"(2017Translation) 彌妻啖草"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(새 문서: {{Primary Source Document4 |Image = |English = (To) Mi’s Wife chews grass |Chinese = 彌妻啖草(Mi ch’ŏ tam ch’o) |Korean = 미처담초 |Genre = |Type = |Author = |Year...)
잔글 (Admin님이 (Translation) 彌妻啖草 문서를 넘겨주기를 만들지 않고 (2017Translation) 彌妻啖草 문서로 이동했습니다)
(사용자 11명의 중간 판 23개는 보이지 않습니다)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
{{Primary Source Document4
{{Primary Source Document3
|Image =  
|Image = 삼강행실도미처담초.JPG
|English = (To) Mi’s Wife chews grass
|English = (To) Mi’s Wife chews grass
|Chinese = 彌妻啖草(Mi ch’ŏ tam ch’o)
|Chinese = 彌妻啖草(Mi ch’ŏ tam ch’o)
6번째 줄: 6번째 줄:
|Genre =  
|Genre =  
|Type =  
|Type =  
|Author =  
|Author = 偰循 (''Samgang haengsil-to'' 三綱行實圖)
|Year =  
|Year = 1434
|Key Concepts=  
|Key Concepts=  
|Translator = [[2017 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate)#수강생 | Participants of 2017 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate Training Group)]]
|Translator = [[2017 Hanmun Summer Workshop (Intermediate)#수강생 Participants | Participants of 2017 Hanmun Summer Workshop (Intermediate Training Group)]]
|Editor =  
|Editor =  
|Translation Year = 2017
|Translation Year = 2017
21번째 줄: 21번째 줄:
都彌妻. 美麗亦有節行. 盖婁王聞之. 語都彌曰. 婦人雖貞. 在幽昏處. 誘以巧言. 則動心矣. 都彌曰. 若臣妻. 雖死無貳. 王欲試之. 留都彌以事. 使一近臣. 假王衣服. 夜抵其家. 謂其婦曰. 我聞爾好. 與都彌博得之. 來日入爾爲宮人. 將亂之. 婦曰. 王無妄語. 吾敢不順. 請大王先入室. 吾更衣而進. 退飾一婢薦之. 王後知見欺. 怒甚. 誣都彌以罪.矐兩眸子. 置船泛河. 遂引其婦. 强欲淫之. 婦曰. 今良人已失. 獨身不能自持. 况爲王御. 豈敢相違. 今有所避. 請俟他日. 王信而許之. 婦便逃至江口. 不能渡. 呼天慟哭. 忽見舟至. 乘到泉城島. 遇其夫未死. 掘啖草根. 遂與同至高句麗. 終於羇旅.  
都彌妻. 美麗亦有節行. 盖婁王聞之. 語都彌曰. 婦人雖貞. 在幽昏處. 誘以巧言. 則動心矣. 都彌曰. 若臣妻. 雖死無貳. 王欲試之. 留都彌以事. 使一近臣. 假王衣服. 夜抵其家. 謂其婦曰. 我聞爾好. 與都彌博得之. 來日入爾爲宮人. 將亂之. 婦曰. 王無妄語. 吾敢不順. 請大王先入室. 吾更衣而進. 退飾一婢薦之. 王後知見欺. 怒甚. 誣都彌以罪.矐兩眸子. 置船泛河. 遂引其婦. 强欲淫之. 婦曰. 今良人已失. 獨身不能自持. 况爲王御. 豈敢相違. 今有所避. 請俟他日. 王信而許之. 婦便逃至江口. 不能渡. 呼天慟哭. 忽見舟至. 乘到泉城島. 遇其夫未死. 掘啖草根. 遂與同至高句麗. 終於羇旅.  
【詩】敢雙矐眸放大河. 國君威柄奈如何.<br />我儀我特眞天合. 縱備宮人矢靡他.<br />詭言逃走出重闉. 泣涕漣洏傍水濱.<br />天地神明皆佑助. 泉城島上見良人.
: 【詩】敢雙矐眸放大河. 國君威柄奈如何.
:  我儀我特眞天合. 縱備宮人矢靡他.
:  詭言逃走出重闉. 泣涕漣洏傍水濱.
:  天地神明皆佑助. 泉城島上見良人.
29번째 줄: 33번째 줄:
==='''Student 1 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 13 : Ra Yeonjae'''===
都彌妻. 美麗亦有節行. 盖婁王聞之. 語都彌曰. 婦人雖貞. 在幽昏處. 誘以巧言. 則動心矣.
==='''Student 2 : (Write your name)'''===
Domi’s wife was beautiful and had a upright behavior. King GaeRu <ref> King Gaeru(蓋婁王, ?~166), the 4th king of Baekjae. He reigned from 128 to 166. </ref> heard it, told Domi, “even if your wife is chaste, seduce her with crafty words in a dark and deem place, then it might move her mind.”
==='''Student 3 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 1 : Sanghoon Na'''===
都彌曰. 若臣妻. 雖死無貳. 王欲試之. 留都彌以事. 使一近臣. 假王衣服. 夜抵其家.
Tomi said, "As for [your] servant's wife, even if she dies, she will not be double-minded. The king wanted to test it. He kept Tomi with work and made an intimate minister disguised with the king's attire. At night he arrived at Tomi's house.
