"(Translation) 李睟光 趙完璧傳"의 두 판 사이의 차이

이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(Further Readings)
(사용자 2명의 중간 판 2개는 보이지 않습니다)
10번째 줄: 10번째 줄:
|Key Concepts=  
|Key Concepts=  
|Translator = [[2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)#Participants | Participants of 2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translation Group)]]
|Translator = [[2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced)#Participants | Participants of 2018 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Advanced Translation Group)]]
|Editor =  
|Editor = Ji-Hyun Lee
|Translation Year = 2018
|Translation Year = 2018
34번째 줄: 34번째 줄:
Jo Wanbyeok 趙完壁 (Cho Wanbyŏk) is a 士人 of Jinju. When he was twenty-years-old, 値 the Japanese invasion of dingyou year (1597), he was captivated to enter Kyoto in Japan, where the Japanese emperor resides. Being a prisoner of Japan was extremely agonizing that he longed for his hometown and always had intentions to escape to return. Japanese slaves disregarded life and valued benefits. They had merchandise as their agriculture and the rowing boats their saddled horses that [to them,] many Southern Barbarian (Jp. Nanban. i.e. Portugese) kingdoms from the overseas were not regarded distant beyond their reach. For Cho’s understanding of letters, they took him on board. since the jiachen year he annually went to Annam (Vietnam) three times. Annam is 37,000-li by sea route from Japan. Setting out to the ocean at Satsuma Prefecture, he went through Zhangzhou 漳州, Guangdong 廣東, and other regions in China and arrived at Hung Nguyen 興元 county in Annam. The county is 80-li away from the state’s capital, Dongkinh (capital of the Le dynasty and today’s Hanoi). As for the capitals of the country, the state was internally divided in the middle to become two states, one of it being the state of Annam 安南 and the other the state of Giao Chỉ 交趾. They mutually competed in battles but their victory or defeat has not been concluded. There was a 文理侯 named Trịnh Tiễu who as a eunuch   
| [[File:조완벽전3.jpg |border|조완벽전3|600px]]
| [[File:조완벽전3.jpg |border|조완벽전3|600px]]
54번째 줄: 55번째 줄:
=='''Discussion Questions'''==
=='''Discussion Questions'''==
=='''Further Readings'''==
=='''Further Readings'''==
<div style="color:#008080;">
<div style="color:#008080;">
* View together with '''~~'''.
* View together with '''~~'''.
* A Topography of Joseon Confucism by Hyong-Jo, Han [[파일:A_Topography_of_Joseon_Confucism_byHHJ.pdf]]
* A Topography of Joseon Confucism by Hyong-Jo, Han [[파일:A_Topography_of_Joseon_Confucism_byHHJ.pdf]]
162번째 줄: 163번째 줄:
[[Category:2018 Hanmun Summer Workshop]]
[[Category:2018 Hanmun Summer Workshop]]
[[Category:Advanced Translation Group]]
[[Category:Advanced Translation Group]]

2022년 2월 15일 (화) 01:02 기준 최신판



Original Script

Image Text Translation

趙生完璧者。晉州士人也。弱冠。値丁酉倭變。被擄入日本京都。卽倭皇所居。爲倭服役甚苦。思戀鄕土。常有逃還之志。倭奴輕生重利。以商販爲農。以舟楫爲鞍馬。海外南番諸國。無遠不到。以生曉解文字。挈而登舟。自甲辰連歲三往安南國。安南去日本海路三萬七千里。由薩摩州開洋。歷中朝漳州,廣東等界。抵安南興元縣。縣距其國東京八十里。乃其國都也。國內中分爲二。一安南國一交趾國。互相爭戰。未決勝負。有文理侯鄭勦者。以宦官用事。年八十。居處甚侈。地多茅蓋而唯文理侯家用瓦。瓦縫用油灰。以孔雀羽織綃爲帳。一日文理侯招生。生至則有高官數十人列坐飮宴。聞生爲朝鮮人。皆厚待之。且饋酒食。問其被擄之由曰。倭奴之侵暴貴國。俺等亦聞之。頗有憫惻之色。仍出一卷書示之曰。此乃貴國李芝峯詩也。芝峯卽睟光號。詩卽睟光丁酉奉使中朝時。贈其國使臣者也。 你是高麗人。能識李芝峯乎。生以鄕生。年少被擄。又不斥名而稱芝峯。故不省芝峯爲誰某。衆歎訝久之。生閱過其書則多記古今名作無慮累百篇。而首題曰朝鮮國使臣李芝峯詩。皆以朱墨批點。且指其中山出異形饒象骨一聯曰。此地有象山。所以尤妙。相與稱賞不已。旣數

