줄:
43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農
43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農
Those with horns are oxen, farming people breed them to plough fields. Without oxen, how to farm?
Those with horns are oxen, farming people breed them to plough fields. Without oxen, how '''to {%%do we%%}''' farm?
44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良
44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良
The nature of horses is being good at running. There is nothing like horses that reaches far [beyond]. Thus, Bole<sup>1</sup> appraised them with which to choose the good ones.
The nature of horses is being good at running. There is nothing like horses '''that reaches {%%when it come to reaching%%}''' far [beyond]. Thus, Bole<sup>1</sup> appraised them with which to choose the good ones.
45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺
45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺
The way of dogs as things is to be domesticated in people's families, to keep the door and to get ready against thieves. When they see people, they bark<sup>2</sup>.
The way of dogs as things is to be domesticated in people's families, to keep the door and to '''get ready {%%guard%%}''' against thieves. When they see people, they bark<sup>2</sup>.
78번째 줄: 83번째 줄:
<sup>2</sup>: 狺狺 ('yinyin'), an onomatopeia which might have been used in the past for growling or even whining.
<sup>2</sup>: 狺狺 ('yinyin'), an onomatopeia which might have been used in the past for growling or even whining.
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 3 : Petra Sváková'''===
41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王
Peonies: The east wind blows, the peonies flourish. The richness and the preciousness of the opened flowers are peerless. [Their] fragrance is the first in the state, thus they are called the 'king among flowers'.
42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百
Birds and beasts: Those which fly are called birds, those who run are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their kinds are each three hundred [in number].
43. 牛 : 者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農
Cows: Those [with] horns are cows. Farmers raise them to plough their fields. Without cows, how [could we] farm?
44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良
Horses: The nature of horses [is to be] good at running. In reaching far [distances], there is nothing like the horses, therefore Paeng Nak (Ch. Bo Le)<sup>1</sup> observed them with which to obtain the good [ones].
45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺
Dogs: The way of dogs being things is being raised by households, [they] guard the door and prepare [against] thieves. [When] seeing people, then [they] bark "ǔn ǔn".
<sup>1</sup> Bo Le (680 - 610 BC) was a famous trainer of horses.
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
90번째 줄: 120번째 줄:
42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百
42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百
Birds and Beasts – Flying ones – call them birds; running ones – call them beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their categories each number three hundred.
Birds and Beasts – Flying ones '''– call' them {%%are called%%}''' birds; running ones '''– call them {%%are called%%}''' beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their categories each number three hundred.
43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農
43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農
98번째 줄: 128번째 줄:
44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良
44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良
Horses' inherent trait [is that they] are good at running. Reaching far, none are like the horse, the reason why Bo Le<sup>1</sup> used appearances to choose the good [ones].
Horses' inherent trait [is that they] are good at running. Reaching far, none are like the horse, the reason why Bo Le<sup>1</sup> '''used appearances {%%appraised them%%}''' to choose the good [ones].
45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺
45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺
105번째 줄: 135번째 줄:
<sup>1</sup> A legendary judge of horses during the Spring and Autumn period.
<sup>1</sup> A legendary judge of horses during the Spring and Autumn period.
Edited Sections:
42. Birds and Beasts – Flying ones are called birds, running ones are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their categories each number three hundred.
44. Horses – Horses' inherent trait [is that they] are good at running. Reaching far, none are like the horse, the reason why Bo Le appraised them to choose the good [ones].