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 5 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari'''===
謂其婦曰. 我聞爾好. 與都彌博得之. 來日入爾爲宮人. 將亂之.
He called the wife and said: “I heard you're fine. I gambled with To Mi and won. Tomorrow I will make you enter and become a palace concubine. I'll mess you up."
==='''Student 6 : (Write your name)'''===
==='''Student 3 : Petra Sváková'''===
婦曰. 王無妄語. 吾敢不順. 請大王先入室. 吾更衣而進. 退飾一婢薦之.
==='''Student 7 : (Write your name)'''===
The wife said: "King does not say [such] idle words. Dare I disobey? Great king, please, let me enter the room first. I will change my clothes and proceed." She retreated, dressed up one [of her] maids and pushed her.
==='''Student 4 : (Write your name)'''===
王後知見欺. 怒甚. 誣都彌以罪.矐兩眸子. 置船泛河. 遂引其婦. 强欲淫之.
==='''Student 8 : (Write your name)'''===
The king afterwards knew he was deceived [and] extremely enraged, falsely accused To Mi of a crime, gouged out his two eyes, [and] put him on a boat [and sent him] floating [away on the] river. Following [this, the king] pulled To Mi's wife [to him], coercively, wanting to defile her.
==='''Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)'''===
婦曰. 今良人已失. 獨身不能自持. 况爲王御. 豈敢相違. 今有所避. 請俟他日. 王信而許之.
==='''Student 9 : (Write your name)'''===
[His] wife said, “Now my husband had already been lost, a single woman was not sustainable alone. This situation made [me] to be the King’s servant. How dare to be against it.” Now, I have something to avoid. Please wait for other day.  The king trusted and allowed it.
==='''Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)'''===
==='''Student 10 : (Write your name)'''===
婦便逃至江口. 不能渡. 呼天慟哭. 忽見舟至. 乘到泉城島. 遇其夫未死. 掘啖草根. 遂與同至高句麗. 終於羇旅.
She ran away and reached mouth of a river [but] could not cross it. [She] cried to heaven and wept bitterly. Suddenly [she] saw a boat coming. She took on it and reached Ch’ŏnsŏng Island. [There] she met her husband who had not died. She dug out grassroots and chewed them. Both together went to Koguryŏ and ended up roaming about foreign land as strangers.
==='''Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)'''===
敢矐雙眸放大河. 國君威柄奈如何. 我儀我特眞天合. 縱備宮人矢靡他.
==='''Student 11 : (Write your name)'''===
Having both eyes plucked out and being released into a large stream, if the king wields the power, what can a man attempt.
My proper, my special, truly united by heaven, even though I am prepared to be a courtesan, by my oath I swear not to become different.
==='''Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet '''===
詭言逃走出重闉. 泣涕漣洏傍水濱. 天地神明皆佑助. 泉城島上見良人.
==='''Student 12 : (Write your name)'''===
She lied and ran away to escape, exited the wall of the fortress.
==='''Student 13 : (Write your name)'''===
So she went next to the river and cried.
The spirit of heaven and earth are all bless and assistance.
On the top of the Ch'ônsông island she met her husband.
==='''Student 14 : (Write your name)'''===

