"(2017Translation) 以五十步笑一百步"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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(Student 14 : (Write your name))
9번째 줄: 9번째 줄:
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|Translator = [[2017 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate)#수강생 | Participants of 2017 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate Training Group)]]
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|Translation Year = 2017
|Translation Year = 2017

2018년 7월 3일 (화) 23:54 판

Original Script



曰:「王如知此,則無望民之多於鄰國也。 《孟子.梁惠王上》


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

King Hui of Liang said, "[As for] My dealing with this state, I have just exhausted {%%exhaust%%} my mind {%%heart%%} on it. When there was famine in Henei, then I moved the people to Hedong, and moved grain to Henei [for people remaining there]. When there was famine in Hedong, I did likewise. [However,] Observing the government of neighboring states, there is no one who used their mind {%%heart%%} like me {%%as I do%%}. [But] The people of the neighboring states do not grow fewer, and my people do not grow more. Why is it so? Mengzi replied, "[Since] Your majesty is fond of war, allow me to take an illustration {00analogy?00} from war. Rumblingly soldiers beat the drum, and the blades of weapons then clash [against each other]. [On one side] They {%%With rumbling drum beats, once the blades of weapons clang, soldiers%%} throw away their coats of mail {%%armors%%}, drag their weapons, and flee. Someone runs one hundred paces and then stops, while someone {%%another%%}runs fifty paces and then stops. If the one who runs fifty paces mocks {%%laughs at%%} the one who runs one hundred, then how would that be? The king said, 'He should no do so. He simply did not go one hundred paces, that is all, [but] this is also fleeing" Mencius said, "If your majesty knows this, then do not hope that your people will become more numerous than those of the neighboring states.

Student 2 : Younès M'Ghari

King Hui of Liang1 said: “The way I run the state... I exert my heart in it. If Henei2 faces a famine, I move its people to Hedong3 and grains of this one to Henei. If Hedong faces a famine, then likewise. Examining the governance of the neighbouring states, noone puts his heart like I do. [But] The people of the neighbouring states do not grow fewer while my people do not grow more. Why is that?" Mengzi4 answered and said: “The king likes war, let me explain this with a battle. Drums beat like “brrum!”, weapons and blades are already clashing, people throw away the shields, drop the weapons and run; some stop after a hundred paces, some stop after fifty paces. If one having run fifty paces laughes at one that ran hundred paces, how is that?” He said: “Not good. It is just that they did not go [up to] a hundred paces, but this is also running.” Mengzi answered: “If the king knows this, then there should be no expectation that [his] people grow over his neighbouring states.”

1: Liang (梁, ?–641 BCE) was a state during the Spring and Autumn period (771-476 BCE) of ancient China; Hui (惠 ; r.????-????) in this story is known as one of its most famous kings.

2: Henei (河內), province name.

3: Hedong (河東), province name.

4: Mengzi (孟子), that is Mencius, the Chinese philosopher.

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

King Hui of Liang said: "What I do to this state has exhausted my mind. [If there is] bad harvest in Henei, then [I] move its people to Hedong and move its (Hedong's) millet to Henei [for people remaining there]. [If there is] bad harvest in Hedong, I will do the same. Observing government of the neighbouring states, no one uses his heart like me {O Could I use the word 'care' here? O} [However,] people of the neighbouring states do not decrease [but] my people do not increase, why is that?" Mencius said: "King likes warring, please, [let me] use a battle as an example. Drums are beating loudly, weapons and arms are already clashing [with each other] and soldiers are throwing away [their] shields, trailing [their] weapons, and fleeing. Some [of them] stop after a hundred paces, some [of them] stop after fifty paces. [If those who ran] fifty paces laugh at [those who ran] a hundred paces, what [would it] be like?" [The king] said: "Not good, it is only that [they did not run] a hundred paces [but] it was still fleeing." [Mencius] said: "[King, [if] you know this, then you do not expect to be more people [in your state] than in the neighbouring states.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

King Hui of Liang said: "My doings are for the country, exhausting my heart for it, and that is all. [If] Henai is famished, then [I] move [some of] the people to Hedong [and] move [some of Hedong's] millet to Henai. [If] Hedong is famished [it is] also [done] like this. Examining the governments of neighboring countries, none have an endeavoring heart like mine. [Yet] people of neighboring countries do not increase or decrease, my people do not increase, why?"