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
110번째 줄: 148번째 줄:
41. 牡丹: 東風吹, 牧丹盛開, 花之富貴者, 無雙第一國香, 故曰花中王
41. 牡丹: 東風吹, 牧丹盛開, 花之富貴者, 無雙第一國香, 故曰花中王
Peonies: The east wind blows, Peonies flourishingly bloom. The richness of blooming flowers is without pair, the fragrance is the first in the state. Therefore, it is said that it is the king of flowers.
Peonies: The east wind blows, '''{^and^}''' peonies flourishingly bloom. The richness preciousness^}''' of blooming flowers is without pair, the fragrance is the first in the state. Therefore, it is said that it is the king of flowers.
42. 禽獸: 飛者謂之禽, 走者謂之獸, 羽族毛族, 其類各有三百
42. 禽獸: 飛者謂之禽, 走者謂之獸, 羽族毛族, 其類各有三百
Birds and beasts: Those which fly are called birds. Those which walk are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, in their categories there are three hundreds each.  
Birds and beasts: Those which fly are called birds. Those which walk are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, in their categories there are three hundred each.  
43. 牛: 角者牛也, 農人牧之以耕田, 無牛何以爲農
43. 牛: 角者牛也, 農人牧之以耕田, 無牛何以爲農
Cows: Those which have horns are cows. Farmers raise them to cultivate the fields. How can they farm without cows?
Cows: Those which have horns are cows. Farmers raise them to cultivate the fields. '''How can they farm without cows {%%Without cows, how can one farm%%}'''?
44. 馬: 馬之性善走, 致遠莫如馬, 故伯樂相之, 以取其良
44. 馬: 馬之性善走, 致遠莫如馬, 故伯樂相之, 以取其良
Horses: The nature of horses is good at running. There is nothing like horses that reach far. Therefore, Bo Le observed them with which to choose the good ones.
Horses: The nature of horses is that it is good at running. '''There is nothing like horses that reach far {%%To reach far, nothing is as good as horses%%}'''. Therefore, Bo Le observed them with which to choose the good ones.
45. 狗: 狗之爲物, 畜于人家, 守門備盜, 見人則狺狺
45. 狗: 狗之爲物, 畜于人家, 守門備盜, 見人則狺狺
Dogs: What the dogs are the livestock in households, [Dogs] guard doors and protect against thieves.  When seeing people, then they are barking.
Dogs: What the dogs are '''the livestock in households {%%is that they are raised in the household.%%}''' [Dogs] guard doors and protect against thieves.  When seeing people, then they are barking.
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
140번째 줄: 178번째 줄:
==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 9 : HeeJin Lee'''===
41. The east wind blows / The peony [is] fully grown / As for the wealth [and] riches [among] opened flowers / [It is] peerless [and has] the best scent / Therefore [it is called king amongt flowers
42. As for that which flies [we] call it bird / As for that which runs [we] call it beast / The feathered kind [and] the furred kind / Their kinds each have three hundred
43. As for the horned one it is called an oxen / Farmers raise it [and] by means of [it] plow fields / [With] now oxen how [is it possible] to do farming
44. The horse's nature [is to be] good [at] running / [To] reach far [distances] there is nothing like the horse / As a result Bo Le observed it / In order to obtain [a] good [one]
45. [What] dogs are [as] things / [They are] raised in people['s] homes / [They] guard gates [and] prepare against thieves / [If they] see people then [they] bark
==='''Student 10 : Jelena Gledić'''===
==='''Student 10 : Jelena Gledić'''===
164번째 줄: 210번째 줄:
45. Dog:<br />
45. Dog:<br />
Dogs are things raised by households. They guard the door and are ready for thieves. When they see people they yap.
'''Dogs are things {%%What the dogs are is that they are%%}''' raised by households. They guard the door and are ready for thieves. When they see people they yap.
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
172번째 줄: 218번째 줄:
==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
41. Peony flower: When east wind blows, peony flowers are in full bloom. (When it comes to) the richness and preciousness of the flowers, there is no fragrance that can be comparaed to in the country. Therefore, it is called the king of flowers.
42. Birds and beats: Those who fly are called birds. Those who run are called beats. Each category of the feathered and furry families has three hundred kinds.
43. Ox: Those have horns are oxen. Farmers breed them and (by doing so) plough the farmland and wild fields. Without an ox, how can they do farming?
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===
44. Horse: The innate nature of horses is good. Nothing is like the horses, which run and reach far. Bo Le compared them and (by doing so) took a good one.
45. Dog: As being an animal, dogs are raised in human houses. They guard the entrance and precaution against the thieves and (bark) bowwow.
==='''Student 14 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===

