"(2017Translation) 蝴蝶夢"의 두 판 사이의 차이

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1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
{{Primary Source Document4
{{Primary Source Document3
|Image = 장자호접몽.JPG
|Image = 장자호접몽.JPG
|English = Butterfly dream
|English = Butterfly dream
6번째 줄: 6번째 줄:
|Genre =  
|Genre =  
|Type =  
|Type =  
|Author = Zhuangzi 莊子
|Author = ''Zhuangzi'' 莊子
|Year =  
|Year =  
|Key Concepts=  
|Key Concepts=  
|Translator = [[2017 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate)#수강생 | Participants of 2017 Summer Hanmun Workshop (Intermediate Training Group)]]
|Translator = [[2017 Hanmun Summer Workshop (Intermediate)#수강생 Participants | Participants of 2017 Hanmun Summer Workshop (Intermediate Training Group)]]
|Editor =  
|Editor =  
|Translation Year = 2017
|Translation Year = 2017
26번째 줄: 26번째 줄:
===Student 1 : (Sanghoon Na)===
===Student 1 : Sanghoon Na===
Formerly, Zhuang Zhou had a dream of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering<ref> [http://sillok.history.go.kr/id/wga_11403025_004 栩栩然] [註 165] 허허연(栩栩然) : 기뻐하는 모양. 세조실록 45권 </ref> butterfly '''talking to himself {00there is no "talking to himself" in the original text00}''' '''"This is what I want!" He did not know that it was he. {00Again, I am not sure about taking two characters as a quotation and the other two as a statement. It is too much manipulation of the text. How about something like "Pleased with itself, suiting itself!"?00}'''
Suddenly he awoke, and then '''clearly realized<ref> [http://sillok.history.go.kr/id/wga_11403025_004 蘧蘧然] [註 166] 거거연(籧籧然) : 스스로 깨닫는 모양. 세조실록 45권 </ref> {%%clearly/evidently (without "realized")%%}''' it was he.
He did not know whether it was he dreaming of becoming a butterfly, or it was a butterfly dreaming of becoming him.
[But] '''Between {%%[Between]%%}''' Zhou and a butterfly, there must be a distinction! This is called the "transitory character of things."<ref> [http://www.acmuller.net/con-dao/zhuangzi.html 物化] 물화(物化): the transitory character of things (Charles Muller) </ref> <ref> [http://ctext.org/zhuangzi/adjustment-of-controversies 物化] 물화(物化): the Transformation of Things (James Legge) </ref>。
(Revised Version)
Formerly, Zhuang Zhou had a dream of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering butterfly talking to himself "This is what I want!" He did not know that it was he.  
Formerly, Zhuang Zhou had a dream of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering butterfly, pleased with itself, suiting itself! Suddenly he awoke, and then clearly it was he.
He did not know whether it was he dreaming of becoming a butterfly, or it was a butterfly dreaming of becoming him.
[Between] Zhou and the butterfly, there must be a distinction! This is called the "transitory character of things."
[註 165] 허허연(栩栩然) : 기뻐하는 모양.
===Student 2 : (Younès M'Ghari)===
Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamt of being a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly. He himself was feeling very happy and '''could go wherever he wanted to {00Yes, 適 has a meaning 'to go'. But it can also mean 'to fit, suit,  go with, be comfortable with'. How about something like 'did as he was pleased'?00}'''. He did not know he was Zhou. He suddenly woke up and then was clearly Zhou. He did not know either it was Zhou dreaming of being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of being Zhou. '''If it is about {%%Between%%}'''Zhou and a butterfly, there should be a distinction. This is called the transformation into things.
세조실록 45권, 세조 14년 3월 25일 乙酉 4번째기사 1468년 명 성화(成化) 4년  http://sillok.history.go.kr/id/wga_11403025_004
===Student 3 : Petra Sváková===
Once, I, Zhang Zhou, dreamt about becoming a butterfly, which was fluttering happily and was freely doing as it pleased. I did not know it was me. Suddenly I woke up and it was me, Zhou, apparently. I do not know, was it a dream of me becoming a butterfly or a dream of the butterfly becoming me? Me and the butterfly, there must be a difference. This is called the transformation into things.
===Student 4 : (Write your name)===
Once I, '''Zhuangzi {00I would use Zhuang Zhou, since -zi is an honorary appellation given by later people.00}''', dreamt of being a butterfly, and like a butterfly, was flutteringly happy and carefree. [I] did not know I was Zhuangzi.
Suddenly [I] awoke, apparently Zhuangzi.
Suddenly he awoke, and then clearly realized it was he.  
[I] did not know if I was Zhuangzi dreaming [of] being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming [of] being Zhuangzi.  
[註 166] 거거연(籧籧然) : 스스로 깨닫는 모양.
If [there is] a Zhuangzi and a butterfly, then there must be a distinction. This is called the becoming of things.
He did not know whether it was he dreaming of becoming a butterfly, or it was a butterfly dreaming of becoming he.  
Once I, Zhuang Zhou,<sup>1</sup> dreamt of being a butterfly, and like a butterfly, was flutteringly happy and carefree. [I] did not know [I was] Zhou.  
Suddenly [I] awoke, apparently Zhou.
周與胡蝶,則必有分矣。此之謂物化。 《莊子.齊物論》
[I] did not know [if I was] Zhou dreaming [of] being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming [of] being Zhou.  
[But] Between Zhou and a butterfly, there must be a distinction! This is called the transitory character of things.
If [there is] a Zhou and a butterfly, then there must be a distinction. This is called the becoming of things.
物化: the Transformation of Things (James Legge), the transitory character of things (Charles Muller) http://www.acmuller.net/con-dao/zhuangzi.html
<sup>1</sup> Personal name of the philosopher Zhuangzi.
===Student 2 : (Write your name)===
===Student 5 : Jae Yong Chang===
Once upon a time, '''Zhuangzi {00I would use Zhuang Zhou, since -zi was given later by others. It is usually the given name that they used in the sense of 'I', 00}'''dreamt he became a butterfly, fluttering here and there. (I) am '''aware of my happiness.  I am unaware that I was myself {00Now I see the point of taking 喻 as "to know". 自喻 and 不知 would make a nice parallel ("I knew..., but didn't know...") Then we could say "I was aware of myself being pleased as I desired but didn't know I was Zhou."How about that?00}'''. 
