The Short Songs of Kaesong

DH 교육용 위키
Haewonk (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2017년 3월 14일 (화) 10:26 판

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이동: 둘러보기, 검색


  • English: “The Short Songs of Kaesŏng”
  • Chinese: 開城小詠
  • Korean: 개성소영

Document Details

  1. Genre: Literati Writings
  2. Type: Poetry
  3. Author(s): Sŏ Kŏjŏng 徐居正(1420~1488)
  4. Year: c. 1476
  5. Key Words: Kaesŏng, Song’ak, Envoy Poetry, bygone, collapsed, fog, traces

Translation Info

Translators: Members of Team A in Classical Literature Review and Readings II Class; Anca V. Ciceo, Erika Voros, Sanghoon Na Year 2017


I. Introduction II. Primary Source Text and Interlinear Translations III. The Final Draft IV. Discussions V. Glossary VI. References