Replying, Mengzi said, "Your majesty loves war. If it pleases you, [let's] use war as an example. Solemnly like drums, weapons' edges already connect, [soldiers] throw away armor, trail weapons, and run. Some [run] a hundred paces and afterwards stop, some [run] fifty paces and afterwards stop. Using [the running of] fifty paces to mock [the running of] a hundred paces, what is [this] like?"

[Mencius] said, "[It] cannot [be]. [Even if it] were not a hundred paces and that was all, this is still running."

[Mencius] said, "If your majesty knows this, then have no wish for [your] people's growing [more] numerous than the neighboring countries[']."

Student 5 : (Jae Yong Chang)

The King Hui of Liang said: "“I serve my country with my heart. The north of the river, Henai, suffers from famine. Then [I] move the people to the east of the river, Hedong. And [I] move the grain to the North of the river. The East of the river suffers from famine. [I] did same thing again. [When one] observes the ruling of neighbor’s states, no one concerns on it with his heart like me. The people of neighbor’s states do not decrease and my people do not increase. Why is it?" Mencius answered, “The king likes war. [so] let me explain it with a war. When drums beat loudly and weapons are touching, [Soldiers] throw armors, dropped weapons, and ran away. Some of them went a hundred steps and stopped. Some did fifty steps and stopped. [Those who had] fifty steps are laugh at [those who had] a hundred steps. How was it? [Mencius] said, “It’s not ok. Only he did not run a hundred steps, [but] it is also to run away. [Mencius] said, "The king knew that. So do not wish that [your] people are more than the neighbor’s states.”

Student 6 : Goeun Lee

King Hui of Liang said, “[As for] my humble virtue for the state, I have been exerting my heart in [it]. That's all. [When] there was a famine in Henei, I moved [some of] the people to Hedong. I [also] transported [some of] the grains to Henei. [Then] Hedong also had a famine. [As I] investigate neighboring state’s government, there is no one whose intention is like mine. People of the Neighboring state do not increase few [in number]; my people do not increase many. Why is this?" Mencius said in reply, “The king likes battles. I beg you to let me use a battle as an example. The force of grand sound of drum beat, soldiers touched blades, abandoned shields, dropped weapons and ran away. Some stopped after a hundred paces. Some stopped after fifty. Those who stopped at fifty laugh at those who stopped at a hundred paces. How do you see this?" The king replied, "Impossible. Although [those who ran fifty] was not exactly a hundred, they also ran away [anyway]." Mencius said, "If you know this, then do not expect your people to multiply more than neighboring states."

Mengzi. King Yang hui Shang》

Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)

King Hui of Liang said: “This is the way I am with my state; I exert completely my heart it. When Henai was suffering from famine, I move some people to Hedong and I move some grains to Henei. When Hedong also suffers from famine, I also do the same way. If we analyze the ruling of neighbor’s stats, we observe there is no one that uses his heart like I do. Neighbor state’s populations don’t increase a few, and my population is not increasing a lot. What about that? As a respond Mencius said: “Since your majesty like war, please let my compare it with war. When the soldiers obey to the drum’s beat and their swords already bump into each other, they throw shields and let drop weapons and they run away. Some of them run hundred paces and stop, some others run fifty paces and stop. They laugh at those who run hundred paces while they run fifty paces, so what about that? The king responds: “It’s not correct, only those who don’t run hundred paces still have to run. So Mencius said: “Your majesty knows this, then don’t expect your people to be more than neighbor stats.

Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet


King Hui of Liang said:


“The way I govern this country, exhausting my heart for it, and that is all.


