
DH 교육용 위키
Erik (토론 | 기여) 사용자의 2019년 12월 18일 (수) 09:29 판

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조선 시대 때 천주교(로마 가톨릭)의 탄압

The Catholic Oppression during the Joseon Dynasty

로버트 에릭 라이언버거, 한국학중앙연구원 디지털인문학연구소

Digital Curation "조선 시대 때 천주교(로마 가톨릭)의 탄압/The Catholic Oppression during the Joseon Dynasty"

The persecution of the Roman Catholic Church in Korea is a long and appalling story. When Yi Seung-hun, after being baptized in China under Jesuit missionaries, brough Catholic texts to Korea and began teaching others in 1784, many people began to apply Catholic standards to their lives. This conflicted greatly with the Jeoson Government who viewed this new teaching as ‘profane’. One of the greatest disagreements between the new Catholic community and the Jeoson Government was about the Confucian ancestral rite of Jae-sa (제사, 祭祀 ). Also, Korean Catholics distrusted the Confucian hierarchical system and worked to upturn the male dominated society which relied on sexual discrimination. As a result, the Government banned Catholicism which forced the growing Catholic community into hiding.

The growing conflict between the Catholic community and the Jeoson Government catalyzed a series of persecutions that started in 1785 and would last over the next century. Thousands of Catholic Koreans were executed by beheading and other horrendous methods throughout Korea. These persecutions can be divided into five major persecutions that the Jeoson Government officially enacted against the Catholic community. They are as follows:

  • 1791 - 신해박해
  • 1801 - 신유박해
  • 1839 - 기해박해
  • 1846 - 병오막해
  • 1866 - 병인박해

Scattered around the Korean peninsula are many cultural heritage sites that commemorate these persecutions and hold the burial grounds of the thousands of martyrs. Below, ten of these sites were studied and the data curated. The data can be seen through semantic maps that depict the beginning of the Catholic Church in Korea and the Persecutions of 1791, 1801, 1839, and 1866. Also, a spatial map is displayed showing the location of these ten heritage sites. All semantic maps and the spatial map are interactive which can lead one to more information upon clicking upon any of the available nodes.

Small Data

No. 소주제 (문화유산) Small Data (문화유산 해설)
1 전주 정동성당 전주 전동성당*
2 여산 숲정이 순교성지 여산 숲정이 순교성지*
3 이승훈 묘 이승훈 묘*
4 천주교 순교자 묘 천주교 순교자 묘*
5 숲정이<천주교순교지> 숲정이
6 명동성당 명동성당*
7 공주 황새바위 천주교순교유적 공주 황새바위 천주교순교유적*
8 천안 성거산 천주교 교우촌터 천안 성거산 천주교 교우촌터*
9 보령 갈매못 천주교 순교지 보령 갈매못 천주교 순교지*
10 상주 천주교 신앙고백비 상주 천주교 신앙고백비

Integrated Data Network

한국천주교회 Catholic Church of Korea

신해박해 1791 - Catholic Oppression of 1791

신유박해 1801 - Catholic Oppression of 1801

기해박해 1839 - Catholic Oppression of 1839

병인박해 1866 - Catholic Oppression of 1866