2017년 8월 1일 (화) 14:41 기준 최신판

Original Script

41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王

42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百

43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農

44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良

45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王

Peonies: The east wind blows, and peonies are in bloom. The richness and nobleness of the flowers is peerless. Because of the best fragrance in a country, they say, "[it is] the king of flowers."

42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百

Birds and Beasts: Flying ones are called birds. Running ones are called beasts. As for the species of the feathered family and the furry family, each has three hundred.

43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農

Cows: The horned ones are cows. Farmers tend them, with which they plough fields. Without cows, how can [one] farm?

44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良

Horses: Horses are naturally good at running. As for the distance to reach, none are equal to horses. Therefore, Bo Le appraised them to select the good [one].

45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺

Dogs: The way dogs become what they are is being raised in people's houses. They keep {%%, and keeping%%} the gates and guard {%%guarding%%}against thieves. If they see other people, then they growl.


Dogs: The way dogs become what they are is being raised in people's houses and keeping the gates and guarding against thieves. If they see other people, then they growl.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王

When the wind of the East blows, peonies flourish vitally. The wealth and preciosity {%%preciousness%%}of the flowers have no pair and are the first fragrance in the state. Thus, it is said that it is 'the king among flowers'.

42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百

Those which fly are called birds. Those which walk are called beasts. The feathered and the haired, in each of these categories there are 300 ones.

43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農

Those with horns are oxen, farming people breed them to plough fields. Without oxen, how to {%%do we%%} farm?

44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良

The nature of horses is being good at running. There is nothing like horses that reaches {%%when it come to reaching%%} far [beyond]. Thus, Bole1 appraised them with which to choose the good ones.

45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺

The way of dogs as things is to be domesticated in people's families, to keep the door and to get ready {%%guard%%} against thieves. When they see people, they bark2.

1: 伯樂 (Bole; 680-610 BCE), a famous horse tamer in Spring and Autumn period (771-476 BCE).

2: 狺狺 ('yinyin'), an onomatopeia which might have been used in the past for growling or even whining.

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王

Peonies: The east wind blows, the peonies flourish. The richness and the preciousness of the opened flowers are peerless. [Their] fragrance is the first in the state, thus they are called the 'king among flowers'.

42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百

Birds and beasts: Those which fly are called birds, those who run are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their kinds are each three hundred [in number].

43. 牛 : 者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農

Cows: Those [with] horns are cows. Farmers raise them to plough their fields. Without cows, how [could we] farm?

44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良

Horses: The nature of horses [is to be] good at running. In reaching far [distances], there is nothing like the horses, therefore Paeng Nak (Ch. Bo Le)1 observed them with which to obtain the good [ones].

45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺

Dogs: The way of dogs being things is being raised by households, [they] guard the door and prepare [against] thieves. [When] seeing people, then [they] bark "ǔn ǔn".

1 Bo Le (680 - 610 BC) was a famous trainer of horses.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

41. 牡丹 : 東風吹牧丹盛開花之富貴者無雙第一國香故曰花中王

Peony – The east wind blows, peonies flourishingly bloom. The riches and honors of the flower has no match. [Its] fragrance is the first in the country, the reason [it is] said [to be] the king of flowers.

42. 禽獸 : 飛者謂之禽走者謂之獸羽族毛族其類各有三百

Birds and Beasts – Flying ones – call' them {%%are called%%} birds; running ones – call them {%%are called%%} beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their categories each number three hundred.

43. 牛 : 角者牛也農人牧之以耕田無牛何以爲農

Cows – The ones that have horns are cows. Farmers till fields by raising them. Without cows, with what can [one] use to farm?

44. 馬 : 馬之性善走致遠莫如馬故伯樂相之以取其良

Horses' inherent trait [is that they] are good at running. Reaching far, none are like the horse, the reason why Bo Le1 used appearances {%%appraised them%%} to choose the good [ones].

45. 狗 : 狗之爲物畜于人家守門備盜見人則狺狺

Dogs' way of being a thing is being raised by households to protect [the] gates and prepare against thieves. [If dogs] see [other] people, then [they] growl [by going 'yin yin'].

1 A legendary judge of horses during the Spring and Autumn period.

Edited Sections:

42. Birds and Beasts – Flying ones are called birds, running ones are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, their categories each number three hundred.