In Henai, there is bad harvest, and then I move people to Hedong and send millet to Henai.


When there is also bad harvest in Hedong, I do the same.


Examine the government of neighboring states, no one use the way of care as I do.


People of neighboring countries do not increase or decrease, my people do not increase, why?"


Mencius reply:


“The king likes wars, so let me use a war as an example.


The drum beats coming load, weapons already touching, the battle start, you trough away the shield, you draw away weapons and you run.


Some stop after hundred paces, some stop after fifty paces.


Someone laugh at hundred paces about who stop at fifty paces, how is it”


“It cannot be so, it is not only a hundred paces, but it is running away.”


“King if you knows this, don’t expect peoples be more than in the neighboring states.”


Student 9 : HeeJin Lee

King Hui of Liang said: "[As for] my [relationship] with the kingdom, [I] exert my heart [to it] and that is all. [When] there is a bad harvest [in] Henei, then [I] move its (ref. to Henei) people to Hedong, [and I] move its (ref. to Hedong) grains to Henei. [If] Hedong [has] a bad harvest [I will] also/again [respond in this way]. [Upon] examining the rule [of] neighboring kingdoms, [there are] none who are like me [in] using [my heart]. [But] the people of the neighboring kingdoms [do] not grow fewer, my people do not grow a lot, why [is that so]?" Mencius replied [and] said: "King[,] [because you] like war, [I] ask to make an analogy by warfare. Rumblingly[,] [they] drum them (ref. to soldiers), the blades [of] weapons already [have] crossed, [they] abandon [their] armor[,] drag [their] weapons and run. Some [go] a hundred paces and after [that] stop, some [go] fifty paces and after [that] stop. [If those who ran] fifty paces laugh [at those who ran] a hundred paces, then how is that?" [The king] said: "[That is] not possible, [they] only [ran] one hundred paces and that is all, [but] this also [is] running [away]." [Mencius] said: "King [,] if [you] know this, then [do] not expect [your] people [to be] greater than [those of] neighboring kingdoms."

Student 10 : Jelena Gledić

King Hui of Liang said: “My humble self has been wholeheartedly exerted in dealing with the state. There is a famine in Henei, [I] move the people to Hedong, and the grains to Henei. There is a famine in Hedong, [and I do] the same. Looking at the government of neighboring states, there is none that uses their heart like my humble self. How is it then that the people of neighboring states do not decrease much [in number], and my people do not increase much [in number]?” Mencius replied: “The king likes combat, please let me compare this to a battle. Drums booming, weapons touching, and the soldiers throw down [their] shields and drop [their] arms and run. Some stop after a hundred paces, some stop after fifty paces. [Those who retreated] fifty paces laugh at [those who retreated] a hundred paces, can it be so?” [The King] said: “It cannot, it is only not a hundred paces, but it is running [away].” [Mencius then] said: “If the King knows this, then there should be no aspiration that the people are greater [in number] than in neighboring states.” “Mencius, King Hui of Liang Part I

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Student 12 : (Write your name)

King Hui of Liang said, “I pour all of my energy into the country. That is it. When Henei had a bad harvest, and I moved the people there to Hedong and transported grains in Hedong to Henei. When Hedong had a bad harvest, I did so too. Looking at the ruling of the neighboring countries, there in no one like me who does care. The population in the neighboring countries does not increase few. The population in my country does not increase a lot. Why is that?” Mencius answered, “My king, you like battles. Please let me make a comparison with a battle. Soldiers drum the beat loudly; (have) arms and blades touch each other; drop shields, spears, weapons and run. Some run and stop after one hundred paces. Others run and stop after fifty paces. Those who made fifty paces laugh at those who made one hundred paces. Then, how is it like?” The King answered: “It cannot be. They only did not make one hundred paces just like them. That is all. This is also a running.” Mencius said “You are like this. Therefore, please do not expect to have more population than the neighboring countries.”

Student 13 : (Write your name)