Suddenly, I recognized that I was myself, Zhuangzi.
I don’t know whether I was '''a man {%%Zhou%%}''' dreaming '''I was {%%of becoming%%}'''a butterfly, or whether I '''am {%%was%%}'''a butterfly, dreaming I '''am a man {%%was Zhou%%}'''.
I and a butterfly should be necessarily different.
That is called the transformation of materials things.
===Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)===
===Student 3 : (Write your name)===
Ages ago '''{00'Ages ago' seems too specific. Perhaps 'Long ago' or 'Once'?00}''', Zhuang Zhou had a dream [in which] he was a butterfly. His being a butterfly was so vivid that he was amused and satisfied with it. He did not realize that it was Zhou himself. Suddenly awoken, he discovered that it was definitely Zhou himself. He did not know whether it was Zhou’s dream in which he became a butterfly or it was a butterfly’s dream in which it became Zhou himself. Between Zhou and the butterfly, there must be a divide. This is called the '''‘transformation {^of (or into) Things^}''' (物化).’
===Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)===
A long time ago Zhuang '''Zhu {%%Zhou%%}''' dreamed that he was a butterfly, '''flirting {%%fluttering%%}''' around as a butterfly and enjoyed this feeling. He didn’t know he was '''Zhu {%%Zhou%%}'''. He suddenly '''woken {%%woke%%}''' up and '''realize he is Zhu {%%realized that he was Zhou%%}'''. He '''wasn’t able to {%%did not%%}''' know if it was himself who '''{^was^}''' dreaming being a butterfly or if it was a butterfly dreaming of being him. Zhou and the butterfly, '''it needed to be split {%%there needs to be a split/divide%%}'''. This is what we call the '''mutation {00 'mutation' might be a bit off because this discourse is about the epistemological relation between the subject and object00}''' of things.
===Student 4 : (Write your name)===
===Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet===
Formerly, I, Zhuang Zhou, dreamt that I was a butterfly, a butterfly flying about, feeling that it was enjoying itself.
He didn’t know that it was Zhou.
===Student 5 : (Write your name)===
Suddenly, Zhou awoke, and I was myself again, apparently Zhou.
I didn’t know if Zhou dreamt that was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming that it was Zhou.
===Student 6 : (Write your name)===
===Student 7 : (Write your name)===
But between Zhou and a butterfly there is certainly a difference.
===Student 8 : (Write your name)===
This is what is called the Transformation into Things.
===Student 9 : (Write your name)===
===Student 10 : (Write your name)===
===Student 9 : HeeJin Lee===
Once [,] Zhuang Zhou dreamt [of] becoming a butterfly, a fluttering-like butterfly, [he] [him]self realized '''the right/correct meaning {00{%%適志 is a Verb-Object structure here, roughly meaning 'suit (適) one's intention (志)00}'''! [I] do not know Zhou [(myself)]. Suddenly [I] awoke, and '''sobered up to myself {%%it was clearly/apparently me, Zhou%%}'''. [I] do not know [if] the dream [was] of me becoming a butterfly, [or if] the dream [was] of the butterfly becoming me? '''[If] I and the butterfly [are unique beings], then [we] must become differentiated. {00This is too interpretive a rendering. How about "[Between] me and the butterfly, there must be a divide/differentiation"?00}''' This is called the becoming [of one with] things.
===Student 10 : Jelena Gledić===
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamt of being a butterfly, a vibrant and happy butterfly, aware of being at ease! I did not '''know I am''' Zhou. Suddenly I woke up, '''and apparently I was''' Zhou. Did Zhou dream'''{^s^}''' of being a butterfly, is the butterfly dreaming of being Zhou - I do not know. Zhou and the butterfly, they must be differentiated. This is called becoming a thing.  “Zhuangzi – On the uniformity of things”
===Student 11 : (Write your name)===
===Student 11 : (Write your name)===
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he was a butterfly, flying carefree and happily around. He didn’t know that it was Zhou. He suddenly woken up and '''realize {%%realized%%}''' he was Zhou. He wasn’t able to know if it was himself who '''{^had been^}'''dreaming '''{^of^}''' being a butterfly or if it was a butterfly dreaming of being Zhou. But there must be difference between Zhou and a butterfly. This is called the transformation into things.
Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he was a butterfly, flying carefree and happily around. He didn’t know that it was Zhou. He suddenly woken up and realized he was Zhou. He wasn’t able to know if it was himself who had been dreaming of being a butterfly or if it was a butterfly dreaming of being Zhou. But there must be difference between Zhou and a butterfly. This is called the transformation into things.
===Student 12 : (Write your name)===
===Student 12 : (Write your name)===
Once upon a time, Zhang Zhou had a dream in which he became a butterfly fluttering happily (with a flap of wings). It naturally fitted into his intention. He did not know whether he was in the dream. He suddenly woke up and realized that it was him. He was not sure whether it was his dream of becoming a butterfly or the butterfly’s dream of becoming him. There must be a distinction between Zhang Zhou and the butterfly. This is called the transformation of things.
===Student 13 : Ra YeonJae===
===Student 13 : (Write your name)===
===Student 14 : (Write your name)===
Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamt of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering butterfly. '''He realized that it was exactly what he want {%%He was [only] aware that he was pleased as he was%%}'''! '''It {%%He%%}''' did not know it was Zhou. Suddenly he woke up and it clearly came across his mind that he was Zhou. He did not '''distinguish {%%know whether%%}''' Zhou dreamt of becoming a butterfly or butterfly dreamt of becoming Zhou. If there are Zhou and butterfly, then there should be '''{^a^}''' distinction between them. It is referred to as the becoming of things.