2018년 7월 3일 (화) 23:57 기준 최신판

Original Script

都彌妻. 美麗亦有節行. 盖婁王聞之. 語都彌曰. 婦人雖貞. 在幽昏處. 誘以巧言. 則動心矣. 都彌曰. 若臣妻. 雖死無貳. 王欲試之. 留都彌以事. 使一近臣. 假王衣服. 夜抵其家. 謂其婦曰. 我聞爾好. 與都彌博得之. 來日入爾爲宮人. 將亂之. 婦曰. 王無妄語. 吾敢不順. 請大王先入室. 吾更衣而進. 退飾一婢薦之. 王後知見欺. 怒甚. 誣都彌以罪.矐兩眸子. 置船泛河. 遂引其婦. 强欲淫之. 婦曰. 今良人已失. 獨身不能自持. 况爲王御. 豈敢相違. 今有所避. 請俟他日. 王信而許之. 婦便逃至江口. 不能渡. 呼天慟哭. 忽見舟至. 乘到泉城島. 遇其夫未死. 掘啖草根. 遂與同至高句麗. 終於羇旅.

【詩】敢雙矐眸放大河. 國君威柄奈如何.
  我儀我特眞天合. 縱備宮人矢靡他.
  詭言逃走出重闉. 泣涕漣洏傍水濱.
  天地神明皆佑助. 泉城島上見良人.


Student 13 : Ra Yeonjae

都彌妻. 美麗亦有節行. 盖婁王聞之. 語都彌曰. 婦人雖貞. 在幽昏處. 誘以巧言. 則動心矣.

Domi’s wife was beautiful and had a upright behavior. King GaeRu [1] heard it, told Domi, “even if your wife is chaste, seduce her with crafty words in a dark and deem place, then it might move her mind.”

Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

都彌曰. 若臣妻. 雖死無貳. 王欲試之. 留都彌以事. 使一近臣. 假王衣服. 夜抵其家.

Tomi said, "As for [your] servant's wife, even if she dies, she will not be double-minded. The king wanted to test it. He kept Tomi with work and made an intimate minister disguised with the king's attire. At night he arrived at Tomi's house.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

謂其婦曰. 我聞爾好. 與都彌博得之. 來日入爾爲宮人. 將亂之.

He called the wife and said: “I heard you're fine. I gambled with To Mi and won. Tomorrow I will make you enter and become a palace concubine. I'll mess you up."

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

婦曰. 王無妄語. 吾敢不順. 請大王先入室. 吾更衣而進. 退飾一婢薦之.

The wife said: "King does not say [such] idle words. Dare I disobey? Great king, please, let me enter the room first. I will change my clothes and proceed." She retreated, dressed up one [of her] maids and pushed her.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

王後知見欺. 怒甚. 誣都彌以罪.矐兩眸子. 置船泛河. 遂引其婦. 强欲淫之.

The king afterwards knew he was deceived [and] extremely enraged, falsely accused To Mi of a crime, gouged out his two eyes, [and] put him on a boat [and sent him] floating [away on the] river. Following [this, the king] pulled To Mi's wife [to him], coercively, wanting to defile her.

Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)

婦曰. 今良人已失. 獨身不能自持. 况爲王御. 豈敢相違. 今有所避. 請俟他日. 王信而許之.

[His] wife said, “Now my husband had already been lost, a single woman was not sustainable alone. This situation made [me] to be the King’s servant. How dare to be against it.” Now, I have something to avoid. Please wait for other day. The king trusted and allowed it.

Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)

婦便逃至江口. 不能渡. 呼天慟哭. 忽見舟至. 乘到泉城島. 遇其夫未死. 掘啖草根. 遂與同至高句麗. 終於羇旅.

She ran away and reached mouth of a river [but] could not cross it. [She] cried to heaven and wept bitterly. Suddenly [she] saw a boat coming. She took on it and reached Ch’ŏnsŏng Island. [There] she met her husband who had not died. She dug out grassroots and chewed them. Both together went to Koguryŏ and ended up roaming about foreign land as strangers.

Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)

敢矐雙眸放大河. 國君威柄奈如何. 我儀我特眞天合. 縱備宮人矢靡他.

Having both eyes plucked out and being released into a large stream, if the king wields the power, what can a man attempt. My proper, my special, truly united by heaven, even though I am prepared to be a courtesan, by my oath I swear not to become different.

Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet

詭言逃走出重闉. 泣涕漣洏傍水濱. 天地神明皆佑助. 泉城島上見良人.

She lied and ran away to escape, exited the wall of the fortress. So she went next to the river and cried. The spirit of heaven and earth are all bless and assistance. On the top of the Ch'ônsông island she met her husband.

  1. King Gaeru(蓋婁王, ?~166), the 4th king of Baekjae. He reigned from 128 to 166.