44. Horses – Horses' inherent trait [is that they] are good at running. Reaching far, none are like the horse, the reason why Bo Le appraised them to choose the good [ones].

Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)

41. 牡丹: 東風吹, 牧丹盛開, 花之富貴者, 無雙第一國香, 故曰花中王

Peonies: The east wind blows, {^and^} peonies flourishingly bloom. The richness preciousness^} of blooming flowers is without pair, the fragrance is the first in the state. Therefore, it is said that it is the king of flowers.

42. 禽獸: 飛者謂之禽, 走者謂之獸, 羽族毛族, 其類各有三百

Birds and beasts: Those which fly are called birds. Those which walk are called beasts. The feathered family and the furred family, in their categories there are three hundred each.

43. 牛: 角者牛也, 農人牧之以耕田, 無牛何以爲農

Cows: Those which have horns are cows. Farmers raise them to cultivate the fields. How can they farm without cows {%%Without cows, how can one farm%%}?

44. 馬: 馬之性善走, 致遠莫如馬, 故伯樂相之, 以取其良

Horses: The nature of horses is that it is good at running. There is nothing like horses that reach far {%%To reach far, nothing is as good as horses%%}. Therefore, Bo Le observed them with which to choose the good ones.

45. 狗: 狗之爲物, 畜于人家, 守門備盜, 見人則狺狺

Dogs: What the dogs are the livestock in households {%%is that they are raised in the household.%%} [Dogs] guard doors and protect against thieves. When seeing people, then they are barking.

Student 6 : (Write your name)

Student 7 : (Write your name)

Student 8 : (Write your name)

Student 9 : HeeJin Lee

41. The east wind blows / The peony [is] fully grown / As for the wealth [and] riches [among] opened flowers / [It is] peerless [and has] the best scent / Therefore [it is called king amongt flowers

42. As for that which flies [we] call it bird / As for that which runs [we] call it beast / The feathered kind [and] the furred kind / Their kinds each have three hundred

43. As for the horned one it is called an oxen / Farmers raise it [and] by means of [it] plow fields / [With] now oxen how [is it possible] to do farming

44. The horse's nature [is to be] good [at] running / [To] reach far [distances] there is nothing like the horse / As a result Bo Le observed it / In order to obtain [a] good [one]

45. [What] dogs are [as] things / [They are] raised in people['s] homes / [They] guard gates [and] prepare against thieves / [If they] see people then [they] bark

Student 10 : Jelena Gledić

41. Peony:

The eastern wind blows, the peony thrives. The wealth of blossomed flowers is unparalleled, the fragrance is the best in the land. That is why it is said to be the king among flowers.

42. Birds and beasts:

Those who fly are called birds. Those who run are called beasts. Feathered kin and furry kin, their species are each three hundred [in number].

43. Ox:

Those who have horns are oxen. Farmers herd them to plow fields with them. Without oxen, how can there be farming.

44. Horse:

The character of the horse is to be good at running. In reaching far, no thing is like the horse. A long time ago, Bo Le would observe them to choose the good ones[1].

45. Dog:

Dogs are things {%%What the dogs are is that they are%%} raised by households. They guard the door and are ready for thieves. When they see people they yap.

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

41. Peony flower: When east wind blows, peony flowers are in full bloom. (When it comes to) the richness and preciousness of the flowers, there is no fragrance that can be comparaed to in the country. Therefore, it is called the king of flowers.

42. Birds and beats: Those who fly are called birds. Those who run are called beats. Each category of the feathered and furry families has three hundred kinds.

43. Ox: Those have horns are oxen. Farmers breed them and (by doing so) plough the farmland and wild fields. Without an ox, how can they do farming?

44. Horse: The innate nature of horses is good. Nothing is like the horses, which run and reach far. Bo Le compared them and (by doing so) took a good one.

45. Dog: As being an animal, dogs are raised in human houses. They guard the entrance and precaution against the thieves and (bark) bowwow.

Student 13 : (Write your name)

  1. This refers to stories of the famous horse tamer from the Spring and Autumn period who could judge the quality of a horse by its appearance.