2018년 7월 3일 (화) 23:28 기준 최신판

Original Script

昔者莊周夢為胡蝶,栩栩然胡蝶也,自喻適志與!不知周也。俄然覺,則蘧蘧然周也。不知周之夢為胡蝶與,胡蝶之夢為周與?周與胡蝶,則必有分矣。此之謂物化。 《莊子.齊物論》


Student 1 : Sanghoon Na

Formerly, Zhuang Zhou had a dream of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering[1] butterfly talking to himself {00there is no "talking to himself" in the original text00} "This is what I want!" He did not know that it was he. {00Again, I am not sure about taking two characters as a quotation and the other two as a statement. It is too much manipulation of the text. How about something like "Pleased with itself, suiting itself!"?00} Suddenly he awoke, and then clearly realized[2] {%%clearly/evidently (without "realized")%%} it was he. He did not know whether it was he dreaming of becoming a butterfly, or it was a butterfly dreaming of becoming him. [But] Between {%%[Between]%%} Zhou and a butterfly, there must be a distinction! This is called the "transitory character of things."[3] [4]

(Revised Version)

Formerly, Zhuang Zhou had a dream of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering butterfly, pleased with itself, suiting itself! Suddenly he awoke, and then clearly it was he. He did not know whether it was he dreaming of becoming a butterfly, or it was a butterfly dreaming of becoming him. [Between] Zhou and the butterfly, there must be a distinction! This is called the "transitory character of things."