(translation) Jo Wanbyeok 趙完壁 (Cho Wanbyŏk) is a 士人 of Jinju. When he was twenty-years-old, 値 the Japanese invasion of dingyou year (1597), he was captivated to enter Kyoto in Japan, where the Japanese emperor resides. Being a prisoner of Japan was extremely agonizing that he longed for his hometown and always had intentions to escape to return. Japanese slaves disregarded life and valued benefits. They had merchandise as their agriculture and the rowing boats their saddled horses that [to them,] many Southern Barbarian (Jp. Nanban. i.e. Portugese) kingdoms from the overseas were not regarded distant beyond their reach. For Cho’s understanding of letters, they took him on board. since the jiachen year he annually went to Annam (Vietnam) three times. Annam is 37,000-li by sea route from Japan. Setting out to the ocean at Satsuma Prefecture, he went through Zhangzhou 漳州, Guangdong 廣東, and other regions in China and arrived at Hung Nguyen 興元 county in Annam. The county is 80-li away from the state’s capital, Dongkinh (capital of the Le dynasty and today’s Hanoi). As for the capitals of the country, the state was internally divided in the middle to become two states, one of it being the state of Annam 安南 and the other the state of Giao Chỉ 交趾. They mutually competed in battles but their victory or defeat has not been concluded. There was a 文理侯 named Trịnh Tiễu who as a eunuch





高大。田頭在處有之。花大如芍藥。績而作布甚堅韌。桑則每年治田種之如禾麥。摘桑以飼蠶。絲絹最饒。無貴賤皆服之。渴則啖蔗草。飯則僅取充腸。常飮燒酒。用沈香屑作膏塗身面。有水牛形如野猪。色蒼黑。人家畜養。作耕或屠食。以日氣熱。故晝則牛盡入水。日沒後方出。其角甚大。卽今黑角。倭奴貿取以來。五代史云占城有水兕。所謂水牛。疑卽兕也。 象則唯老撾地方出焉。謂之象山。有德象。其牙最長幾五六尺。國王畜象至七十頭。出則騎象。象有拜跪如人者。孔雀鸚鵡白雉鷓鴣胡椒亦多產焉。生亦嘗隨往呂宋國。國在西南海中。土多寶貨。人皆髡髮爲僧。琉球地方甚小。其人皆偏髻着巾。不習劍銃諸技。距薩摩約三百里有硫黃山。遠望山色皆黃。五六月。常有煙焰。在日本時。見京都有徐福祠。徐福之裔主之。學浮屠法。有食邑。不預國政。且倭人最重我國書籍。多寶藏之。安南人亦以重貨求之。生又言海水西高東下。距廣東七十里。海中有鷄龍山。山極高峻。地皆淺灘。鷄龍山之東。水折而東走。舟行甚艱。必由山內以過。不然則漂流至東海乃止。蓋水勢悍急如此。自日本晝夜行四十日或五六十日始達安南。還時則順流十五晝夜可抵日本矣。





Further Readings

  • View together with ~~.
  • A Topography of Joseon Confucism by Hyong-Jo, Han A Topography of Joseon Confucism byHHJ.pdf