  1. 栩栩然 [註 165] 허허연(栩栩然) : 기뻐하는 모양. 세조실록 45권
  2. 蘧蘧然 [註 166] 거거연(籧籧然) : 스스로 깨닫는 모양. 세조실록 45권
  3. 物化 물화(物化): the transitory character of things (Charles Muller)
  4. 物化 물화(物化): the Transformation of Things (James Legge)

Student 2 : (Younès M'Ghari)

Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamt of being a butterfly, a fluttering butterfly. He himself was feeling very happy and could go wherever he wanted to {00Yes, 適 has a meaning 'to go'. But it can also mean 'to fit, suit, go with, be comfortable with'. How about something like 'did as he was pleased'?00}. He did not know he was Zhou. He suddenly woke up and then was clearly Zhou. He did not know either it was Zhou dreaming of being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming of being Zhou. If it is about {%%Between%%}Zhou and a butterfly, there should be a distinction. This is called the transformation into things.

Student 3 : Petra Sváková

Once, I, Zhang Zhou, dreamt about becoming a butterfly, which was fluttering happily and was freely doing as it pleased. I did not know it was me. Suddenly I woke up and it was me, Zhou, apparently. I do not know, was it a dream of me becoming a butterfly or a dream of the butterfly becoming me? Me and the butterfly, there must be a difference. This is called the transformation into things.

Student 4 : (Write your name)

Once I, Zhuangzi {00I would use Zhuang Zhou, since -zi is an honorary appellation given by later people.00}, dreamt of being a butterfly, and like a butterfly, was flutteringly happy and carefree. [I] did not know I was Zhuangzi.

Suddenly [I] awoke, apparently Zhuangzi.

[I] did not know if I was Zhuangzi dreaming [of] being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming [of] being Zhuangzi.

If [there is] a Zhuangzi and a butterfly, then there must be a distinction. This is called the becoming of things.


Once I, Zhuang Zhou,1 dreamt of being a butterfly, and like a butterfly, was flutteringly happy and carefree. [I] did not know [I was] Zhou.

Suddenly [I] awoke, apparently Zhou.

[I] did not know [if I was] Zhou dreaming [of] being a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming [of] being Zhou.

If [there is] a Zhou and a butterfly, then there must be a distinction. This is called the becoming of things.

1 Personal name of the philosopher Zhuangzi.

Student 5 : Jae Yong Chang

Once upon a time, Zhuangzi {00I would use Zhuang Zhou, since -zi was given later by others. It is usually the given name that they used in the sense of 'I', 00}dreamt he became a butterfly, fluttering here and there. (I) am aware of my happiness. I am unaware that I was myself {00Now I see the point of taking 喻 as "to know". 自喻 and 不知 would make a nice parallel ("I knew..., but didn't know...") Then we could say "I was aware of myself being pleased as I desired but didn't know I was Zhou."How about that?00}. Suddenly, I recognized that I was myself, Zhuangzi. I don’t know whether I was a man {%%Zhou%%} dreaming I was {%%of becoming%%}a butterfly, or whether I am {%%was%%}a butterfly, dreaming I am a man {%%was Zhou%%}. I and a butterfly should be necessarily different. That is called the transformation of materials things.

Student 6 : (Goeun Lee)

Ages ago {00'Ages ago' seems too specific. Perhaps 'Long ago' or 'Once'?00}, Zhuang Zhou had a dream [in which] he was a butterfly. His being a butterfly was so vivid that he was amused and satisfied with it. He did not realize that it was Zhou himself. Suddenly awoken, he discovered that it was definitely Zhou himself. He did not know whether it was Zhou’s dream in which he became a butterfly or it was a butterfly’s dream in which it became Zhou himself. Between Zhou and the butterfly, there must be a divide. This is called the ‘transformation {^of (or into) Things^} (物化).’

Student 7 : (Alexandre Le Marchand)

A long time ago Zhuang Zhu {%%Zhou%%} dreamed that he was a butterfly, flirting {%%fluttering%%} around as a butterfly and enjoyed this feeling. He didn’t know he was Zhu {%%Zhou%%}. He suddenly woken {%%woke%%} up and realize he is Zhu {%%realized that he was Zhou%%}. He wasn’t able to {%%did not%%} know if it was himself who {^was^} dreaming being a butterfly or if it was a butterfly dreaming of being him. Zhou and the butterfly, it needed to be split {%%there needs to be a split/divide%%}. This is what we call the mutation {00 'mutation' might be a bit off because this discourse is about the epistemological relation between the subject and object00} of things.

Student 8 : Bryan Sauvadet


Formerly, I, Zhuang Zhou, dreamt that I was a butterfly, a butterfly flying about, feeling that it was enjoying itself.


He didn’t know that it was Zhou.


Suddenly, Zhou awoke, and I was myself again, apparently Zhou.


I didn’t know if Zhou dreamt that was a butterfly or a butterfly dreaming that it was Zhou.


But between Zhou and a butterfly there is certainly a difference.


This is what is called the Transformation into Things.


Student 9 : HeeJin Lee

Once [,] Zhuang Zhou dreamt [of] becoming a butterfly, a fluttering-like butterfly, [he] [him]self realized the right/correct meaning {00{%%適志 is a Verb-Object structure here, roughly meaning 'suit (適) one's intention (志)00}! [I] do not know Zhou [(myself)]. Suddenly [I] awoke, and sobered up to myself {%%it was clearly/apparently me, Zhou%%}. [I] do not know [if] the dream [was] of me becoming a butterfly, [or if] the dream [was] of the butterfly becoming me? [If] I and the butterfly [are unique beings], then [we] must become differentiated. {00This is too interpretive a rendering. How about "[Between] me and the butterfly, there must be a divide/differentiation"?00} This is called the becoming [of one with] things.

Student 10 : Jelena Gledić

Once Zhuang Zhou dreamt of being a butterfly, a vibrant and happy butterfly, aware of being at ease! I did not know I am Zhou. Suddenly I woke up, and apparently I was Zhou. Did Zhou dream{^s^} of being a butterfly, is the butterfly dreaming of being Zhou - I do not know. Zhou and the butterfly, they must be differentiated. This is called becoming a thing. “Zhuangzi – On the uniformity of things”

Student 11 : (Write your name)

Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he was a butterfly, flying carefree and happily around. He didn’t know that it was Zhou. He suddenly woken up and realize {%%realized%%} he was Zhou. He wasn’t able to know if it was himself who {^had been^}dreaming {^of^} being a butterfly or if it was a butterfly dreaming of being Zhou. But there must be difference between Zhou and a butterfly. This is called the transformation into things.

Once Zhuang Zhou dreamed that he was a butterfly, flying carefree and happily around. He didn’t know that it was Zhou. He suddenly woken up and realized he was Zhou. He wasn’t able to know if it was himself who had been dreaming of being a butterfly or if it was a butterfly dreaming of being Zhou. But there must be difference between Zhou and a butterfly. This is called the transformation into things.

Student 12 : (Write your name)

Once upon a time, Zhang Zhou had a dream in which he became a butterfly fluttering happily (with a flap of wings). It naturally fitted into his intention. He did not know whether he was in the dream. He suddenly woke up and realized that it was him. He was not sure whether it was his dream of becoming a butterfly or the butterfly’s dream of becoming him. There must be a distinction between Zhang Zhou and the butterfly. This is called the transformation of things.

Student 13 : Ra YeonJae

Once, Zhuang Zhou dreamt of becoming a butterfly, a happily fluttering butterfly. He realized that it was exactly what he want {%%He was [only] aware that he was pleased as he was%%}! It {%%He%%} did not know it was Zhou. Suddenly he woke up and it clearly came across his mind that he was Zhou. He did not distinguish {%%know whether%%} Zhou dreamt of becoming a butterfly or butterfly dreamt of becoming Zhou. If there are Zhou and butterfly, then there should be {^a^} distinction between them. It is referred to as the becoming of things.